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Stunned and Limited Speed



Hey Steve, I thought I read this question a few months back but I couldnt remember, and after much searching I could not find it. It came up in my last gaming session.


The Character in this example has 6 speed (3 regular and 3 limited). If the character was stunned after a regular phase, but before a limited phase, would said character be able to take a recovery in their limited phase? Or would they have to wait until their regular phase to take thier recovery?


If the answer is that they can only take their recovery in their regular phase, would they be done with their recovery at the start of their next limited phase, or would they have to wait until the start of their next regular phase to be finished? I hope this last part makes sense. :)


Thank you very much for your time.

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Re: Stunned and Limited Speed


That depends entirely on what the Limitations on the extra SPD are. If the Limitations prevent that SPD from recovering from being Stunned*, then he can’t use his extra Phases to do so. If they don’t, he can.



*: Note — recovering from being Stunned is different from taking a Recovery, as explained in the rulebook, but based on your question that’s what I think you’re asking about, not Recovering.

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