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Changing the way END works


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Apologies if this has been hashed over before, but a search on END drew so many hits I'd never have gotten through them all!


I'm running a Modern/Occult game, roughly Dark Champions "Monster Hunters" with some Conspiracy stuff thrown in. I'm beginning to see that tracking END is really a waste of time and effort EXCEPT for those with magical powers (which tend to be weak and highly limited and specialized in my game). So, I'm thinking about using LTE only as follows:


If the characters are in a quick fight, they use 1 LTE (1 Turn or less). If it lasts up to 5 Turns, it's 2 LTE, and beyond that, 4 LTE. Anything that costs mondo END to use (say, a spell of some kind) costs LTE equal to the normal END cost divided by 4 Otherwise, LTE costs are as per FRED.


Comments anyone?

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Re: Changing the way END works


In your situation, I'd dispense with regular END tracking at all. For magic powers you could use other mechanics to track the cost such as Side Effects or a custom limitation such as 'Costs LTE rather than END'. My favored approach is to purchase an END Reserve exclusively for magical powers - a 'Gift' perk.

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Re: Changing the way END works


Had thought about an END Reserve, but as the characters are already designed and played with (and the people playing are pretty new to HERO), I don't want to do a re-design so quickly. I might be able to work in the "Costs LTE instead of END" option, though....or make everything use charges somehow. Hmmm.....

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Re: Changing the way END works


If the characters are in a quick fight, they use 1 LTE (1 Turn or less). If it lasts up to 5 Turns, it's 2 LTE, and beyond that, 4 LTE. Anything that costs mondo END to use (say, a spell of some kind) costs LTE equal to the normal END cost divided by 4 Otherwise, LTE costs are as per FRED.


Comments anyone?


In the majority of cases, what other LTE costs would you use?


If you want to simplify the LTE then just charge 1 LTE every post segment 12 for normally encumbered people, 2 LTE/turn for heavily encumbered.


That should be simple enough to run and to have END come into play and saves you having to remember to charge more LTE as you pass the breakpoints in your combats...

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