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I'm looking for suggestions as to which Pulp adventure PDF to pick up to run for my crew as a one-shot, just to give the genre a spin.


The group will be a rather eclectic bunch of archtypal characters, including a scrappy kid, a fed, a pilot, a gadgeteer, a mage, and a reporter.


Re: Pulp downloads


Hmmm. Sounds like a group with enough "city connections" to have fun with The Radio Marauders or The Locomotive Pirates. But I expect you could find a way to tie them into just about any adventure.


Re: Pulp downloads


Hmmm. Sounds like a group with enough "city connections" to have fun with The Radio Marauders or The Locomotive Pirates. But I expect you could find a way to tie them into just about any adventure.


Likely, though it would be easier getting the kid and fed in something they could stumble into rather than traipsing across the globe. Of coourse the kid could be a boy friday and the fed could be semi-retired.

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Pulp downloads


As it turns out, the player of the kid wouldn't mind being the foreign street urchin/guide found in many of the pulps so getting him there is not an issue.


So I guess the question is pretty open - which one?


The only thing they really want as a group is 'the map'. You know, the scene where you have a map on the screen with a dotted line showing their route. So we need to involve travel - a prologue in the states that leads to some foreign locale, a chase from Cairo to some unexplored pyramid, etc. They've also responded badly to mysteries in the past so fairly straight-forward mysteries are a plus as well.


Nazis would be a nice touch but hardly mandatory.


So, with that criteria in mind, I'd like opinions on which of the online Hero plus adventures people here think are the best. I'm aware that there are two with Nazi villains and I think an exotic locale would be good so my short list would probably be:


Nazi Death-Zombies Of The Congo!

Fangs Of The Scarlet Serpent

Tablets Of Destiny

The Voodoo Cross

Curse Of The Vulture-God

The Malay Coins

The Golden Idol Of Sikral

The Locomotive Pirates

The Dordogne Zodiac

Spears Of The Tisangani


Tablets of Destiny and (obviously) Nazi Death-zombies involve Nazis and all of them seem to have some sort of travel, even if it's just part of the prologue (except possibly Voodoo and Zodiac).


So which of these would be the best for a group on their first pulp outing (outside of a one shot playing Doc Savage's men) - best written, most entertaining and fun, travel (preferably during the adventure), amusing villains.

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