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[Character] The Demolisher(s)

Doc Samson

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This is a homage to the Wrecking Crew.


The Demolisher

Identity: Jack Hammer


Val Char Cost

50 STR 40

17 DEX 21

25 CON 30

12 BODY 4

10 INT 0

10 EGO 0

20 PRE 10

10 COM 0


10/25 PD 0

10/25 ED 5

5 SPD 23

10 REC -10

50 END 0

50 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

10" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 123


Cost Power END

45 Armor (15 PD/15 ED) 0

10 Physical Damage Reduction, 25% 0

10 Energy Damage Reduction, 25% 0

90 Duplication (creates 4 250-point Duplicates), Altered Duplicates (25%; +1/4), Rapid Duplication (can create 2 Duplicates per Half Phase) (+1/4) (90 Active Points) 0

10 Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Number of Minds (x4) (15 Active Points); Linked (Duplication; -1/2) 0

20 Altered Duplicates: Each Duplicate differs by 20 points as detailed below. (20 Active Points) 0

0 Jackhammer (Base Form): +20" Leaping 2

0 Steamroller: +10" Running 2

0 Wrecking Ball: 8" Stretching; OAF (-1) 4

0 Excavator: 8"/ 8 DEF Tunneling; Soil and Stone Only Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) 4

0 Forklift: Clinging, Damage Shield (+1/2); Must Follow Grab Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) 0

0 Forklift: +25 STR; Only for Determining Casual STR Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (-1 1/2) 0

Powers Cost: 185


Cost Skill

3 Climbing 12-

20 +4 with HTH Combat

3 Demolitions 11-

2 PS: Construction Worker 11-

7 Teamwork 14-

1 TF: Agricultural & Construction Vehicles

Skills Cost: 36


Cost Talent

3 Resistance (3 points)

3 Environmental Movement (no penalties on Narrow Surfaces)

Talents Cost: 6


Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages

20 Dependent NPC: Family members of the seperate workers before "The Fusion" 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs)

5 Distinctive Features: Eyes glow while powers are active (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: Watched by the Police and other Heroes 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

5 Money: (Freelance Construction Workers) Poor

5 Physical Limitation: Thoughts and memories of the past are jumbled and unclear (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

15 Psychological Limitation: Stubborn (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Very Common, Moderate)

20 Reputation: Known for causing alot of property damage during battles, 14- (Extreme)

20 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Severe)

5 Social Limitation: Composite being without an individual past (Occasionally, Minor)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Radiation (Uncommon)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Radiation (Uncommon)


Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0



The Demolishers, or to be more accurate, the Demolisher (singular) is a gestalt being made up of five construction workers who were physically and mentally fused together when the nuclear power plant they were hired to demolish suddenly exploded. The plant's reactor core was supposed to be empty of all radioactive materials months before it was scheduled to be torn down. When one of the crew accidentally breached the core, the explosion bombarded all of them with intense radiation, combining them into a single entity. The accident bestowed the Demolisher with superhuman strength, durability, and the ability to split himself into five nearly identical duplicates. Early on after the explosion, the Demolisher couldn't remember all of his former names. When asked about his identity, he intoduces himself as Jack Hammer, which is clearly a pun. When not fighting crime or helping people, the Demolisher works as a freelance five man construction crew wherever he can. It provides enough to keep food on the table and a roof over his head, but not much else. The Demolisher's slim regard for public or private property has brought him into conflict with local authorities and even other heroes on more than one occasion. Though he means well, he lacks direction and would greatly benefit from being on a superteam. He possesses and instinctual knack for teamwork and would be a valuable asset to any supergroup.



The Demolisher uses his great power to help those in need. He mostly has put his (their?) past behind him. His memories from before the accident are very confusing so he has very little contact with past family members. He does, however, feel a sense of responsibility for them and will come to their aid whenever needed. The Demolishers are all headstrong and more prone to solve problems with their fists than with their heads. To the of the chagrin of the authorities, they seem to revel in the destruction they cause to property in battle.



Jackhammer has been known to shout "Fire in the Hole!" when leading the Demolishers into a fight. He once told a reporter after defeating a supervillain "Hey, sometimes you gotta tear it down before you can build it up."



The Demolishers use their tremendous physical strength and resistance to injury to overwhelm their foes. They are trained in Teamwork and Coordinate their attacks to take advantage of their numbers whenever possible.The Demolishers have discovered that if they recombine with objects in their possession, they are able to take these objects with them and then the items re-appear when they seperate (such as Wrecking Ball's ball-and-chain and Excavator's shovels). Each one of the Demolisher's has a favored tactic from which they drew their individual names. Jackhammer uses his super strong legs muscles to perform leaping move throughs on his targets. Wrecking Ball prefers to use his ball-and-chain to attack foes from a distance. Excavator uses his super digging to attack his unsuspecting victims from below. Steamroller uses his enhanced running speed to perform move throughs on slower ground based combatants. Forklift uses his super strong arms to Grab and Squeeze his enemies.



The Demolishers are designed to function as a team's Brick. The fact that there are five of them is an obvious advantage and gives them increased versality both in and out of combat. Jackhammer is the base form for the Duplication power. For balance purposes, each of the Demolishers is built as a 250 point character with a rough AP maximum of 50. Though individually they are weak when comparted to a 350 point character, two or three of them in any one spot is enough to keep nearby teamates safe.



Though almost identical in appearance, when separated, the five have slight differences related to their abilities. Jackhammer wears a pair of heavy steel boots. Steamroller wears a broad steel hardhat. Forklift wears a large pair of steel gloves. Wrecking Ball carries bulky steel ball on a long chain. Excavator has a pair of thick shovel heads mounted on his forearms. When their powers are in use (i.e. when they are demolishing things) their eyes glow a bright green.


Character created with Hero Designer (version 2.42)

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