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Trolling for feedback,..

Shadow Jack

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Hello again,


I am working on a character, well trying to better define an old character actually. I have a couple reasons why I am posting here. Mostly in hope for some constructive feedback.


The character I am working rebuilding had a varient of time manipulation; more so towards manipulating the threads of time and space.


The abstract concept was that his spiritual essence existed across a multiplicity of time, space and dimensions funneling towards a singular entity--empowering his physical form. The threads of destiny, choice, or however people want to theorize various timelines are also the spiritual strands that give cohesiveness to his spiritual essence: like a intricate spider web focusing around one central point. Thus, his physical form is superhuman--fortified by the spiritual energy.


The connection between his super powers--manipulating the threads of time and space--is that he can exert control over his own spiritual energy which enables him to manipulate the multitude of timeline possibilities. Fairly abstract, I know.


Before I continue, does this make sense to you?


Powers that I thought would define the character...


1. Improved Characteristics

2. Improved Speed linked with +3 DCV Mod

3. Limited "Mind of Body" power effects

4. Duplication, limited Duration --Manifesting a shadowing image of himself from an alternative timeline. Multiple duplicates over time and experience.

5. Enhanced perception of omens, danger, and minor precognition for GM use.

6. Luck and Unluck --Fortune may come with consequence.


I have a background that leds into his skills, perks, etc.


I was wondering what you thought and whether it made sense to you, and does the powers support the concept.


Oh and the other reason for posting it here is that if I'm not able to find a local group I may apply for a PBEM slot. I like to be able to explain the rationality of the powers, concept, etc. to the potential GM.


A thousand thanks for your time...


~Shadow Jack

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Re: Trolling for feedback,..


Shadow Jack,

This sounds like one of those concepts that could be an interesting character, or kind of a mish-mash of stuff that does not go together.

So far is looks like you are doing fairly well, just beware the mish-mash.;)


I have a couple of questions about things you listed:

2. Improved Speed linked with +3 DCV Mod

3. Limited "Mind of Body" power effects

I don't really understand the linked SPD and DCV idea.

Do you mean a higher SPD and DCV combat skill levels?

How and why are they "linked"?

And "Mind of Body" I don't really get at all, unless you are talking about some kind of "bodily control" powers like Life Support or Regeneration.


Just to get started, here are some general ideas.


1) One power that might make sense is Density Increase. You would be "merging" several of your physical forms from the near-past/near-future into one super-dense body.

2) Teleportation. You move outside the bounds of normal time/space and just pop up where you are "supposed" to be at that time.

3) I can understand the idea behind Duplication, but it is not a power that I care for very much. It often brings any sort of role-playing to a screeching halt, since the player is just trying to control a bunch of characters.

You could substitute some "Speedster" type powers, like buying Area of Effect on your Strength, or some Telekinesis, with the "special effect" of having alternate versions of you perform the tasks.

4) I could see you having some type of Danger Sense that was actually based on what you perceive, but I wouldn't go too far with it, since it can be a major "plot spoiler".

5) The Luck and Unluck is a nice idea. Basically you screw up your own "time-stream" with unpredictable effects.


All in all, it sounds interesting.

Let me know how far off the mark I am, and I will try to come up with better ideas that suit what you are trying to do.



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Re: Trolling for feedback,..


Let me answer your initial questions.


1. The character will have exceptional characteristics. The "speedster" level of speed represent his power to flip forward and slowing time to act, in which he seemingly shutter through, or skips across, the possibilities of time. The optional +3 DCV would reflect the rapid motion, sudden suprise, and the difficulty to track him.


2. The limited "Mind over Body" minor powers are intended to be innate i.e. powers that are not visible nor creates any Kia power affects. Conceptional powers include, but not restricted to, damage resistance, hardened PD/ED, improved REC, power defense, ego defense, lack weakness, +d6's to HtH DC,... Depending on the power, such as, Life Support would cost END when invoking this exceptional talent.


I hope this helps explain some...


First, thank you for your suggestions!


I can understand your lower view on Duplication. This is mostly my primary identifying power, so I like it to work out. In the past, I have elected to allow my duplicates to be an NPC instead of micro-managing their actions, unless I'm in combat phases. My past GMs thought this was convenient to play out the nominial tasks the duplicate does in the back drop of the present scene--it also lets me play up the character's powers without disrupting the current scene's flow, whether its combative or not. I also do not believe its necessary to always be duplicated--this doesn't make sense, plus its dangerous!


Let me expand on the idea of using Duplication. I want it to have some restrictions, such as, costing END to maintain and -5 pts reduced characteristics (non-figured) as long as the duplicate is active. The duplicate is unable to perform non-physical skills greater than 8- skill level (its shares the primary's intellect and reasoning). I also want to re-join without phsycial contact.


Okay, I hope this clears up some of your questions.


I do like the following ideas...


1. Teleportation! Jumping outside the bounds of time and space, reappearing where I'm suppose to be... Excellent idea!


2. Density Increase--I'm hesitant on this--only because this may over balance the character, assuming it would also create a "speedster" Brick. Perhaps, knockback and damage resistance to simulate this as an alternative...


3. Danger Sense and/or Combat Sense, are skills that I like to get. I don't think I will go with Precognition--I like the idea of some GM hinting than actual visions.


I like the lucky idea also. I am thinking 3d6 Luck and 3d6 Unluck, or go for the gusto and chance 5d6 of each. Playing with the "time-stream" with unpredictable results is exactly what I thought of too.



Let me know how far off the mark I am, and I will try to come up with better ideas that suit what you are trying to do.




Yes, you are. I agree that I need to be careful not to mish-mash. I really want to stay focus and be very selective on powers by not cramming too many powers under the power's origins. He will have a few gadgets but nothing extremely specialized--regular issued equipment an agent would get.


~Shadow Jack

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Re: Trolling for feedback,..


Shadow Jack,

Sorry it took a while to post again, I wanted to think things over a little before I posted.


1) I can see the increase in SPD, that makes sense based on how you have described the character.

As far as the DCV, I might go with some more general levels.

Either Combat levels, or possibly even a few Overall Levels.

You could use them to simulate advantages to combat or skills, based on being able to "slow down time" and look at all the options.

You could also use them to offset penalties for moving skills up the time chart. Which means that if you decided to pick a lock in less than the normal time, you could offset the -3 penalty for moving up the time chart. (see 5th Ed. p 28-29)

This would let you do things "faster" than a normal person.


2) I understand what you mean about the "Mind over Body" powers, now.

Some of them should be no problem, but I would be careful with too many special defenses.

Your character should be able to be damaged by something other than big RKA's, or you are going to be taking a lot of damage from RKA's.


I would choose from either Ego Defense or Power Defense or Lack of Weakness. Any of these could make sense, but having all of them makes you too hard to damage. I don't know how the GM's you play with usually run the game, but when I am faced with a character that is "immune to everything" it just makes me want to hurt it. :D


3) I do not want to talk you out of the Duplication idea, since it is a major part of your character, but you may be able to go at it in a better, and cheaper, way. What about something like Summon?

Let me see if I can explain this in a way that makes sense.

Your character has these powers because he is living in "all times at once".

So rather than being a "dot" like most people, he is a "line".

This means that the "main" character has power, because he is indirectly drawing on the "life force" of all those duplicates.

But, the "line" is actually made up of "dots", which means that if you pull a piece of a line out, what you get will be a dot.

In more physical terms, think of a salami. You could actually hurt someone if you hit them with a salami.

But the salami is made up of "slices", and the slices are not nearly as powerful as the whole.

So, what I am thinking is, what if you could summon "duplicates" of yourself, that were basically just the "normal you"?

They would have the same skills, and the same memories, but they would not have the same powers, because they were just a slice, not the whole salami?


4) I don't think I would go with more than 3d6 of Luck/Unluck. Otherwise things may get so screwy that no other character is given a chance to plan anything.


Hope this helps,



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