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manipulation powers


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I am trying to come up with a list of manipulation powers to use. Here's what I came up with so far.


Manipulation powers

















Positron (the opposite of electricity)























Energy (all)


I still need momentum and continuum manipulation powers. Plus I missed anything, let me know. Also, please create new manipulation powers.

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Re: manipulation powers


I've been working on a similar system (for a homebrew). I don't know exactly what you're doing, but mine also has: Identity, Order, Chaos, Knowledge, Thought, Language, Blood/Bone/Flesh, Force, Cosmic Rays, Smoke, Wood, Minerals/Gems, Force, Ideology, Passion, Pleasure, Pain, Personality and Potential. Potential is the weird one because it represents abilities, which is how you get all sorts of meta-ability powers like Transfer and Suppress.


BTW, Positrons are the anti-matter equivalent of electrons, not the opposite of electricity.

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Re: manipulation powers


I am going to post them on a website. And I ment to say what you said about positrons. By the way' date=' what do all those do? (thought, passion, force, cosmic rays, etc.)[/quote']


Since I'm not certain what you intend to do with this as a system, I'm not certain which ones apply, so I'll tell you how my homebrew works (briefly):

Elements (like what you have listed) are combined with functions (create, destroy, move, ride, alter, perceive) to create powers, kinda similar to what ArsMagica does.


Manipulating thought changes what people are thinking, passion changes what people are thinking (I guess I should have called it emotion), force can be used to screw with or create force fields and telekinesis. Force isn't the same thing as energy in terms of physics, BTW, and cosmic rays are rays in the ultra high end of Electro-magnetic spectrum, such as X-Rays and Gamma Rays (I think) while radio waves and microwaves are at the low end and visible light is in the middle with infra-red and ultra violet.


Oh, Rapier has a point, BTW, trying to categorize everything is a pain, I know because I tried. My solution: define a few very broad elements, make everything else a sub-element, and allow overlapping (like organic elements overlap with water and air).


Is this for Hero?

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Re: manipulation powers


If i recall correctly, cosmic rays are very, very high energy particles coming from (duh!) outer space. On interaction with our atmosphere, they produce a shower of high-energy photons (gamma rays/x-rays) and particles with lower but still impressive energies.


While I'm on the subject, gamma rays and x-rays are essentially the same thing, differing only in how they are produced. By convention, gamma rays come from radioactive decay, fission, and fusion; x-rays come from the extreme acceleration of a charged particle. Both occupy the same portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, and are therefore the same thing. By this convention, the EM radiation generated by cosmic rays would be x-rays, although calling it gamma rays would also be correct.



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Re: manipulation powers


AJ, I think no matter how they use these, these can be used for any superhero game.


Here's what I've done so far. I've added in a few, which are marked with a *.


Classical Elements


Air: the ability to manipulate air molecules

Water: the ability to control liquid water

Fire: The ability to control flames

Earth: The ability to shape the earth, create volcanos, cause earthquakes, etc.




*Dimension: the ability to make something or yourself occupy one, two, or four dimensions rather than three.

Density: The ability to increase/decrease density

Size: Same above, only with size

Chemical: The ability to control chemical reactions

Matter: Reshape and rebuild matter in various ways




Magnetic: the ability to control magnetism, e.g. pull iron towards yourself

Entropy: control entropic forces, make someting decay or break faster

Gravity: Increase/Decrease amount of Gravity

*Momentum: Control object's mass so it will hit harder

Kinetic: Convert potential energy and change direction and speed

Force and Inertia: Reduce Force of an object, Remove inertia to change direction or stop, leap far distances, etc.

Friction: Manipulate Air Resistance, Manipulate land resistance, make some one slip, etc.


Natural and Manmade


Weather: manipulate tornados, hail, snow, etc.

*Metal: Control the properties of metal and shape it

Life: control the structure and functions of life

Mechanical: control over machines

Plants: Control plant life

Nature: Communicate with nature, and control the animals, earth, plants, etc.

Mind: control the thought of someone




Vibration: control over vibrations

Sound: COntrol over sounds

Light: Control over light

Heat: control over heat

Cold: Control over cold and ice

Energy: control over strange forms of energy (if not, all forms of energy)

Radiation: control over gamma rays, x rays, cosmic rays, that stuff.

Radiowave: control over radiowaves

Positron: can be used to distrupt machines and fire a positron bolt

Electrical: Control over electricity

Darkness: Control over darkness and shadows




Reality: Change reality to whatever you like

*Physical Law: Change the laws of physics

Quantum: manipulate energy, light and matter as well as the fundamental forces

Time: Speed up, slow doen, rewind, you get the idea

Space: fold space and shoten distances

Fate: slow down and speed up destiny, change destiny

Probability: Manipulate luck




*Magic: Manipulate the forces of magic

DreamL go into peoples dreams and change them

*Holy power: The power to control heaven and be aided by angels

*Unholy power: Same above, only with evil


And last but not least,


Cosmic manipulation: the ability to do anything, anything.


Using these powers may be dangerous, so if you are power greedy and reuse

a certian power a lot, don't use some of these. I just worked on them, but I may have to adjust them later.

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Re: manipulation powers


The categories I'm using are:

Matter (that which is made of atoms)

Energy (I include force in here even though force is not actually a form of energy)

Reality (pretty much the same as your 'powerful' category, any thing that can be measured but that has no matter or energy)

Life (anything that exists solely in the mind)

Potential (elements of ability)


You might want to consider putting Dreams in with Manmade/Natural, since mind is in there, and dreams are in your mind. Also, holy, unholy and magical seem like power modifiers to me, not elements by their selves.

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