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Villian Relocation


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Hi folks,


Long time lurker, first-time poster and I have a question that maybe you nice folks can help me with it. :)


So, I've just started this campaign over here in Norway and since most of the players all come from different countries, I figured it would be better to try a different location than your typical U.S. city for the campaign. We decided that Paris would be interesting enough. Heck, a fight on top of the Eiffel Tower is just aching to happen :)


Anyway, I also have the great CKC and, well, a lot of the characters there are stationed in the U.S. (at least that's what I infer). Certainly some groups like EuroStar work fine. And most Master Villains will work wherever the PCs are. But there's all those nice stand-alone villains I would like to import as well. Certainly, some can be "on vacation" and get a serious commit-a-international-crime-jones, but that could run rather thin.


So, does anyone have some semi-plausible ideas for moving certain nefarious NPC's to Europe by altering their origin or saying why they must relocate? I'm not interested in CU continuity, so name changes and stuff work too. Some ideas to get the ball rolling are what I really need.


I'm also aware of Champions Worldwide, but I would like to get a little milage out of CKC first.


Thanks in advance!

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