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Backup Characters


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Ok, now although I know my GM, Mark hits these forums every so often, I'll throw this out anyway and and see what happens to me next game...or in the next round of e-mails.


Ok, here is the run down.


We are running a 150-160 pt base characters. (We're at about 180pts now.)


Anyway, we are nearing one of our main objective of this game, recovering the Stone Hammer, a powerful dwarven artifact.


Problem is a bunch of minators have the hammer and are using it to tunnel their way into the dwarven fortress with great ease I might add.


So we engage these mooks per our usual idium.


Well we went into this knowing that we might die considering the artifact they got.


Now we did good against them. In all I was a lucky bastard and kept getting missed by attacks. One player was less lucky and ended up being forced to roll for cover constantly, and eventually he got his head squished by the hammer only because he hit the guy with 2 large energy attacks.


Our other guy, the gnome and our alchemist and only source of healing...becuase my Sorcerer got changed into a troll (Blade mage, heavy fighter and casted buffing spells) and lost all his magic abilities to pay for the troll benifits.


Anyway our gnome was playing the invisible trouble maker, had his invisibility dropped on him and he was sent flying into a wall where he went to sleep.


Well we killed the hammer guy and the hammer fell from his grasp and hit the ground just barely causeing an ever widenig/depening hole to appear. Well we lost the gnome and the body of our already dead friend into the hole, nothing to be doen for it.


But in all the battle was really close, we all were down to about 5 or less body in this fight. A few good rolls against us and we would have been lunch meat.


So in light of our near demise, the backup character became a more fervent topic of discusion.


Now I have 2 possible back up characters in mind...one I need help on. The other is cool, but probably could use a second opinion here or there.


Ok my 1st character idea is an exorsist, more along the lines of something from an anime than anything else. But I'll get to him in a second.


So I'll post my second character idea and follow it up witht he 1st one I had.

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Tormal the Grim Mountain Dwarf Martial Artist


Ok, here is the my second back up character...to be followed by the first one.




Name: Tormal (“Torm-All”) Real Name: Tormal Grallherst Nordhail


16 (30).....STR.....10 .....6














*We don't use END as it bogs down the game...just END Reserves for magic.

**Max Characteristic rules are being used...with some exceptions.


Non-Combat Skills

*We are required to have 25pts in NCS.






E.....AK: Home Area...................................8-

E.....Lang: Grim Death- Native....................---

E.....Lang: Trader- Native..........................---





6.....KS: Legendary Fist Martial Art...............15-

4.....KS: Anatomy......................................13-

4.....KS: Herbalism & Healing Lore..................13-

3.....Survival: Mountains..............................12-

*"E" denotes an Everyman Skill


Combat Skills

*We have a predefined listing of what is a Combat Skill.



E.....WF: Stick, Baton/Shillelagh, Club...........---

3.....Break Fall..........................................12-

5.....Analyze: Fighting Techniques................13-

3.....CSL: Martial Arts................................+1 OCV

2.....WF: Common Melee Weapons...............---

7.....Defensive Maneuvers: 1, 2, 3, _...........---

2.....Armor Familiarity: Light........................---

18.....Martial Arts: Legendary Fist................---


5.....Balanced Strike..........+2.....+2.....STR +1d6 Strike

4.....Weaving Strike..........+0.....+2.....STR +2d6 Strike

4.....Nerve Strike.............-1.....+1.....2d6 NND (Rigid PD on Vital areas or Lack of Weakness)

5.....Take Away...............+0.....+0.....Grab Weapon, +10 STR to take weapon away

Free.....WE: Unarmed


**Any skill that can be used in combat is a Combat skill with the exception of Analyze magic or any similar skills that are based upon ones knowledge and such.



5.....Dark Vision: Thermo Graphic Vision: Infrared Vision

4.....Dwarven Elder: 1600

2.....Survival: Mountains

1.....Accustomed to thin mountain/cave air: Expanded Breathing-Thin Air

1.....Artic Environment: Safe Environment: Extreme Cold; -1/2 Doesn't work if wearing metal armor or caring a metal shield

3.....Rock Hard Dwarven Fists: +1D6 Hand to Hand; -1/2 Only in Hand to Hand

3.....Martial Body Training: 4PDr / 2EDr Damage Resistance



-2.....Short Legs: Running-1

-1.....Short Legs: Swimming-1



5.....Distinctive Features: Dwarf

10.....Psychological Limitation: Metal Armor is a crutch of weak fighters, will not ware Metal Armor

10.....Psychological Limitation: Refrains from using weapons. The PC has no overt desire to kill and refrains from using weapons although he is skilled in the use of a small group of weapons devoted from his martial arts style. He will use his own power and skill before picking up a weapon, which is an act of desperation. Uncommon [5]; Strong [5]

10.....Distinctive Features: Mystic Aura: As a martial artist of great skill, his aura is stronger than that of a normal beings. Not Concealable [15]; Detectable only with unusual senses [-5]

10.....Psychological Limitation: Grim Death Dwarves conviction: While not stern and dour, as a Dwarf of the Grim Death he takes pride in his accomplishments and deeds as well as his way of life. As such he will not lie if it can not be helped, and he will never betray a friend/comrade. Common [10]; Moderate [0]



Legendary Fist Special Techniques


Waking Strength

The PC spends 1 hour every time they wake up (or anytime they have a free hour) meditating. Once they are done they are able to display incredible feats of strength through out the day or until they lose consciousness; they may reactivate this ability when they awaken if they have the time.

+14 STR

-3/4.....Concentration: Zero DCV; Totally unaware of near by events

-1/2.....Not Figured

-1/4.....Requires a KS: Legendary Fist Skill roll (-1 to Roll)

-11/2.....Extra Time: 1 Hour to Activate Only

-1/2.....Power Deactivates if PC falls asleep or is rendered unconscious or looses all STUN.

AP/RC: 14 / 3


Resplendent Fist

This is a combat technique allowing a skilled martial artist to land several strikes in a space of only a few seconds. The strikes are so fast that each strike blurs together to appear as a singe strike that seems to have a slight sheen to it, this is in fact the blur of each attack moving so quickly. In truth, kicks or punches can be delivered with this. Martial Arts strikes may be used with this. The attack is devastating and meant as a finishing move.

HA: +1d6

+1/2.....Auto-Fire: 5 Strikes

+1/2.....AOE: 1 Hex Accurate

+1/2.....Armor Piercing (more inline with what I have in mind for the ability)

-1/2.....Hand-to-Hand (unarmed only, martial arts apply, only the strike from last phase that was used.)

-1/2.....Extra Time: Full Phase

-1/4.....Requires a KS: Legendary Fist Skill roll (-1 to Roll)

-3/4.....Charges: 6 uses per day, 1 use allows 5 strikes to be made.

-1/2.....Damage Loss: Every subsequent punch after the 1st looses 2 die of damage from its total to no less than 1d6 of damage.

AP/RC: 12 / 3


Stop the Flow

This technique stops anyone from using any sort of reserve of energy. For mages they suddenly find the flow of mana from or to their body empty. For those with divine power the same applies. For Psychics, they find their mental energy depleted. This technique is one feared by all mages…that is if they survive the encounter with the martial artist.

Dispel: 3d6 END Reserve



-1/4.....Gestures (Similar to Nerve Strike, 2 fingers extended on striking hand)

-1/2.....Extra Time: Full Phase

-1/4.....Requires a KS: Legendary Fist Skill Roll (-1 to Roll)

-3/4.....Charges: 6 uses per day

AP/RC: 13 / 4


*We normally divide the spell cost by 2 to get a final point cost but since these are not magic spells that is not down here.


**Also we have to spend 5pts on a talent called Unusual Backgroud if we mix thinggs like Magic and Martial Arts, or steampunk cybernetics (Demon-Tech & Rune-Tech). This is per every 1 thing in addition to the base selection.


So that's my dwarf. I'll post the exorsist next.


When commenting on the Dwarf please note in you title if its the Dwarf Martial Artist or the exorsist.

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Alecard (Alec) Davins The human exorcist


Name: Alec or Alecard.....Real Name: Alecard Davens


















Non-Combat Skills





3.....Inventor (Spell Research)...............12-


2.....KS: Arcane & Occult Lore...............11-


4.....KS: Spirit Lore..............................14-

E.....AK: Home Area..............................8-

2.....KS: Undead Lore............................11-

1.....Lang: Wood Elf- Native, Literate.......---

2.....PS: Wood Carving..........................11-

1.....Lang: Trader- Native, Literate..........---

2.....PS: Metal Working..........................11-


2.....Lang: Ki-Nor Dwarf- Basic, Literate....---



Combat Skills



E.....WF: Stick, Baton/Shillelagh, Club......---

19.....Magic: Spirit/Chakra.....................20-

2.....WF: Common Melee Weapons...........---

2.....CSL: Spirit Sword...........................+1 OCV

1.....WF: Thrown Weapons.....................---

1.....Break Fall......................................8-

3.....CSL: Blades...................................+1 OCV



3.....Strong Spirit: 5 Def, Power Defense; Hardened (+1/4); Only against attacks from Ghosts/Spirits/etc. and attacks that are similar in nature to those exhibited by ghosts/spirits (-1)

4.....Exorcists Will: +2 to Ego Rolls

3.....Fortified Mind: 5 Def, Mental Defense; Hardened (+1/4); Only against attacks from Ghosts/Spirits/etc. and attacks that are similar in nature to those exhibited by ghosts/spirits (-1)


VAL: Disadvantages:

15.....Distinctive Feature: Genki-Tenkai’s Presence: The PC has a very unique presence that can be felt. Not Concealable [15]; Cause a Major Reaction [5]; Special Senses (magic/psionic/spirit, or being a spirit/ghost/etc) to sense [-5]

15..... Psychological Limitation: Protective: The PC is very protective with his friends and comrades. He will got to what ever lengths are necessary to save some one he cares about. Common [10]; Strong [5]

10.....Social Limitation: As one of the Genki-Tenkai (Spirit Warriors) the PC holds a degree of awe and intrigue amongst people, but they are also constantly hounded by people who believe their homes are haunted and know that the Genki-Tenkai are capable of banishing these ghosts. Most of the time there are no ghosts or even residual chakra from a ghosts presence. Frequently 11- [10]; Minor [0]



OK, now my dilema are his spells/powers


Know I got a very particular idea for him.


Spirit Sight: Allows him to see the flow of chakra in the world around him and allows him to see the spirits of people and beings in the form of their auras. actual spirits are seen as they are. The power would allow him to see in the dark and invisibility is uslesss against this power as invisibility would have to affect the ability to see spirits/chakra.


Spirit Blade: If you've seen the anime Tenchi Muyo! then the sword Tenchi uses in the anime is what the pc has. Its a wooden hilt or personally crafted hilt that is a focus item for the weapon. The PC pumps power into it like a fuel allowing him to summon forth the blade with out having to by END every time he needs to create the blade.


Spiritual Healing: Sor of like a divine healing spell only you can't regenerate limbs, it nearly a fool proof healing spell that differs from a "Fuse Wounds" spell that can create other problems fo the recipient (Like a rib fused with a lung).


Spiritual Armor: Sort of a force field like power that is akin to armor, its activated only once and remains active with out any maintinance cost.


Banish Spell: Some sort of spell that banishes spirits/ghosts and such beings to what ever plain they are intended for.


Spirits Grasp: A binding/entangle spell that can hold any spirit/ghots/etc fast and it affects the living as well.




Now while Mark, my GM is pretty open minded with some spells and how they work, he does have some stipulations.


All spells must have:

-1/2.....Requires a Skill Roll

-1.....Side Effects (on failed Skill Roll) See Standard Spell Side Effects Table

-1/4.....Noisy: Any magic user with in line of sight will automatically know a spell is being cast. Any magic user not in line of sight will take a Perception Check with normal range modifiers and situation modifiers to know a spell is being cast along with the direction and range to spell. The sensing mage gets a bonus to his perception check equal to +1 per 10 active points in the spell.


Now the Final Cost to the Character in points is determiend by taking the determined point cost after limitations and dividing that number by 2.


The character has to be under 160pts though. (Roughly around 157 if possible.)



Also he has a list of "must choose 1 of the following" that we need to select from. But most of those options are easily acounted for with this:


And END reserves are needed for powers as well. The Recovery for END Reserves must take the following limitations:


-1 Only works when Sleeping, Meditation, or at Complete Rest

-2 Extra Time: Hour



So if anyone can help me out with refining this guy and his spells I'd appreciate it.:idjit:

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Re: Backup Characters


Ok, I'll post the current versions of his spells that I have.


HELPFUL thoughts, and comments would be appreciated on squeezing every point I can.




Spirit Sword

The PC has a rod like object that is the hilt of the weapon. It is empowered with their chakra as needed and when called upon, they can summon forth a blade of pure chakra energy. The blade is often blue in color and actually appears to be solid. The color can vary based upon the emotional state of the person. The blade is 2 inches wide from base to where it forms the tip and the blade is roughly 4ft long. The blade itself is not actually connected to the hilt or appears to be projected, it simple always appears to be half an inch from the hilts top. The blade is equally capable of harming the living as it can harm spirits making it versatile.

2d6 HKA

+1/2.....Armor Piercing

+1/2.....Affects Desolidified

-1/2.....STR does not Add/Subtract damage

+0.....Continuing Fuel Charge: END Empowered (6 END to empower), lasts for 1 hour of constant use

-1/2.....OIF: Personally Hand Crafted Hilt or other hilt (See Unique Limitation below)

-1/4.....Unique Limitation: The PC may use any other hilt like object (must be missing its blade or most of its blade) as the focus for the weapon but empowering the weapon with END will cost x2 the normal END.

-1/2.....Requires a Skill Roll

-1.....Side Effects (on failed Skill Roll) See Standard Spell Side Effects Table

-1/4.....Noisy: Any magic user with in line of sight will automatically know a spell is being cast. Any magic user not in line of sight will take a Perception Check with normal range modifiers and situation modifiers to know a spell is being cast along with the direction and range to spell. The sensing mage gets a bonus to his perception check equal to +1 per 10 active points in the spell.

-1/4.....One & a Half Handed

AP/FC/RC: 60/14/7

NOTE: The hilt focus item can be taken away and/or destroyed, however a new focus can be made (with either the use of PS: Wood Carving or PS: Metal Working….or a combo of both to craft a unique hilt.



Banish/Send to the Next Plane

This spell allows the PC to banish spirits & ghosts to the next plane of existence (heaven/hell/purgatory/spirit plane/etc).

Extra Dimensional Movement: Able to travel to a single location in a group of locations; the individuals intended destination in the after life; the spirit realm; hell; purgatory; send to Amba; etc. [25]

+1.....Usable as Attack

+1/2.....AOE: One Hex Accurate

+1/2.....Affects Desolidified

-1/2.....Requires a Skill Roll

-1.....Side Effects (on failed Skill Roll) See Standard Spell Side Effects Table

-1/4.....Noisy: Any magic user with in line of sight will automatically know a spell is being cast. Any magic user not in line of sight will take a Perception Check with normal range modifiers and situation modifiers to know a spell is being cast along with the direction and range to spell. The sensing mage gets a bonus to his perception check equal to +1 per 10 active points in the spell.

-1/2.....Others Only

-2.....Only on Spirits & Ghosts (& similar beings)

-1/4.....Concentration: Half DCV

-1/2.....Extra Time: Full Phase

-1/4.....Variable Disadvantage (-1/2 with the 3 following options):

_______1) -1/4 Gestures & -1/4 Invocation

_______2) -1/2 END X2

_______3) -1/2 OIF (Specially prepared Item)

AP/FC/RC: 75/12/6



Exorcists Armor

This spell bestows the caster with strong defenses against attacks from both the living and those from Spirits. This spell is a must have for any exorcist who deals with harmful spirits. The protection is not visible either. The armor though is more effective against energy based attacks than it is against physical attacks (as most spirits and such can only deal energy based damage, namely drains). The power remains active for 6 hours. Many exorcists use this to get some amount of sleep and remain protected during times when they may have to wait until a specific time for a spirit to show itself.

Multi-Power: 49pts

---[37/1] Armor: 6PDr / 8EDr; Affects Desolidified (+1/2); Hardened (+1/4)

---[12/0] Power Defense: 10 Def; Hardened (+1/4)

Common Advantages/Limitations

-1/2.....Requires a Skill Roll

-1.....Side Effects (on failed Skill Roll) See Standard Spell Side Effects Table

-1/4.....Noisy: Any magic user with in line of sight will automatically know a spell is being cast. Any magic user not in line of sight will take a Perception Check with normal range modifiers and situation modifiers to know a spell is being cast along with the direction and range to spell. The sensing mage gets a bonus to his perception check equal to +1 per 10 active points in the spell.

-1/4.....END to Activate Only

-1/4.....Variable Disadvantage (-1/2 with the 3 following options):

_______1) -1/4 Gestures & -1/4 Invocation

_______2) -1/2 END X2

_______3) -1/2 OIF (Specially prepared Item)

AP/FC/RC: 49/15/7

*Spell remains active for 6 hours before it must be maintained/recast.



Spirits Grasp

This spell is capable of binding beings who are either physical or non-physical. This makes it quite difficult for them to escape the entanglement.

Entangle: 2d6 Body / 4 Def

+1/2.....Affects Desolidified

+1/4.....No damage from Physical Attacks (Energy Attacks affect it)

+1/4.....END to Activate

-1/4.....Cannot Form Barriers

-1/2.....Vulnerable to Fire

-1/2.....Requires a Skill Roll

-1.....Side Effects (on failed Skill Roll) See Standard Spell Side Effects Table

-1/4.....Noisy: Any magic user with in line of sight will automatically know a spell is being cast. Any magic user not in line of sight will take a Perception Check with normal range modifiers and situation modifiers to know a spell is being cast along with the direction and range to spell. The sensing mage gets a bonus to his perception check equal to +1 per 10 active points in the spell.

-1/4.....Variable Disadvantage (-1/2 with the 3 following options):

_______1) -1/4 Gestures & -1/4 Invocation

_______2) -1/2 END X2

_______3) -1/2 OIF (Specially prepared Item)

AP/FC/RC: 60/16/5



Spirit Sight

The PC was born with this unique power. Over time he has learned to use it with greater skill than he did as a child. This sensory enhancement power allows him to see the flow of spiritual energy (or Chakra or Ki/Chi if you prefer) in the world around him. Since spiritual energy is an inherent part of all things he is able to see its patterns and flow around objects and beings as well as its flow with in beings, a helpful effect of this is that it allows him to see in the dark. It also allows him to see things like ghosts and spirits that would normally not be seen by the naked eye as they still emit spiritual energy. His sense with this is sharp enough that he is able to glean a great deal of information about a person just by looking at their flow of chakra. He can tell if a person is possessed, or if they have an aptitude for magic, or just how strong of a person they are, or if they are undead. Also his perception of sight is greatly enhanced. When in use, his irises become a solid color, (gray), his pupil is not visible at all.

Detect: Spiritual Energy Flow/Patterns (Large Class) [10]; Detect: Spirits/Ghost/Etc. [5]; +4 to PER rolls (Sight Group) [8]; Sense [2]; Discriminatory [5]; Targeting Sense (Sight) [10]

-1/2.....Requires a Skill Roll

-1.....Side Effects (on failed Skill Roll) See Standard Spell Side Effects Table

-1/4.....Noisy: Any magic user with in line of sight will automatically know a spell is being cast. Any magic user not in line of sight will take a Perception Check with normal range modifiers and situation modifiers to know a spell is being cast along with the direction and range to spell. The sensing mage gets a bonuses to his perception check equal to +1 per 10 active points in the spell.

-1/4.....END to Activate Only

-1/4.....Variable Disadvantage (-1/2 with the 3 following options):

_______1) -1/4 Gestures & -1/4 Invocation

_______2) -1/2 END X2

_______3) -1/2 OIF (Specially prepared Item)

AP/FC/RC: 40/12/4

*Will remain active for 1 hour before turning off / needing to be maintained.



Spirits Requiem

This is a spiritual healing spell that accelerates a persons natural healing for a time, however as a side effect the person not only has to be willing, but the spell puts them into a sleep like trance while it works. The spell can heal poisons and diseases, but it can not re-grow limbs and organs.

Healing: 2 Body Regeneration


+1/4.....END to Activate only*

+1/2.....Heals Poisons & Diseases

-11/2.....Extra Time: 15 minutes to Heal 2 Body

-1/2.....Extra Time: 1 Minute to cast spell

-1/2.....Requires a Skill Roll

-1.....Side Effects (on failed Skill Roll) See Standard Spell Side Effects Table

-1/4.....Side Effect: Automatically renders target unconscious for 1 hour, during time they can not be awoken at all. Also spell will not work on an unwilling target, (unconsciousness is a consenting/willing condition for this spell).

-1/4.....Noisy: Any magic user with in line of sight will automatically know a spell is being cast. Any magic user not in line of sight will take a Perception Check with normal range modifiers and situation modifiers to know a spell is being cast along with the direction and range to spell. The sensing mage gets a bonuses to his perception check equal to +1 per 10 active points in the spell.

-1/4.....Variable Disadvantage (-1/2 with the 3 following options):

_______1) -1/4 Gestures & -1/4 Invocation

_______2) -1/2 END X2

_______3) -1/2 OIF (Specially prepared Item)

AP/FC/RC: 45/8/3

* NOTE: Spells effects last 1 hour.


NOTE: AP= Active Points FC= Figured Points (After Limitations) RC= Real cost (final cost to purchase the spell/power after dividing the FC by 2.)




Ok, so this is what I got for now. I can't think of any way to further refine them with out loosing out on what I want them to do, and so that the final cost in points for them is less than what is listed above for them. :confused:

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Re: Backup Characters


Uhhh? What's a backup character?


Please tell me your trying to be funny....:straight:



A backup character is a character you make just in case your main character gets themselves turned into a gooy mess. This way your not wasting time and some GMs can look over these back up charactes and drop them in immeidatly if you go them ready and on hand. Anything exta like back grounds and such can be explained a bit later.


Basicly any additional characters you make for a game that replace the original character you were playing is a backup character.

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