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[Sigil Campaign] Typhus

Bik Britelite

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I am making this post for several reasons.


1) Because I really like playing this guy and I would like to share a little more of him with other forum junkies like myself.

2) It has been asked by some to post powers and items that have been created so others could “borrow” them. :)

3) I am always looking for some input on how to shave points, fix glaring errors on my part, and/or so others could post ideas that I may incorporate into Typhus.


So without further ado, I present Typhus. (189 points, unless my math is off . . . again.)


Physical description: Typhus is a haggard looking man. When his helmet is off, his rotting skin with patchwork facial hair, and long stringy hair is overwhelming to look at. Typhus is usually slumped over from the weight of the armor. He wheezes as he breathes and has a raspy old voice.


Height: 6’ 2”

Weight: 168 lbs.

Race: Human, Telphanian

Sex: Male

Age: unknown.


Typhus does not openly wear a holy symbol to his god, Nehrull. His reasoning is, “Why would I need to? Nehrull knows of my devotion to him. Is it required to be recognized by others in order to do deeds in my gods name? No. So why should I proclaim it to the world when the only one that matters is Nehrull himself?”


The constant pain of wearing such a large, cumbersome piece of equipment in exchange for eternal life is viewed as a blessing. Is it painful? Yes, but Typhus would have it no other way. Does the lack of real sleep make him irritable? Most certainly yes, this irritability does not bother Typhus, only those he interacts with and he doesn’t care about them at all.


Whenever Typhus wishes to enact a power, this blessing is the incantation used to enact whichever power Typhus wishes.


Nehrull’s Blessing

Nehrull, lord of death, hater of life

behold the suffering strength

my gift unto your blessings.




There are probably major fubars in this design. They are not intentional, its just that even though I have a college education, I am still an idiot at times. Just ask others about my math prowess. :rolleyes: If you see something, call it out and offer a suggestion as to how to fix it. I don’t want everyone to nitpick it to death, but if I am doing something obviously wrong or game breaking, let me know.


Value . . . Characteristics . . . Cost

13 . . . . . . STR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

14 . . . . . . DEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

12 . . . . . . CON . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

10 . . . . . . BODY . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

18 . . . . . . INT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

10 . . . . . . EGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

13 . . . . . . PRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4 . . . . . . . COM . . . . . . . . . . . . -3


3 . . . . . . . PD (3) . . . . . . . . . . . 0

2 . . . . . . . ED (2) . . . . . . . . . . . 0

3 . . . . . . . SPD (2.4) . . . . . . . . 6

5 . . . . . . . REC (5) . . . . . . . . . . 0

20 . . . . . . END (24) . . . . . . . . -2

23 . . . . . . STUN (23) . . . . . . . 0


Running: 6”

Swimming: 2”

Jumping: Bleh, like he’s going to jump.


Skill Sets


1 WF: Scythe

4 +2 OCV w/scythe

6 +2 Lvl w/scythe

2 +1 OCV w/claws

6 +2 Lvl w/claws



1x(4) Language: Common (Idiomatic, native accent (Galeel Shire), w/literacy)


Knowledge/area knowledge/professional

2 KS: Poisons (15-)

1 KS: Planes (11-)

1 KS: Gates of Sigil (11-)

1 KS: Nehrull (11-)

3 AK: Sigil (15-)

3 PS: Brew Poisons (15-)


General skills

3 Cryptography (15-)

3 Sleight of Hand (12-)

3 Streetwise (12-)

3 Healing (15-)

3 Riding (12-)

x(1) Fam. w/Acting (8-)

x(1) Fam. w/Climing (8-)

x(1) Fam. w/Concealment (8-)

x(1) Fam. w/Conversation (8-)

x(1) Fam. w/Deduction (8-)

x(1) Fam. w/AK: Telphanar (8-)

x(1) Fam. w/Persuassion (8-)

x(1) Fam. w/Shadowing (8-)

x(1) Fam. w/Stealth (8-)

x(1) Perk: Generous Employeer (8-) Given by another character that kept spreading the word.



3 Scholar

2 Contact: Kuli. Courier. 8-; useful resources

1 Well-off

106 Armor & Scythe of Nehrull




Dependence: Armor, uncommon/extremely difficult to obtain; Damage 1d6; Weakness -3 to characteristics /20 min. (-25)


Distinctive Features: Rotted, poxed and decaying skin. Easily concealable, features cause extreme reaction. (-15)


Psychological: Irritable from total unrest. Very common/moderate. Change actions w/EGO roll +5 (-15)


Social Limitation: Nehrull, Occassionally (8-); Major risk of injury & extreme inconvienience (-10)


Reputation: Known as poisoner of Galeel Shire. Sometimes 8-; Extreme reputation, limited area (-5)


Quirks (-5)

1 Carries Telphan stein (Galeel Shire motif)

2 Hates The Masquerade

3 unknown

4 unknown

5 unknown


**Explanation of quirks. Leftover from previous edition when your package costs gave a -3 bonus. We used quirks to round them out. They were always a little quirk of the character, something unique but not game altering and developed during game play from bad dice rolls, etc. Now we just all have a 5 point quirk that we develop throughout the game.**





Armor of Nehrull

Armor: 8PD/8ED (24 pts)—Hardened vs. Penetrating x1 (+¼); Hardened vs. Armor Piercing x2 (+½); OIF: Very difficult to obtain (-1½); Mass: Normal (-1)

Active Points: 42; Real Cost: 12


The armor itself is described as a full suit of dark green laquered plate armor. Very flat in hue and highlighted with small brass etchings and buckles. I purchased the armor without using the Real Armor disadvantage because I believe that the armor itself is an artifact. That type of armor does not need to be repaired or maintained. It just happens because its the gods will. The armor was made specifically for Typhus by Nehrull and as such also does not have Independent as a power disadvantage.



1. The Blessing of Nehrull (+20 STR, +10 CON, +10 Body, +10 EGO, +1 SPD, +5 PD, +5 ED, +10 END, +10 Stun.)

OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½); Incantations: Invoke name of god (-¼); Visible: Armor appears to be wreathed in black flames (-¼); Charges: Continuing 1-min., 6/day (-0)

Active Points: 115; Real Cost: 38


2. Eyes of Nehrull (Detect life, Darkvision.)

OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½)

Active Points: 15; Real Cost: 6


3. The Dying Man’s Breath (Regeneration 1 Body/turn, can regrow limbs.)

Reduced END: 0 (+½); Persistant (+½); OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½); Extra time: 1 turn (-1¼); Self only (-½)

Active Points: 30; Real Cost: 7; END Cost: 0


4. Nehrull’s Rage (1d6 HKA.)

OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½); Restrainable (-½)

Active Points: 15; Real Cost: 5


5. Nehrull’s Gift of Life (Life support—Immortal, Safe environment—Intense cold, Eat once/week, Sleep 8 hours/week, Immune to all terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Immune to all terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents.)

OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½); Visible: Black colored smoke appears to move inside the armor pulsing like a heart beat (-¼)

Active Points: 29; Real Cost: 10


6. Defense of the Dead (10 points Power Defense.)

OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½)

Active Points: 10; Real Cost: 4


7. Eyes of the Dead (10 points Flash Defense: 5 pts vs sight/sound.)

OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½)

Active Points: 10; Real Cost: 4


8. Children of Nehrull (Change environment: Fills environment with bugs, flying and stinging insects, etc. 3 Hex diameter, -3 OCV while in area.)

Reduced END: 0 END (+½); Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range (-½); Incatations (-¼); OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½); Full phase (-½)

Active Points: 35; Real Cost: 9; END Cost: 0


9. Wings of Pain (6" flight, no non-combat speed)

Reduced END: 0 END (+½); Persistent (+½); OIF: Armor—Very Difficult to obtain (-1½); Incatations (-¼); Restrainable (-½); Extra time: Next phase/delayed phase (-1); No non-combat movement (-¼); Side effect: 2d6 HKA, no defense, whenever power is activated (-1)

Active Points: 24; Real Cost: 4; END Cost: 0





Scythe of Nehrull

Scythe; -1 OCV; 2d6 HKA; STR min: 16; 2 Handed-long


Basically the scythe was just a scythe. Since there were no real rules I could find on them, I decided to base the weapon on a polearm. Basically large, unwieldly and heavy. The only difference was on the miniature there were faces in the wood. So now afer having played Typhus for a while, I have decided to make the scythe a bound demon of Nehrull that is awakening because of the souls I am now harvesting.


New powers will manifest as the character spends points as the Demon becomes more and more aware. The only special effect is that for each soul harvested a face on the staff seems to moan silently. The burnout roll that may happen because of use is fixed by actually feeding the demon a soul before I can start to accumulate more. I also did not purchase Independent since this was given to Typhus from Nehrull.


The only power right now is:


Demonic Scream: Dispel (10d6)

No range (-½); OAF: Scythe, extrememely difficult to obtain (-2); Incantation (-¼); Boostable charges: 6 (-½)

Active points: 30; Real cost 7





Well there he is, in a nutshell. I probably am missing something but after formating this so that its legible I am not seeing it. :ugly:


Thanks for looking.

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