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An old character, Amy Amazing

Snake Gandhi

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Okay, here's an old character of mine (from 4th I believe) Someone thought the idea was interesting recently, so I figured I'd kill two birds with 1 stone and post it here for him, and you good folks, to take a look at and see what you think. This characetr is about 10 years old, and she's sat in a folder till just now, so I updated her to 5th as well.



Amy Amazing


Val Char Cost

75 STR 65

30 DEX 60

30 CON 40

30 BODY 40

16 INT 6

25 EGO 30

25 PRE 15

25 COM 8


25 PD 10

20 ED 14

6 SPD 20

21 REC 0

60 END 0

83 STUN 0


26" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

15" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 308


Cost Power

Protection of the Forces of Justice

30 1) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

30 2) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

10 3) Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED)

18 4) Mental Defense (23 points total)

20 5) Power Defense (20 points)

10 6) Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Mental Defense

12 7) Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)

50 Enhanced Movement: Multipower, 50-point reserve

4u 1) Running +20" (26" total)

5u 2) Combat Manuevering: Flight 16", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)

1u 3) Traveling Speed: Flight 6", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (15 Active Points)

11 Adam Locke: Multiform (30 Character Points in the most expensive form) (Instant Change)

Powers Cost: 201


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 17d6 Strike

3 Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 15d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

4 Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 85 STR to Disarm

4 Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 19d6 Strike

5 Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 15d6 +v/5; FMove

5 Passing Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 15d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove

Martial Arts Cost: 34


Cost Skill

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Acting 14-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Combat Piloting 15-

3 Conversation 14-

3 Oratory 14-

3 Teamwork 15-

5 Rapid Attack (HTH)

20 +4 with HTH Combat

Skills Cost: 46


Cost Perk

9 Reputation: Beautiful Icon of Justice (A large group) 14-, +3/+3d6

4 Contact: Mayor West (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Very Good relationship with Contact) 11-

6 Contact: Presdent Rogers (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact) 8-

5 Fringe Benefit: Membership in Freedom Legion

Perks Cost: 24


Cost Talent

3 Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)

Talents Cost: 3


Total Character Cost: 616


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Distinctive Features: Amazingly attractive woman (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Hunted: Mako 11- (Less Pow, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: VIPER 11- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: Dr Destroyer 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Dependent NPC: Jason and Mary Locke 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)

20 Dependent NPC: Heather Rosenbloom 11- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

Disadvantage Points: 100

Base Points: 150

Experience Required: 366

Total Experience Available: 366

Experience Unspent: 0




Background:Ages ago, a cabal of the earths most powerful mages gathered together to make a champion. They gathered what power they had, and focused it into a charm. A small necklace that would unlock the powers they had placed within. They decided to give this great power to a woman, for they felt a woman would be more trustworthy, more loyal, and less likey to turn away from her granted mission. Over the ages, the necklace was thought lost, but it found a way to reappear in the least likely of places.


Adam Locke was a geek. However, he was a happy geek, so he didn't mind so much. Of all his classes though, he liked drama the best. Not only did he get to pretend he wasn't such a geek for a while, but the class was full of pretty girls, and at least during class they didn't treat him like a joke. One day, the drama teacher was preparing them for a play she had written. It was a comedy, and one scene called for all the boys in class to dress up like girls. None of them found this all that funny, but they all reluctantly agreed. The whole class went down to the local thrift store to pick out some cloths for the boys. They found some cloths that where big enough, then they started grabbing accessories. While half the girls started finding shoes, the other half started pouring through a box of cheap costume jewely to complete the package. Adam, along with the other boys, tried they're best not to complain as the girls played dress up with them, putting different hats, necklaces, and other female items on them. After what seemed like forever they had enough stuff, so the guys where allowed to leave, which they did gladly.


When he got home, Adam went to take a shower and noticed that he was still wearing a necklace. It was small pendant on a fine gold looking chain. He laughed at the fact that he'd stolen it accidently and went to take it off when he noticed that it didn't have a clasp. It was a solid chain, but it was far to small to have fit over his head. He pulled at it, but he couldn't budge it. He even tried the nail clippers in the cabinet, but even they couldn't scratch the small chain. He was wondering what the heck he was gonna do when he felt writing on the other side of the pendant. using the mirror, he saw what looked like Latin inscribed on the reverse side. He tried to sound it out, the reflection making it dificult, but to the best of his knowledge it said 'iustitia'.


As soon as the word left his mouth the world grew very, very bright. As the light faded he shook his head, the stopped. Hi reflection wasn't him any more. Instead of the skinny teenager, the mirror was filled with the image of a beautiful blonde woman. He couldn't move for a while, as his brain just couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. He looked down at his hands. he could feel them moving, but they weren't his. His t-shirt and jeans where gone, now replaced with a white bustiere that went down to a short, loose white skirt Looking farther down he saw that he was wearing knee hich white boots, complete with high heel. He tried to speak, but instead of his normal voice a womans voice came out.


"Okay, this is, this isn't, this can't be. I mean, I was standing here, I looked at me, now I'm not me. What happened, I mean, the necklace-" He looked quickly, but the necklace wasn't around his neck anymore.


"Thats it, that has to be- what was that word. Iusta. Istti. No, it was iustitia." The world grew white again, and he was standing there, his normal self.


After he'd had a chance to calm down, Adam thought about what had happened. When he returned to normal the necklace stayed gone, but a quick word and he could still change. He decided that he had to know what exactly was going on, so he went out to his garage, which nobody but him used, and started to test just how much he changed. I quick check showed that he did indeed have all the female parts. Adam decided to see if he was as strong in this body as he was in his normal one. One lift of the weights told him he wasn't as strong, he was much much stronger. The bar that he struggled with as a guy was light as a feather to him as a girl. Further testing showed that the bench was just as easy to lift, as was the front of his fathers truck. Adam also learned that this body was a lot better coordinated and a lot more graceful. Not to mention faster as well. Adam was really shocked to learn that he could float! He joked that he bet he could take Tomorrow Man in a fig-


Thats when it hit him. He was a superhero now. He'd seen the TV, the newspaper reports. He knew about guys like Tomorrow Man and the Bowman, and he knew that there where a lot more bad guys then there where good guys. He could help, he thought. This tore Adam, because awhile a part of him wanted to help, felt he had to help now that he had these powers, another part of him was far too embarresed to be seen like this. Adam spent a few days wondering about it, going back and forth in his head. He was still deliberating when fate stepped in.


He was with his family at a local carnival. his mom, dad, and older sister went to ride the giant ferris wheel. Adam didn't want to, he decided to hit the arcade instead. While he was in the middle of a game of Street Fighter he heard a chorus of screams. Adam ran out and saw a giant shark man throw a trailer across the carnival and into the ferris wheel. It shieked to a stop, his family screaming at the top. a group of carni's ran to the wheel, but the shark man cut them off, snnapping his giant mouth at them, laughing as he destroyed everything in sight. Adam instantly knew what he had to do. He ducked back into the now empty arcade tent and said his magic word. Out of the other side flew the beautiful warrior.


Shark boy, who called himself Mako, was laughing up a storm when suddenly a woman dropped from the sky a and clobbered him in the head. He flew back into a trailer, scattering the people behind it. As he pulled himself out of it he yelled to the woman "Not a bright idea toots, now i'm gonna have to hurt ya!" Mako charged, and was suprised when the woman effortlessly sidestepped him and delivered a boot to the gut. With his wind knocked out, there was nothing Mako could do to stop her devastating uppercut to the jaw. The hit dazed Mako, and the woman took full advantage, grabbing his tail and lifting into the air. She spun with incredible speed, and then let Mako go, sending him sailing far, far away to land in the ocean. A cry caught the womans ear, and she turned in time to see a car carrying a married couple and their daughter break and begin to fall. Fortunately, she was fast enough to catch the car before it could hit the ground. As she lowered it to the ground, a large group of people began to swarm her. they began to shout question and praise on her. "Who are you?", "That was amazing!" "Where are you from?". "Incredible girl, you are awesome!"


The woman seemed taken aback by all the fuss. She tried to stammer out some answers. "Who am I? My name is A- uh- Amy, yeah - Amazing? Realy? Uh, I must go." She took to the sky, and with that, Amy Amazing was born.


He still felt uncomfortable while out in public as Amy, but he was doing good, and he did have to admit the cheers sounded good. It didn't take long though, for the other heroes of Center City to find out about Amy. After stopping a bank robbery she found herself facing Tomorrow Man and the Bowman. When they offered her a place in the new team of superheros they where creating, she couldn't say no. Thus, the freedom legion was born, and the rest, as they say, is history.


Appearance:Adam is an average looking teenager, 17 years old, who wears glasses and prefers baggy t-shirts. Amy, on the other hand, is a striking beautiful blonde woman. Tall, with incredible legs and an ample, well, assets. She always transforms into her normal costume, a white bustiere, a loose short white skirt and knee high high-heeled boots. When she transformed back to Adam, he had on whatever he was wearing when he said the word 'iustitia', which was latin for justice.


Personality:Adam is a genuinely nice guy, who try's to be polite and kind to everyone and likes helping people. He feels that this power he has was a gift. A strange gift, but still a gift, and it was his duty to use it to help as many people as he could.Granted, a lot of his fellow high schoolers take advantage of him, but enough of them appreciate him to make it worth it.


He trys to stay just as polite as Amy, but with more of a regal bearing. It'ed been over a year since he'd started being Amy, and he was finally somewhat comfortable being a superheroine, but he found that if he stayed as Amy for any great length of time that he started thinking like a woman. He'd never forget the dinner that was held in they're honor by the mayor. Partway though he caught himself admiring one of the male waiters. That had shaken him up, but he grew used to acting like a woman while 'in costume' so he tried not to let that kind of thing bother him to much. the fact that he was an international sex symbol struck him as funny. He's lost track of all the marrage proposals Amy had gotten, even from the likes of Kings and Sultans. He'd actually laughed when Playboy offered Amy 5 million dollars, to be given to her charity of choice of course, to pose in their magazine. ( And yes, she turned it down) She still hadn't told her teammates about the fact that Amy was in fact a guy. Most of them knew that she was a normal person who transformed, but none of them figured that it was a normal guy. It did make things akward when some of her fellow heroes tried to hit on her.


Powers/Tactics: Amy is very strong, fast, and tough. Along with that she is able to fly, and is very resilient to mental control and to magics. ( No one can forget the time the entire Freedom Legion was turned into monkies, except for Amy). Along with the power, Adam was granted impressive skill while in Amy's body, and once he learned to just relax and let it flow through him he turned into quite the warrior.

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Re: An old character, Amy Amazing


Not too shabby, for a Supergirl-type character. I've always felt that the gender-reversal thing was both funny and interesting unto itself as a Secret ID of sorts. Very nice to be able to confuse ID hunters in general. :D

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Re: An old character, Amy Amazing


Not too shabby' date=' for a Supergirl-type character. I've always felt that the gender-reversal thing was both funny and interesting unto itself as a Secret ID of sorts. Very nice to be able to confuse ID hunters in general. :D[/quote']It started as a joke, and honestly there no way I could have played it had our GM not been a very nice girl. I'd have been to embarresed with a male GM to even try to act like a guy pretending to act like a girl.
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Re: An old character, Amy Amazing


Stats/Powers: The character's just very powerful; seems pretty obvious as to what you were going for. I'm surprised you didn't give her hardened defenses just to make it tougher, you already have high power defense, mental defense, and lack of weakness. With a potential of up to 16 OCV and 19 DCV, it's almost always hitting, difficult to be hit and even when she is she can brush off the damage.


Skills: Out of 46 points in skills, only 9 are noncombat, and those seem catered to calming a crowd. Not very flexible character. And why the Rapid Fire? Is 15-19 dice of damage not enough? I skimmed the write up but didn't see a job. What pays the bills? Does he still live at home?


Perqs/Talent: How does a rep of being beautiful help her out? ("Oh, captured VIPER agents, you want to tell me where you're base is, because I'm beautiful. Tee hee."?) Looks like her perqs -aside from membership- are designed to give her access so she doesn't have to think for herself, or at least not do legwork (ironic for someone with her amount of running). And of course, ambidexterity to help with her rapid punches, right?


Disadvantages: Only 100 points? No psych lims and no vulnerabilites. The full 50 points for Hunteds, though? THREE DNPCs?


Overall, she seems very munchkiny. Instead of "Amy Amazing" the title "Combat Wombat" might be better suited. If the campaign she's in is purely combat oriented, then she's very well-suited. If there's supposed to be social interaction, she's at a loss.


With having two sexes, there's great potential there for role-playing that seems wasted on this character. You should have invested points into pysch lims. Otherwise, it's just like changing clothes, except of course it makes it tougher for Hunteds to figure it out (another munchkin solution).


I personally wouldn't allow it into any campaign of mine, but if you like her and you've been able to play her with an accepting GM, then more power to you.

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Re: An old character, Amy Amazing


Stats/Powers: The character's just very powerful; seems pretty obvious as to what you were going for. I'm surprised you didn't give her hardened defenses just to make it tougher, you already have high power defense, mental defense, and lack of weakness. With a potential of up to 16 OCV and 19 DCV, it's almost always hitting, difficult to be hit and even when she is she can brush off the damage.


Skills: Out of 46 points in skills, only 9 are noncombat, and those seem catered to calming a crowd. Not very flexible character. And why the Rapid Fire? Is 15-19 dice of damage not enough? I skimmed the write up but didn't see a job. What pays the bills? Does he still live at home?


Perqs/Talent: How does a rep of being beautiful help her out? ("Oh, captured VIPER agents, you want to tell me where you're base is, because I'm beautiful. Tee hee."?) Looks like her perqs -aside from membership- are designed to give her access so she doesn't have to think for herself, or at least not do legwork (ironic for someone with her amount of running). And of course, ambidexterity to help with her rapid punches, right?


Disadvantages: Only 100 points? No psych lims and no vulnerabilites. The full 50 points for Hunteds, though? THREE DNPCs?


Overall, she seems very munchkiny. Instead of "Amy Amazing" the title "Combat Wombat" might be better suited. If the campaign she's in is purely combat oriented, then she's very well-suited. If there's supposed to be social interaction, she's at a loss.


With having two sexes, there's great potential there for role-playing that seems wasted on this character. You should have invested points into pysch lims. Otherwise, it's just like changing clothes, except of course it makes it tougher for Hunteds to figure it out (another munchkin solution).


I personally wouldn't allow it into any campaign of mine, but if you like her and you've been able to play her with an accepting GM, then more power to you.

Thing is, she started out as a 250pt character and ended up with about 2 years of xp, 150pts with 100pts disads, and we never saw any reason for more disads. Her other form, Adam, is bought as a multiform, and he has most of the everyday skills, and she's going to be him a majority of the time. I didn't take any Psych Lims based on the akwardness of him being a girl because A) I had plenty to reach 100pts, and the GM didn't think I needed more and B) I wasn't sure I could roleplay her that well like that, so I decided not to buy them and just wing it with roleplaying.


And in fact, she does live at home, (or he does, I could never figure out which I should use for this character), and I didn't figure that his parents and his 'sorta' girlfriend where to many DNPC's. As for being not that flexible, you're right, she was on a team, so she really never needed to be. Her contacts where NPC's she delt with on a regular basis. (there where about 5-6 NPC's we saw a lot of, everyone on the team bought 2-3 of them as contacts). The rep is sorta misnamed I suppose. It's meant to be sort of her 'title' like Superman is "The Man of Steel' and Batman is "The Dark Knight". Amy was "The Icon of Justice". It's more to mean she's very well known, but I probably could have said it better.


As for her being powerful, well, she is. She was the Wonder Woman of the team, she wasn't the strongest and toughest, or the most skilled, but she was a nice combination of both, and as an add she had something no one else on the theam had, protection from mystical enchantments (aka Power Defense. Most of the team got Mental Defense at some point) I wouldn't call her munchiny myself, she's built very straightforwardly with no point saving tricks, she's just a martial brick who earned some xp. (IIR she started with a 40 Str, 25 Dex, and just some added PD and ED.) The rest got added as time went by.


I can see some of your points, sorry she's not your type of character.

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Re: An old character, Amy Amazing


Her other form' date=' Adam, is bought as a multiform, and he has most of the everyday skills, and she's going to be him a majority of the time. [/quote']


But how often was she Adam in the game. You are a member of Freedom Legion and probably most adventures involved action centering around the team and its activities. It just seems to me that Adam is just a footnote to the her history (but I could be wrong).


The other thing I have a problem is the the cabal. If they were predominantly women, I could see them maybe having that opinion. On the other hand if they weren't I could see them looking to create a balance by creating an amulet for both a man and a women. Of course another reason to choose a woman (from a male dominated society) is the belief they would have greater control over her. Sorry just tossing out ideas here.


On the whole she is an interesting character, so good job, though as Kirby said a little to heavy on the comabt side.

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Re: An old character, Amy Amazing


But how often was she Adam in the game. You are a member of Freedom Legion and probably most adventures involved action centering around the team and its activities. It just seems to me that Adam is just a footnote to the her history (but I could be wrong).
He actually was used more than she was (our GM loved dealing with the other side of heroing) but I can see your point.


The other thing I have a problem is the the cabal. If they were predominantly women, I could see them maybe having that opinion. On the other hand if they weren't I could see them looking to create a balance by creating an amulet for both a man and a women. Of course another reason to choose a woman (from a male dominated society) is the belief they would have greater control over her. Sorry just tossing out ideas here.


On the whole she is an interesting character, so good job, though as Kirby said a little to heavy on the comabt side.

Honestly I never gave any thought to who made up the cabal, and we never went into it in game. So it's entirely possible that is was a made of of all or mostly women.


And I see your points, she was combat heavy, but that stems from really having no reason or good excuse for her to learn anything else. We already had an 'Iron Man' and a 'Batman' so most every skill we could need was covered. She grew into the teams spokesperson, the one who delt with the media and the government.


It's nice to hear what you guys think, thats why I posted her:)

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