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Absolute Power!



I'm tring to do a full instant heal. Someone told me, however, that there are no absolutes. How would I then build a character that, once a day, is fully healed of any and all damage and effects?


For instance, this character turns to stone during the day, at dusk he awakes, bursting forth full of energy and fully healed from any previous damage. The effect has to be instant because there are instances where, rather than turning into stone, he turns into a human, though, when reverting to the origional form at dusk, is fully healed.



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1 answer to this question

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It's true that there are very, very few "absolutes" in the HERO System. One of the "meta-principles" underlying the rules is that absolutes tend to be bad for games; they're often unbalancing and troublesome. Furthermore, many "absolutes" seen in literature, movies, etc. aren't really as absolute as they seem.


The best way to get an "absolute" in Hero terms is to buy as much of whatever Power it is as you think you'll reasonably need given the vast majority of situations, then convince your GM to declare it an "absolute effect." For a "full instant heal," for example, you might decide that the most BODY someone you'd want to heal would have would be 30. To heal them full up from -29 BODY (the last point at which they'd still be alive) would involve healing 59 BODY. Using the Standard Effect Rule (3 points per d6) for Healing, that means you need a Healing BODY 20d6 power (200 Active Points).

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