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Block Variant


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First, I am happy with Block as it is but here's an idea for those that aren't.


Block will be dropped instead a manuver called Feint will replace it The attacker's OCV roll is compared to the Defenders OCV and DCV simoulanteously. If the attacker fails to beat the Defenderes DCV and OCV that attack of evaded/parried/redirected/negated in some fashion and the Defender acts first as per the original Block. If the attacker beats the Defender's DCV but not his OCV that attack hits but that attacker, for whatever reason, is still delayed as per Block. If the Attacker beats Both, the attack procedes strikes and there is no penalty.


Ex Jack Genero (OCV 3) attacks Kung Fu Joe (OCV 3 DCV 3 +1 Level With HTH combat). Jack Attacks, Joe Feints He rolls an 11. Comparing Jack's OCV vs Joe's we get 3+11-4 10. Jack fails to beat Joe's OCV so Jack will be delayed on next phase and act after Joe but he beat Joe's DCV so his attack does damage.



Excuse me if this makes no sense. Its 3:45 while I'm writing this. :)

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Re: Block Variant


For Feint, I would actually propose a contest of Intelligences or something like Dex roll vs an Int roll. Usually a Fient in combat is meant to make an opponent open his defensesive stance. Not always, I know but usually (from the little martial arts training and actual fight experience I have). Usually an opponent is set with a good stance or outside strike range. When an opponent is in stance, they are usually in a good stance to defend themselves from whatever it is you are going to throw first and are ready to counter it with a Block then Strike strike themselves. A Fient makes them commit to a Defense and then, as they are either pulling back into stance or rushing to defend your actual attack, they are at a disadvantage.


This could well be a way to make an opponent Abort to a Defense rather than act as well. "Scaring" them out of an action that may have been used against you. If they abort to an action, they would still get their full DCV bonus for Dodge but you would get the Feint/Block Bonus to counter it. If they chose Block, then they don't get any bonus as they are set to Block a strike that didn't come.


Your thoughts?

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Re: Block Variant


A Fient makes them commit to a Defense and then' date=' as they are either pulling back into stance or rushing to defend your actual attack, they are at a disadvantage.[/quote']


What is your "actual attack", though? The feint or the one you planned on making after that? Isn't it possible to overcommit to the feint and be tripped up in turn? Even if you recover in time to prevent them from taking advantage of your vulnerability, you might not have time to make the real attack before they could recover. In the meantime, if they are confident your first attack is a feint and they decline to respond to it, how quickly can you realize this and adjust your motion to follow through?


I think that splitting OCV between feint and real attack would be a good start. Defender would declare the incoming OCV roll at which they would be worried (how close the attack had come to hitting), and, if the feint stopped before then, the defender would still have their full DCV to apply against the real attack. Attacker, in turn, would also declare the point at which, if the defender had not yet moved to defend themselves, the feint would become a real attack. Both declarations would be made blindly. For each point of ECV kept "in reserve" for the real attack, the attacker would need to make an INT and/or DEX roll by 1 to mentally adjust to making their planned feint the main approach, rapidly enough to overcome their plan to switch their movements for a different attack. If they failed the roll(s), their attack would automatically be canceled as they hesitated in mid-motion, possibly with their limbs darting back and forth as both "attacks" in the mind were sending conflicting instructions.

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Re: Block Variant


Feints work fine wrapped up in OCV and DCV as far as I am concerned.


Ignoring the name, the Block mechanic described sounds pretty much the same as a standard Block except:

  1. One roll (the attacker's) is used for mitigating all effects of the attack instead of two (one by the defender and one by the attacker).
  2. The attacker may be delayed even if the Block is unsuccessful. This would be the equivalent of the attacker being delayed if a standard Block misses but the attacker also misses (except that its rather weird and sort of the reverse in this case; like you let the attacker roll first and if he hits the defender can only delay the next Phase or something, and it won't even happen if the defender's DCV is higher than their OCV).

Using one roll instead of two? Eh. Whatever. Doesn't seem easier or simpler to me (since you have to do the arithmatic twice anyway). Delaying the attacker if the attack misses? If you want; I don't see that that delay is such a bit effect to do much with it either way, really.

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