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Killing Attack Question



When characters are hit by a Killing Attack and the Body damage does not penetrate their defenses (such as Force Field, etc...), does the character still take Stun?


I can sort of the logic behind this, but in practice it means that even attacks that are totall blocked by resistant defences do Stun damage.


I'm getting ready to run a campaign with a villain that has a Force Field of 40/40, but only 40 Stun. Looking at the stats for an Abrams Tank from Ultimate Vehicle, their gun does 8d6 RKA with a +1 Stun Multiplier. This means the character generally has a good chance of blocking the killing damage, but is levelled by Stun.


The reason I'm having such a hard time with this is because he also has the ability to make a variety of Force Walls that have 15/15, 30/0 and 0/30 protection respectively. If he sets up a Force Wall instead of his Force Field, and the Body damage doesn't penetrate, it automatically blocks all the Stun.


Can someone answer me: why do Force Walls act this way, but every other form of Resistant Defence seems to allow Stun through, even if Body is blocked?

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Re: Killing Attack Question


The BODY and STUN from a Killing Attack apply to a character like the do with any other attack. Not taking BODY does not immunize a character from taking STUN -- unless, as you note, the defense is a Force Wall.


I don't answer design philosophy/"why does this work this way" questions, but you're welcome to post that final question on the Discussion board, where lots of people will offer you their opinions. ;)

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