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Magic System Question #8

Kortay Mirlor

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I got a spell that does like a flying carpet (only it makes a shield fly). How do you keep people from falling off a flying carpet? Or anything flat that can be flied on.


EDIT: note to myself: Don't post when so tired I forget the word "flown."


Or how to spell "Magic." Dam that's in the TITLE. :o :o :o

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Re: Magaic System Question #8


There's two ways.


the first and easiest is simply say it's the carpet that flies and it can carry people (build it as a summoned vehicle, if you really want to stat it out). People can still fall off or jump off etc.


Or build it as flight, area effect, with a universal focus. It's not really usable against others since you could always just hop off or refuse to get on, and it's not really usable by others since you can't fly off on your own bit of carpet. If you hate the area effect, then build it as usable by others and then limit it. But in this case, since everyone is flying, no-one can fall off - you'd have to actively choose to move outside the area of effect - effectively jumping off.


On the other hand if the caster can make it fly without being on it then a limited UBO is the way to go.


cheers, Mark

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