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Character: The TransAtlantic Man


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Doctor Anton Calvari, The TransAtlantic Man:


Dr. Anton Calvari was born in Britain. He spent most of his career in science studying physics, and was recruited by Edison, and later, by Tesla, to attend conferences and bring back ideas from Europe to the laboratories in the New World.


Because of his frequent trans-atlantic trips and his dime-novel tales and exploits of the strange things he found cavorting with two continents worth of the strangest (and maddest) science imaginable, Dr. Calvari was nicknamed "The Trans-Atlantic Man" by peers and "Our Trans-Atlantic Man" by the Tesla research team at Colorado Springs, Colorado.


On a trip to the 1900 Paris World's Fair, he tried to set up a proof-of-concept wireless power transmission device going. This device seemed to be a quantum breakthrough in the area of wireless power transmission - for the first 10 seconds at least, until something went Horribly Wrong.


History records that Dr. Calvari was completely vaporized - down to his clothing as well. This did not happen. What did happen was that Calvari was sent forward into time, until he landed in the modern day.


Now with nothing but his wits and inventiveness, he needs to first find a way to survive in this hostile, strange world, and if possible, return to the past.


He may be able to do it - when it comes to physical danger, luck seems to be on his side - after all, there was no way he should have survived the blast of electricity that sent him hurtling through time.


He's already managed to salvage some parts and created some gadgets designed to help him survive through this cold, urban, completely alien environment, alone, without friends or even a way to prove his identity. It may not be enough to avoid all those who would just take advantage of the weak, those who mistake him for some escaped mental patient, and the strange other things that lurk in this world.


Melodramatic Optional Plot Seeds - Character is written up without these Disads


  • One of the things about being trapped in the future with no way to return home is not only knowing that all your friends and family are dead, but exactly when and how they died. If Anton can find a way back to the 1900s, he could alter the course of history and save their lives.
  • Of course, whenever someone tries to travel through time, it can rewrite history like a cassette. Traveling in time is (will be) a crime. That's why there are the Time Agents.
    These Time Agents come from a dystopian future which is under ruthless control - the future to be that comes from the path we have chosen - the hell we have chosen for ourselves. If Anton goes back in time, he may even deter the rise of the robber barons, the World Wars, and the energy crises that brought the rulers of the future to power.
    They work by infiltrating the past; dressing the same as the contemporaries, living normal lives - sleeper agents - until it's time to exterminate an unauthorized time-traveller. Then they use all the future technology they can bring to bear against a time-traveller - so long as they don't leave any evidence for the people of the present to reverse engineer.
    The Time Agents justify their existance to the future masses because in order to "prevent the erasure of billions of existances." However, the Time Agents are not loathe to kill witnesses and collateral damage - so long as it doesn't matter all that much in the scheme of things - isn't a concern. This certainly causes changes to the timeline.
  • Anton didn't come to the future by any sort of "controlled" time travel. He didn't step into a machine - what he really did was rip a hole in space-time. First, when you rip a hole in space time, bad things tend to come out of it. Second, when you rip a hole in space time, people who WANT bad things to come out of it (sorcerers, demonic scientists, cultists, government scientists - hell, even misguided good guys) tend to want to use you as a portal.




------------[Anton: Characteristics ]-------------
Val    Cha         Base   Cost   Pts
15    STR.........10     x 1      5
18    DEX.........10     x 3     24
15    CON.........10     x 2     10
12    BODY........10     x 2      4
18    INT.........10     x 1      8
15    EGO.........10     x 2     10
15    PRE.........10     x 1      5
10    COM.........10     x 1/2    0
 3    PD..........3      x 1      0
 3    ED..........3      x 1      0
 3    SPD.........2.8    x 10     2
 6    REC.........6      x 2      0
30    END.........30     x 1/2    0
28    STUN........28     x 1      0
          Characteristics Cost:  68
------------------------------[ Anton: Powers ]-------------------------------
Cost                                Power                                  END
---- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
45  Multipower - Gadgets & Gadgeteering <45 AP>                             0
 2  u ElectroPistol: Energy Blast 9d6 <45 AP>; OAF (-1) Beam (-1/4), 12     0
     Charges (-1/4)
 1  u Climbing Suction Cups: Clinging (Normal STR) <10 AP> Costs            1
     Endurance (-1/2), Maximum Movement Speed While Clinging is 1" per
    phase (-1/2)
 1  u Grapnel and Hook: Swinging 8" <8 AP>; IAF (-1/2), Extra Time          1
     (Full Phase, Only to Activate -1/4)
 1  u Concealable Parachute: Gliding 6" <6 AP>; 1 Recoverable               0
     Continuing Charge (lasts until char hits ground or parachute is
    fouled; -3/4), IAF (-1/2), Limited Movement (Cannot gain altitude,
    and must move at least 12" downward for every 1" forward; -1/2)
 1  Machine Repair: Aid BODY 4 1/2 d6 <45 AP>; Only on Machines (-1); 4     0
     Charges (-1)
 1  u Mechanical Morphing: Major Transform 3d6 (Transform Machine into      0
     other type of Machine or Spare Parts into Working Machine, heals by
    taking it apart or destroying) <45 AP> 4 Charges (-1); Limited
    Target (Only on Machines/Parts -1/2), No Range (-1/2)
 1  u Physics Mastery: Dispel Electricity & Magnetism Based Powers          0
     (through the use of applied science) 15d6 <45 AP>; Extra Time (1
    Turn Post Segment 12, Character May Take No Other Actions -1 1/2) 2
    Charges (-1 1/2) RSR (-1/2); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)
 2  u Electromagnetic Pulse: Dispel Electricity Powers (All) 5d6; (All      0
     Electricity Powers Simultaniously; +2) <45 AP>; 4 Charges (-1)
 0  -------------------------------------------------------------           0
24  It Looks Worse Than It Is: Armor (8 PD/8 ED)                            0
 4  Just What I Needed!: Major Transform 1d6; Thin Air into Small,          0
     Useful Non-Combat Device, Special Effect: "Found" Items; Heals by
    being no longer relevant to plot/forgotton about <15 AP>; 1 Charge
    (-2); Non-Combat, Non-Valuable items only (-1/2)
 7  Close Shave I: Armor (10PD) <15 AP>; 4 Charges (-1)                     0
 7  Close Shave II: Armor (10ED) <15 AP>; 4 Charges (-1)                    0
 3  Anonymity                                                           
 6  Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)                                             
 5  Electronics 14-                                                     
 3  Inventor 13-                                                        
 3  Mechanics 13-                                                       
 3  SS: Biology 13-                                                     
 3  SS: Chemistry 13-                                                   
 5  SS: Physics 15-                                                     
 2  WF: Small Arms                                                      
 3  Language: French (Fluent & Literate)                                
 2  Systems Operation (Radio) 13-                                       
 0  ES: Language (British English) Native                               
 0  ES: Transport Familiarity: Horses                                   
 0  ES: Professional Skill: Scientific Researcher 8-                    
 0  ES: Area Knowledge: Menlo Park, circa 1900 8-                       
 0  ES: Conversation 8-                                                 
 1  TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles                                 
 1  TF: Balloons and Zeppelins                                          
---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
137  Powers Cost + 68 Characteristics Cost = 205 Total Cost

         Disadvantage                             150 +  Pts
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
Normal Characteristic Maxima                                                20
Social Limitation: Unfamiliar With Modern Culture (Occasionally, Minor)      5
Social Limitation: Awkward Around Women (-3 with Interactive Skill Rolls    10
with Women) (Occasionally, Major)
Distinctive Feature: British Accent (Concealable; Noticed and               10
Recognizeable; Detectable by Commonly Used Senses)
Money: Destitute                                                            10
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
                     205 (Total Points) = 0 (Experience) + Disadvantages: 205


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Re: Character: The TransAtlantic Man


Great concept, and groovy art! :)


I like the idea behind Close Shave, but I'd build it a bit differently. As it stands it can only be activated on his phases, then lasts for one phase and is gone. I might sink the points directly into more Combat Luck, or use a trigger so that the power will come on line when needed.



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Re: Character: The TransAtlantic Man


Great concept, and groovy art! :)


I like the idea behind Close Shave, but I'd build it a bit differently. As it stands it can only be activated on his phases, then lasts for one phase and is gone. I might sink the points directly into more Combat Luck, or use a trigger so that the power will come on line when needed.




Ooh, Let me see if I can't rebuild that.

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