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Hero Hunt - It's Back


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Well, in my game it is anyway.


As part of my campaign I have a new side plot based on the Hero Hunt. Basically all those villains out there who are interested in money gain points for taking out superheroes. This time, however, they gain more points for a kill. The villain with the most points gets an insane amount of cash.


The reason - a group of villains led by the combined might of Black Paladin and the Crowns of Krim wish to reduce the numbers of supers available to stop their grand plot. In this case a rather apocalyptic end of the world (as we know it), with a gate to a horror dimension being opened and all sorts of nasty critters taking up residence in our beloved Champions universe.


I've started to create a spreadsheet containing my favourite heroes and villains from both 4th and 5th edition rules to battle it out.

Unfortunately I have several hundred villains to include, but less than half the number of heroes.


What I would ask is if you could provide a list of your favourite Superheroes from either your games or ones you've played showing Name, Group, base of operations (Country, Worldwide etc), points value, and any reputation information, I would really appreciate it.


I've attached my spreadsheet so far for anyone who's interested. It's not complete as I've still got a few source books worth of villains/ Heroes to input, but it's a start.


Please bear in mind not all the villains will be included in the Hero Hunt, but I thought since I was making up a list I might as well include all known villains, and filter out those who aren't participating.

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Re: Hero Hunt - It's Back


Here's the latest update to my hero hunt / champions universe file.


The next thing I need to do is sort an quick way of calculating a win / lose against various opponents.


I was going to use the characters points value as an indicator and use a formula, for example:-


Character points (CP) of attacker + 1D100 > CP of Defender = Attacker wins.

If the difference is greater than 500, then defender is killed in the process.


I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have on an alternative way of calculating a win / lose, as I'm not convinced my method is very effective. :help:

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Re: Hero Hunt - It's Back


While CP would be a quick and dirty way to do the comparison, CP only tell part of the story. A high CP character with tons of science, knowledge or other skills would likely be toast when fighting a character where all the points were devoted to powers or combat skills.


As such, you might want to consider comparing effectiveness ratings. There are some spreadsheets available on the site to calculate the ER. This would likely be a better measure of relatively combat ability and ability to survive an encounter.


I apologize, but I don't remember who created the spreadsheet. They post to these boards.

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