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  1. Corwyn

    Pulp downloads

    Re: Pulp downloads As it turns out, the player of the kid wouldn't mind being the foreign street urchin/guide found in many of the pulps so getting him there is not an issue. So I guess the question is pretty open - which one? The only thing they really want as a group is 'the map'. You know, the scene where you have a map on the screen with a dotted line showing their route. So we need to involve travel - a prologue in the states that leads to some foreign locale, a chase from Cairo to some unexplored pyramid, etc. They've also responded badly to mysteries in the past so fairly straight-forward mysteries are a plus as well. Nazis would be a nice touch but hardly mandatory. So, with that criteria in mind, I'd like opinions on which of the online Hero plus adventures people here think are the best. I'm aware that there are two with Nazi villains and I think an exotic locale would be good so my short list would probably be: Nazi Death-Zombies Of The Congo! Fangs Of The Scarlet Serpent Tablets Of Destiny The Voodoo Cross Curse Of The Vulture-God The Malay Coins The Golden Idol Of Sikral The Locomotive Pirates The Dordogne Zodiac Spears Of The Tisangani Tablets of Destiny and (obviously) Nazi Death-zombies involve Nazis and all of them seem to have some sort of travel, even if it's just part of the prologue (except possibly Voodoo and Zodiac). So which of these would be the best for a group on their first pulp outing (outside of a one shot playing Doc Savage's men) - best written, most entertaining and fun, travel (preferably during the adventure), amusing villains.
  2. Corwyn

    Pulp downloads

    Re: Pulp downloads Likely, though it would be easier getting the kid and fed in something they could stumble into rather than traipsing across the globe. Of coourse the kid could be a boy friday and the fed could be semi-retired.
  3. I'm looking for suggestions as to which Pulp adventure PDF to pick up to run for my crew as a one-shot, just to give the genre a spin. The group will be a rather eclectic bunch of archtypal characters, including a scrappy kid, a fed, a pilot, a gadgeteer, a mage, and a reporter.
  4. Re: The Amazing Adventures of Doc's Henchmen (long) The Exploits, Enterprises and Experiences of DOC's BOYS Ham, Monk, Renny, Long Tom and Johnny (as witnessed by your faithful correspondent, Dr. W.H. "Johnny" Littlejohn) CHAPTER TWO Empire Club member MAXWELL COLBERT entreats us to rescue his daughter CLAUDETTE COLBERT from the dastardly clutches of an East Indian Rajah. How the winsome actress came to be in such dire straits is not germane to the situation. The crux is that the damsel is in distress and the Corps du Savage shall not be found wanting. It is thus that we find ourselves in pellmell equestrian pursuit through the Punjab, gaining slowly on a brace of vehicles bearing both villain and victim. Our hopes are kept aloft by the inferior grade of the winding trail, which galloping hooves are negotiating far more precipitiously than rubber tires. With exhortations of encouragement and application of roundels to heaving flanks, our valiant chargers bring us withing striking distance of the truck and weaving car. Volleys of gunfire are exchanged. The blackguards succeed only in snapping my second-favourite fedora (one doesn't take one's best to the wilds of Asia) from my brow. Our shots strike with greater consequence, wounding and felling the wicked wogs left and right. I feel not unlike Mr. Hopalong Cassidy in one of his western escapades. The Ham and the Monk occupy the perceptions and minds of the trailing car. Long Tom enters the cab of the truck, efficiently disabling the driver. The less salubrious byblow of this action is that the truck is now unguided as it approaches a sharp left turn. Renny and I maintain our saddles and aid where tactics dictate. The master of motorcar maneuvaring perhaps lets suspense escalate a trifle high before bringing the careening vehicle to heel. The slowing of the truck causes the rear car to strike it and send the vehicle posterior over anterior,spilling the occupants. We close in. The mayhem raises the bedlam more than somewhat. Shots and shouts echo off the hillsides. Kukri blades flash and gleam, fists lash out and dust cakes into perspiration. In typical cowardice, one of the miscreants threatens Miss Colbert in exchange for his life. A gesture both pathetic and moot as Ham and Monk enjoy their traditional berserkgang in the claustrophobic confines of the canvas-covered cargo compartment. Now the sole member of our band astride his horse, I fetch Miss Colbert on to the saddle behind me and away from the chaos engendered by my comrades settling final accounts. Our return voyage to America allows Miss Colbert ample time to impart provocative and valuable intelligence on her recent adventure. Her father was not paying ransom in mere currency, but rather in raw materials. She learned the rendezvous coordinates for the oil tankers and freighters. She also presents a scrap of paper emblazoned with the acroamatic Green Serpent logo. Most disconcerting. Further intelligence gathering and discreet conversations in New York reveal no less than five major industrialists were being similarly extorted for their connections to fundamental resources! This dark web of wickedness stretches further than we speculated, and seems to center on the acquisition of the Cross of Antoch. It seems utterly incredible all this effort and material focuses on a trite superstition. Psychotic, but that makes the hidden mind behind this cabal all the more dangerous. The history of the Cross and recent investigations all point to Cuba. We embark forthwith. We identify a freighter that is a promising link to our shadowy opponent. In a hired power boat, we discreetly trail the venerable old steamer to its destination. A miniscule, wildly lush, island rises above the horizon in the dying light of the sun. A penninsula is both developed and heavily guarded. After a circumspect navigation of the coastline, we set to closer reconaissance of the compound. Indeed, the uniforms of the guards sport the vile viridian ophidian crest. Our course is now clear and our hearts are pure. A...spirited...debate ensues as how best to penetrate the defenses. "Spirited" in the sense of stopping short of outright fisticuffs. I fear without Doc as our final arbiter, democracy is playing us false. A clandestine approach seems optimum, in order to gather what data is available with minimal distractions from infernos and explosions. Eventually a viable strategem is concocted. We set off to our positions with all alacrity. Long Tom begins by sniping from the floating power boat, causing consternation among the guards. Then a creeping Renny slips from the water and launches our grenade supply into the enemy's fuel dump. This ignites in the appropriate manner, spilling havoc on to the nearby generator, further drawing the fervid attention of the guards and camp. Monk, Ham and myself scale the wire fence and furtively scamper for the only permanent structure on the island, hoping valuable documents and artifacts will be found within. Combat, commotions and general alarums commence upon our ingress. Fists and firearms in the caliginous cavern of the building slow our advance. Will the forces of evil rally in time to stop us?
  5. I don't know how session write-ups are received here, especially at this level of detail, but "Johnny's" synopses are so cool (and in character) I just had to share. If asked to cease and desist I will. A while back I asked about write-ups for the boys. This is the result. The Exploits, Enterprises and Experiences of DOC's BOYS Ham, Monk, Renny, Long Tom and Johnny (as witnessed by your faithful correspondent, Dr. W.H. "Johnny" Littlejohn) CHAPTER ONE Our peregrinations took us to the untracked and uncharted Amazon Jungle in pursuit of the legendary Sacred Golden Chain of the Incan Emporer Koosko. The successful aquisition of this relic sparked a great deal of furore. Our flight to the coast did not proceed smoothly, being disrupted by mercenaries posing as crewmen, fighter airplanes and crates sprouting stowaway neo-Incan cannibal savages, all parties coveting the Chain. A lesson to be learned: it never behooves us to let our guard drop for an instant in this ataxiatic profession. Long Tom uses our vessel to literally ram the enemy predators from the sky whislt we deal with the undesirable boarders. The process is made unduly troublesome by the constant barrel-rolling and aerobatics of our battleground. Victory is secured and we return to terra firma intact, if somewhat precipitously. Observing the approach of the verdant ground through gaping rents in the fuselage made the landing particularly stimulating. An item of singular curiousity was a tattoo worn by all the caucasian bandits in the aerial combat. Each sported a distinctive green snake emblem on their wrist. After that, it is a simple matter of constructing a cart from the salvage of the aeroplane and making our way across the breadth of British Guyana to the port of Georgetown and our ship. Soon the majestic spires of New York City greeted our travel-weary gaze. There we meet our temporary patron, Baron Newcastle, a longtime acquaintance of Doc. We have barely accepted his congratulations and set off to enjoy the comforts of civilization, when the Baron approaches us with a request that is decidely queer from its wholly pedestrian nature. An enigmatic character named SILAS GREENMAN, whom the Baron has been monitoring, apparently has a smuggling arrangement with the scabrous COLLETTI MOB. He presents a fulsome, if vague, list of suspicions that convinces us this seemingly jejune criminal matter is beyond the scope of the local constabulary. Thus, we find ourselves on the lower west side docks, observing the warehouses in question from a clandestine outpost atop a neighbouring rooftop. Nightscope binoculars and eavesdropping on telephonic communications provide tantalizingly cryptic intimations of nefarious dealings. Our ruminations are curtailed by the midnight arrival of an aquatic airboat, which is greeted by a veritable legion of the most disreputable, I believe the colloquialism is "mugs", I have ever clapped eyes upon. They begin to industriously unload cargo from the plane. A perspicacious tactical scenario is concocted. Long Tom and I enter from the road in an automobile altered to be a veritable calliope of imminent distress. With accompanying shouting and wailing, we hope to provide sufficient diversion for our stalwart compatriots to ingress the nether side of the most distant warehouse unseen. Our motorcar antics seem to be succeeding when alarms are raised and dull reports of discharging firearms can be heard. Sigh. It only took them twelve seconds this time. (We are to later learn that Ham muffed his attempt at stealthily entering the warehouse most egregiously). All Hades reports for duty, alarums and curses filling the air. Upon being made cognizant of the chaos, we seek to aid our clumsy compatriots straightaway. With Long Tom employing his daredevil motoring skills, we careen off the pavement and down the wharf proper, forcing dock labourers to promptly choose between a swim and collision with our clattering contraption. While Long Tom keeps the engine running, I step inside the noisome warehouse to offer my comrades a clean means of retreat. It turns out that my comrades are not desiring of a retreat. Quite the contrary, in point of fact. I wade into the donnybrook, confident that our cause is just and warranted. (If I keep repeating this often enough, it will hopefully gain credibility). Long Tom chooses to disable the boatplane and any who stand in her defence. In all, several tension-filled moments where daring and wit are sorely needed. Fortuneately, ample supplies are at hand from we, the East Coast distributors. Then the second, ominously silent, warehouse needs attending to. Colletti officers oversee the subitaneous loading of crates on to a truck. It seems an inordinate amount of effort for a few gallons of illegal spirits, so our curiousity is further spurred. A scintillating example of sharpshooting by my hand punctures their conveyance's rear tire, forestalling any easy escape. A Colletti blackguard takes advantage of my distraction and successfully creases my left anterior deltoid. Further shots are fired, the more physically robust of my allies make merry by wielding bandits as bludgeons and Long Tom makes the aircraft his own. We carry the day (or night, as the case may be). We are startled to discover the Green Snake emblem stenciled on certain crates. Prying them open reveals contents far more flabbergasting. The gold, silver and gems are more than mere lusterous lucre. The cups, plates and artifacts are all recognizable as treasure from the nigh-mythical Spanish galleon "ANTOCA", lost those centuries ago. My pulse races as I recall the Antoca reputedly went to ocean depths with (MYSTIC CROSS). The punctured tire is replaced and the Snake crates are loaded. We depart forthwith.
  6. Re: Doc Savage Write-up? On a related note, any write-ups on his men? I'll be playing in a one shot and a few of us thought since there are 5 of us it was a natural. if there aren't any, how about some suggestions on languages known and obscure skills and disads. It's been a while since I've read any Doc.
  7. Re: What was your first character like? My first character ever was a halfling thief named Purloin. Still one of the most fun I've ever played. First Champions character: a blatant Batman rip-off with Cap's Super-Soldier folded in, called, ahem, Dark Knight. For which I am forever remorseful. He has since become a staple of my supers campaign (with all the serial numbers firmly filed off).
  8. Re: The Black Paladin is vanquished.... Well, that would certainly do it but, since the items stolen are supposed to be insignificant, they shouldn't be noticed unless you're actually looking for them. Perhaps a different lead identifies T who was recently seen in France... But the problem isn't identifying the villains - it's getting the PC's to the mansion in a non-railroady sort of way. The closest to high society I get is a UN translator - though I could make that work - but I do have a guy with VIPER connections, a hougan and the above UN connections. The problem is the The Randolphs. All we have is this: The couple has been transformed and their country home is being used for the ritual. Their city home is being used as a convenient residence while looking for victims. At a social function, the PCs here about their disappearance and of course, want to investigate. They are interrupted by another abduction, this one with a witness. The cops request any leads they might have, no matter how slim. So, of course the PCs storm the mansion just in time to disrupt the ritual. What I'll probably do is have the team leader detect traces of T off the bodies. This should lead them to the randolphs eventually. I could also leak the France info to confirm suspicions. If they identify the ritual-in-progress, they probably know that a prepared space is necessary to complete it. They could look for likely places (ritual magic is usually at least a little particular about this sort of thing), necessary ingredients, special casting times, and other stuff that might point the direction. That might be enough reason to leave out the disappearance altogether until they investigate, say, 1/2 dozen old mansions that fit the bill (the mansion does have a history). Have them discover that one of them is recently vacant. Then they can investigate the Randolphs, discover the evidence at the townhouse - if they go their first - and have an actual reason to go to the mansion.
  9. Re: The Black Paladin is vanquished.... The Champs are and the PCs have met Defender and Witchcraft so that could work as a last resort. I'd rather not make it that obvious, though. How did your group make the connection from the murders to BP and Talisman and/or the randolphs?
  10. Re: The Black Paladin is vanquished.... Definitely Spoilers I hope I can trust my players to stay out of this if they see it. I have a couple of stumbling blocks in the first act. There's an implication that the PCs may have reason to investigate Talisman and BP but I can't find any clues in the 1st act that would lead to their involvement (other than the fact that T recently escaped and magic is involved) It seems contrived and I've got plenty of magic-using villains running around - Demon, Zodiac, etc. Second, the ties to the Randolphs seems thin. This works if they get to them thru T and BP, but that itself may be a problem. There's nothing to tie their disappearance to the killings, other than the sheer timing of it all. (I'd also like an excuse to invite a PC even though I have no one with wealth/high society, etc. Maybe I could just have someone rescue a grateful debutante.) Am I missing something. BTW, time is of the essence.
  11. If DF can only be concealed through use of a power through a vpp (say, images), can I take not concealable? Can I buy off the whole disad in the pool?
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