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Heros for hire?

Red Knight

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I was surfing around and found an interesting idea (although not new) for a Supers team. It is a government run/sponsored team. The heroes get paid depending on the type of mission they undertake.

I was wondering if anybody runs this type of campaign or if the teams are freelancers.


I was thinking about this and then started thinking about the JLA.... They are incorporated under United States laws and get an annual grant from a blind-trust. Having this as a basis.... They have one-heck-of-a grant!!!!! If you watch the JLU cartoon show they have a huge space station and several smaller satellite stations. I was thinking of going the old UN Global Checkbook path.... The Team would be established and watched over by the UN...


Any thoughts??

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Re: Heros for hire?


I was surfing around and found an interesting idea (although not new) for a Supers team. It is a government run/sponsored team. The heroes get paid depending on the type of mission they undertake.

I was wondering if anybody runs this type of campaign or if the teams are freelancers.


I was thinking about this and then started thinking about the JLA.... They are incorporated under United States laws and get an annual grant from a blind-trust. Having this as a basis.... They have one-heck-of-a grant!!!!! If you watch the JLU cartoon show they have a huge space station and several smaller satellite stations. I was thinking of going the old UN Global Checkbook path.... The Team would be established and watched over by the UN...


Any thoughts??

First, some good background reading. Michael Odom (I think it's Michael) wrote two novels, the first of which is F.R.E.E.L.A.N.C.E.R.S. I don't recall the sequel OtTOMH.


The premise is that the big enchilada handles all the contractual duties, oversees recruiting etc. Think of her as a roving managing director. Much more involved that you would think of your average president. Someone that will actually do some street work and be at the seen to help cleanup and stear the media.


She (the character in the book is female) then assigns the "contract" to a group of heroes etc.


A fair portion of their "pay" is in room/board etc. Its a nice way to sneak in a free superbase, vehicle etc.


Really, give the books a read. They are very nicely written and the general setting is one of my favourites. One of these days I will put together an official campaign setting for it.

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Re: Heros for hire?


First, some good background reading. Michael Odom (I think it's Michael) wrote two novels, the first of which is F.R.E.E.L.A.N.C.E.R.S. I don't recall the sequel OtTOMH.




Really, give the books a read. They are very nicely written and the general setting is one of my favourites. One of these days I will put together an official campaign setting for it.

You're about 20 years too late. The novels were based off the setting that TSR put out for the Top Secret/S.I. line, and as I recall, there was the original F.R.E.E.Lancers sourcebook and a follow-up worldbook, F.R.E.E. America.
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Re: Heros for hire?


Looks like there's some available on eBay even as we speak...

Heh. Already placed my bids! :)


I do truly appreciate the info (rep a-comin). Never knew there was an actual setting book. I truly loved the setting in the novels. I always thought it would make for some great campaigning. I can hardly wait. Of course, I just might have to go back to Champions for this setting! :)

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