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Influencing NPC's


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I don't think I'm using Interaction skills properly, so I was wondering if some of you folks could help me out.

The way I understand it, if a character tries to influence another character, say to inspire him with Oratory, or tell a lie with Persuation, does he roll his skill, and then make a Presence attack comparing the body rolled against the targets EGO/PRE with bonus dice or two added from his skill roll(essentually turning Interaction skills into complimentary skills for Presence)?

seems like a lot of dice...

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Re: Influencing NPC's


You can just use the modifiers on Presence Attack to add bonuses to a PRE-based skill.


Thus if you have +2D6 of postive modifiers (good speech, using a power that the other doesn't have) that adds +2 to your Interaction roll, but you don't roll your Presence Attack, only use the modifiers on that table as they apply.


However, if you roll your presence attack first (a common thing to do in Champions where combat comes first), you can use your roll to influence your Interaction rolls after combat is over.

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Re: Influencing NPC's


or you could make it more difficult using the Presence Attack modifiers. For example, -1 penalty for every 5 points of EGO/PRE over 10 (using whichever stat is higher or more relevent).


Persuading a bored clerk (PRE 10, EGO 10) requires a straight Persuasion roll.


Persuading a stubborn newspaper editor (PRE 18, EGO 15) could have a -2 penalty. (for the 18 PRE)

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