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Jack Driscoll, Tough As Nails Writer


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Val Char Cost Roll Notes

13 STR 3 12- Lift 151.6kg; 2 1/2d6 [1]

14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

13 CON 6 12-

12 BODY 4 11-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6

18 COM 4 13-


3/6 PD 0 Total: 3/6 PD (0/3 rPD)

3/6 ED 0 Total: 3/6 ED (0/3 rED)

3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12

6 REC 0

26 END 0

26 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 46


Movement: Running: 7"/14"

Leaping: 3"/6"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

6 I can’t believe I'm OK!: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

Notes: Falls and jungle spills did hurt Jack, but not much.

2 Run Away!: Running +1" (7" total) 1

Notes: Jack out-ran a multi-dino pile up.

1 Jump for it!: Leaping +1" (3 1/2" forward, 1 1/2" upward) 1

Notes: Unlikely leaping helped save Jack's life.

Two Fisted Cinematic Dino Fighting

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Fast Strike +2 +0 4 1/2d6 Strike

Notes: Cold-cocked a cop and some savages.

4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

Notes: Those Dinos couldn't lay a tooth on him.

4 Charge +0 -2 4 1/2d6 +v/5 Strike, FMove

Notes: Shoulder-checked that Dino.



1 Reputation: Great Writer of Plays and Films (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6

Notes: Good for picking up chix and landing jobs.

1 Member of NY's Theater Community: Custom Perk

Notes: Helps in job hunting.



3 Breakfall 12-

Notes: Took some tumbles and came out fine.

5 Climbing 13-

Notes: Heading up and down those vines was no problem for Jack.

3 High Society 13-

Notes: All part of the job for a gentleman playwright.

0 Language: English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

1 Language: French (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

Notes: Seems likely for a cultured man of the times.

3 Seduction 13-

Notes: He's a charming fellow, and good at making friends.

3 Tracking 12-

Notes: Well, he did find the girl and the ape.

6 PS: Writer 15-

Notes: He's good enough to be moderately famous, and obviously is making a good living.

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: Drama (3 Active Points) 12-

1 2) KS: Literature (2 Active Points) 11-

1 3) KS: Theater World (2 Active Points) 11-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 54

Total Cost: 100


50+ Disadvantages

20 Psychological Limitation: In love with Ann (Common, Total)

Notes: I suspect that this was "Lonely" before the film. As it is, he is clearly smitten with Ann at once, and he faces near certain death for her, so I'd say it's a valid disad.

20 Psychological Limitation: White Knight Syndrome (Very Common, Strong)

Notes: He knows that Carl is a con man and unreliable; he sticks by him anyway. He's sympathetic, polite, and even feels sorry for Kong. He seems like the type who ends up with a fair menagerie of eccentric friends who need his help.

10 I Survived Kong Bonus


Total Disadvantage Points: 100


Background/History: Jack Driscoll is a successful NY writer who makes his living working in both live theater and film, and very probably radio. He was tricked by Carl Denham into accompanying the fateful 1933 Skull Island expedition, and proved surprisingly competent when faced with the bizarre mix of predators that plagued that place. Against all odds, after Ann Darrow's abduction, he somehow manages to track her down and retrieve her from Kong. After Kong's death, Jack gets the girl.


Personality/Motivation: Jack is a white knight through and through. He's sympathetic, polite, kind, gentle, intellectual, and employed; he's dream husband material. He even finds it in him to feel sorry for the giant killer ape that's after his girl. Ann may have dated Kong, but she ended up with Jack, proving that the Cads and Dads theory applies even to interspecies romance.


Quote: [Carl] always manages to destroy what he loves.


Powers/Tactics: For a guy with a desk job, Jack is prime hero material. He's fast, agile, lucky, and can one punch a cop or shoulder charge a small dinosaur. New York must be a tough old town.


Campaign Use: A good PC for a lower powered pulp game, a good NPC love interest, a good contact in the theatre world.


Appearance: Very handsome man, tall and athletic with brown hair and brown eyes. My wife assures me that he has a COM of at least 18.


Jack Driscoll by Merrian C. Cooper, Peter Jackson, et al. Character sheet by Robert Dorf.

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