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Day in the Life 2


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Here is a developing story written by assembled Herodom. I will start it then will ask everyone to continue:



Steel - Brick

Speed Demon - Speedster

Myntec - Mentalist

Darkstar - GL Type/Leader

Black Saber - Martial Artist/Gageteer


It started off like most days. Speed Demon (SD) decided to fill some extra time by patroling the city. It was not anything unusual. SD discovered some thugs attempting to terrorize some out-of-towners, and getting all their valuables. Eventhough there were five thugs to SD, it was no problem and SD quickly defeated the thugs and helped the out-of-towners to some place that would be more friendly.


As SD patroled, he came upon an abandoned building that is known for various less-than-reputable meetings. Upon entering, all the doors and windows suddenly closed. At the same time, several guns started firing down into the place that SD occupied. At first these shots were easy to avoid, but in time SD knew that one would contact and it would be over. Every attempt SD made to get to where the enemy is failed. Realizing that assistance is necessary, he called the other team members.


Did SD's call manage to get through? Will SD be around long enough for the team to arrive? Who is behind this attack? For the answers to these and more questions everyone turns to you. :eek:

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