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The building blocks of the universe.


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Re: The building blocks of the universe.


"So' date=' you buy an RKA, NND, Invisible to Sight and Hearing, with a linked DEX and INT Drain, also NND, Invisible, and ranged of course. So, you get about a half-die of each."[/quote']


Sure, but if what you bought originally was Missile Deflection, then you have a problem. Those of us here have plenty of experience and have no problem recognizing the clear difference between SFX and Powers. If this is really a new PC who is unfamiliar with HERO it is very likely that this is lost on him/her. All I am trying to stress is that first task is for Ali to figure out what form(s) of the power are acceptible in the campaign and the second task is to make sure that the player understands that regardless of the sneaky ways s/he can think of to apply the SFX, the definition of the Power itself will be the only thing that matters in the campaign.


Your answer amply demonstrates the fact that the special effect "Able to simply make bullet-sized portions of the universe cease to exist" can be built eight ways from Tuesday depending on what the desired game-effect is. Conveying that to people unfamiliar with HERO, even experienced gamers, is a non-trivial task.

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Re: The building blocks of the universe.


So, he saw the tools The Builder used to create the universe, can he wield them?

So, he can alter bits and pieces in the universe but he only has 350 points


Exactly. Scientists (and those before them) have been trying to figure out the natural laws for ages. This hasn't translated into an ability to directly interact with matter or energy in exactly the ways we want to.


Jack L. Chalker's "The Wonderland Gambit" has a character who can see how the universe was constructed, but is limited in using that knowledge by an inability to always or fully understand what is being seen, and the power that can be applied toward reshaping its constructs.


This ability, in my game, would be an Unusual Sense: Presence of Avatars and a Detect: Level of Influence by Avatars. The character could sense which forces were weighing in on what would happen for a particular event, and could reason from that to what sort of action might be taken that could appeal to them, and get them to change their minds.


In your own game, this ability might be even less useful; for example, I can tell that gravity is what makes me fall when I step off the ground and onto air, but this doesn't let me change the falling. However, if I were unaware of gravity's effects in the first place, this power would let me know before I took that fatal step.


Even a Find Weakness ability would not necessarily be useful; properly modelled (since the character could see the building blocks of the universe but not the levels in between), this would be an Uncontrolled ability (GM's option) that notified the character when there was a weakness, but did not enable him to (effectively) create one by looking where there was nothing to find. Then, when he did realize a vulnerability was present, it still might not help him, because he might not have the materials and/or forces on hand to take advantage of it. Knowing that your opponent is vulnerable to water does not convey the ability to generate streams of water from your hands. You need to try something innovative, like calling in the fire brigade.


You could also go an entirely different route and just make him an embodiment of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle; the act of observing involves an observer in the event. By adjusting his perceptions of reality, he can try to adjust reality . . . but, if he fails (keep in mind that a lot of other people are observing reality!), he won't realize it! This is, of course, a huge Side Effect, preventing him from trying again at the very least. He should also probably take a 25-point Physical Disad, absolutely incapable of believing that his powers have failed; once he changes his own perception overwhelmingly enough to change local reality (he can't go beyond the range of his own perceptions, obviously), he has already changed his mental reality, and his mind will filter out anything that does not fit his new beliefs, making adjustments to the incoming perception as necessary.


At best, he might eventually end up in a total delusional state. At worst, he would forge on bravely, unable to understand why he felt weaker and weaker as the villain he had just tried to will out of existence continued to pound away at his helpless (no active defense; unaware that there might be anything to worry about) body.


You might want to let these delusions wear off after a while. Just so that the character isn't totally screwed.

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Re: The building blocks of the universe.


"So' date=' you buy an RKA, NND, Invisible to Sight and Hearing, with a linked DEX and INT Drain, also NND, Invisible, and ranged of course. So, you get about a half-die of each."[/quote']



Don't forget its a -8 to hit the head.;)

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