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A new toy for your WW2 PCs. The Surcouf/Narwhal! (HDC file included)


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Surcouf was designed as an "underwater cruiser," intended to seek and engage in surface combat. For the first part of that mission, it carried an observation float plane in a hangar built into the after part of the conning tower; for the second part, it was armed with not only ten torpedo tubes but also a twin eight-inch gun turret forward of the conning tower. The guns were fed from a magazine holding 600 rounds and controlled by a director with a 40-foot rangefinder, mounted high enough to view a seven-mile horizon. In theory, the observation plane could direct fire out to the guns' fifteen-mile maximum range. Antiaircraft cannon and machineguns were mounted on the top of the hangar.


Surcouf also carried a 16-foot motorboat, and contained a cargo compartment with fitting to restrain 40 prisoners. The submarine's fuel tanks were very large; enough fuel for a 10,000-nautical-mile range and supplies for 90-day patrols could be carried.


You can read the full history on this fascinating vehicle here: http://www.answers.com/topic/french-submarine-surcouf (Among other places)


Now my premise is that in 1942 the submarine was in fact taken by the allies and refitted at the Brooklyn Navy Yard for use by your World War 2 PCs! The changes are as cutting edge as you can get with a mounted Sonar, Hydrophones, Surface Radar and a primitive Anechoic coating. I replaced the guns with the ubiquitous 5" DP cannon and the vehicles with reasonable US equivalents. Hopefully someone will get some use out of this monster!


USS Narwhal/Surcouf Submarine


Val** Char*** Cost
90** STR 0
12** DEX 6
27** BODY 1
3** SPD 8
*0"**RUN-128"**SWIM00"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 107


Cost** Power END
3** Propeller Propulsion: Swimming +6" (8" total), No noncombat movement while submerged Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (+0), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Month (+0) (6 Active Points); Limited Maneuverability Only 1 turn per Phase at Combat speed; only 1 turn per Turn at Noncombat speed (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; 2d6 KA; -1/2)*
49** Primitive Anechoic Coating: Change Environment 32" radius, -2 to Hearing Group PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (49 Active Points)* 0
11** Submersible Vehicle: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Self-Contained Breathing)* 0
3** Bulkheads: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); Partial Coverage (About 1/6th of the ship) (-2)* 0
15** Bulkheads: 5 more bulkheads (total of 6) (15 Active Points)* 0
13** Periscope: Clairsentience (Sight Group), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Limited Range (8"; -1/4)* 0
8** Encrypted communications: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Discriminatory, Analyze (20 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Sight and Hearing (-1/2)* 0
12** Sonar Systems: Active Sonar (Hearing Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) (30 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Affected as Radio as well as Hearing (-1/2)* 0
10** Surface Search Radar: Radar (Radio Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Telescopic: +8 (24 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Affected as Sight as well as Radio (-1/2)* 0
4** Passive Sonar: (Total: 10 Active Cost, 4 Real Cost) +2 PER with Hearing Group (4 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) (Real Cost: 2) plus Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group) (3 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) (Real Cost: 1) plus +2 versus Range Modifier for Hearing Group (3 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) (Real Cost: 1)* 0
80** 5" Dual Purpose Cannons (Twin Mounting): Killing Attack - Ranged 8d6, Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; Can be arced over some intervening obstacles; +1/4), Autofire (2 shots; +1/4), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Increased Maximum Range (8,250"; +1/4), 1500 Charges (+1) (360 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), OIF Bulky (-1), Limited Power Cannot be used Underwater (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), Limited Arc of Fire (180 Degrees front, 180 degrees up; -1/4)* [1500]
71** 20mm Anti-Aircraft gun (Twin Mount): Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), 4 clips of 500 Charges (Increased Reloading Time; +1) (195 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Limited Power Cannot be used underwater (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)* [500]
5** Another 20mm Twin Mount: (5 Active Points)* 0
20** 21" Torpedo (See the Ultimate Vehicle for details): (20 Active Points)* 0
25** Torpedos: 19 more torpedoes (Total of 20): Custom Power (25 Active Points)* 0
8** Raiding Launch: Use the Zodiac F-470 CRRC (Pg 64 TUV) (8 Active Points)* 0
26** Skyrocket Scout Plane: (26 Active Points) [Notes: Use the F5F Skyrocket from Digital Hero 25, or just slap some floats on your favorite WW2 airframe. The only change needed really is to remove the -2 "Can only fly" limitation.]* 0
Powers Cost: 363





Cost** Talent
1** Bump Of Direction (3 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1)*
1** Absolute Range Sense (3 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2)*
1** Absolute Time Sense (3 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1)*
Talents Cost: 3



Total Character Cost: 473


Val** Disadvantages
20** Distinctive Features: Large big-gunned cruiser sub (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Virtually Everyone)*

Disadvantage Points: 20

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