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Simulating physical attacks through RSR Limitation (followup)



Thanks for your reply to my question about RSR Limitations, but I just had a few minor followups:


(1) Your answer to part 2 of my earlier three-part question (despite my having said my question was "twofold" - aargh; added the third part at the last minute and didn't go back and reread the beginning of my post) - that an Attack Roll has been used for a Required Skill Roll in the past - pretty much answered what I needed, and I think that's how I'm going to go ahead and do what I wanted. But what would such a Required Skill Roll be worth? Would it be just the same as a Basic RSR Limitation (-1/2), or would it be -3/4 since it's kind of subject to a Skill Versus Skill contest (attacker's OCV vs. defender's DCV), or would it be some other value?


(2) Since your answer to part 2 pretty much took care of what I wanted for the moment, part 1 of my earlier question is moot for now - but I'm still interested in the answer just out of curiosity (and for future reference, in case a different situation comes up where I might need it). Part 1 was whether an RSR requiring a Characteristic Roll could be subject to a Characteristic Versus Characteristic contest, and if so what such a Limitation would be worth. Your reply to this part was simply "See 5E 199". Well... I did see 5E 199, in fact I read the page thoroughly, and I couldn't find the answer there. It refers to Characteristic Rolls, and to Skill Versus Skill contests, but never to Characteristic Versus Characteristic contests - and it's not clear to me what such an RSR should be worth, since the value of a Characteristic Roll generally depends on the numbers needed, as per the Activation Roll Value Table, and for a Characteristic Versus Characteristic contest the numbers needed would be variable (depending on the opponent's roll). If I had to guess, I'd suppose such an RSR Limitation would probably be worth -1 - -3/4 for a Characteristic Roll (taking the value from the Activation Roll Value Table for 11-, the "average" value), plus an additional -1/4 for its being subject to a Skill Versus Skill (actually Characteristic Versus Characteristic) contest - but I'm not sure this reasoning is correct...

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