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[Critique] Sample Mental Powers


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Thinking about reworking my namesake and came up with a few powers I thought might be neat, and wanted to know which were just too munchkin for words. It's highly likely that several of these would be included in an Elemental Control or a Multipower, and Extra Time and/or Concentration Limitations are definitely on the "things considered" list.



  • Lingering Agony: Psi causes the target to relive their most traumatic experiences for the next several seconds – 6d6 Ego Attack, Gradual Effect 1 Turn -1/4 [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 48]

  • Nightmare: Psi pulls from the deep subconscious mind of the target his or her instinctive childhood fear of the dark, without a night light – 3 Def 2d6 Entangle, BOECV +1, Takes no damage from Physical Attacks +1/4, Works Against Ego not STR +1/4 [Active Cost 63; Real Cost ]

  • Abandonment: Psi transports the self of the target into the Limbo of the collective unconscious a realm of absolute darkness and formlessness, where there is no thing and no one; you can’t even hear yourself scream. Mental Illusions 7d6 Cumulative Effect +1/2, Double Max Effect +1/4 [Max Effect 84]; Set Effect, only to transport to Limbo -1. [Active Point Cost 61; Real Cost 30]

  • Will Domination: Psi invades the consciousness of the target, mentally pushing it aside. 4d6 Suppress Ego Based on Ego Combat Value +1, +1 Invisible to All Sense Groups. [Active Point Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

  • Psychic Siphon: Psi uses his superior connection to the unconscious to leach psychic energy from the target, increasing his own power, while weakening his target for a time. 2d6 Transfer Ego to ____; Based on Ego Combat Value +1; Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60

  • Share my pain: Psi dredges up the memories of his own abuse and forces them into his target’s awareness preventing them from attending to their surroundings. 5d6 Flash Sight and Hearing; Based on Ego Combat Value +1. [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

  • Mind probe: Imagine an “informal” colonoscopy but for your mind… 6d6 Ego Attack

  • “Mind” Control: Psi leans on the target’s will until it snaps and then imposes upon it a nigh irresistible “suggestion.” Mind Control Cumulative Effect +1/2; Double Max Effect +1/4 [84]; Set Effect: Must achieve Ego +30 or greater -3/4 [Active Cost 61; Real Cost 35]

  • Indomitable Will: Recognizing that most death and destruction is caused by people “giving up” rather than systemic shock, Psi turns his considerable will to staying alive.. Forcefield +18 rpd; +17 red; hardened +1/4, 0 End +1/2; [Active Cost 61; Real Cost 61]

  • Psi’s aura of Hopelessness: Psi radiates from the collective unconscious wave after wave of resignation and hopelessness…. Change Environment 8” radius -4 to Breakout rolls; Reduced End +1/4; Fully Invisible +1, Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60.

  • Speed of Thought: +4 Speed only for Mental Actions, i.e. Psi attacks, breakout rolls etc.

  • Psionic Surgery: With careful precision, Psi nips here tucks there, and reconstructs the target’s psychic into an entirely new personality with new memories, new identity. Transform Mind; Improved Target group any mind +1; Based on Ego Combat Value +1; Works against Ego not Body +1/4; Armor Piercing +1/2; Reduced Endurance +1/4; Active Cost 60; real cost 60

  • Mind Razor: With wanton abandon, Psi slashes at the target’s Self opening vicious wounds, which while they will ultimately heal, significantly weaken the targets will and sense of Self. 3d6 Drain Ego; Based on Ego Combat Value +1. [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60].

  • Judgment... 1d6 Mind Control, Cumulative +1/2, Continuous +1, Uncontrolled +1/2, limited effect "Kill yourself" -0 Charges 1 Continuing Charge, 1 day +1/4., 64 x Max effect +1 ½; Requires Ego + 60 Effect -3/4 [Active Cost 24; Real Cost 14]

  • Levitation: Just another example of Mind over Matter; 24” Flight; Reduced Endurance +1/4: [Active Point Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

  • Psi Screen: By expanding his own Gestalt outwards, Psi can protect an area from mental assault: Forcewall 10 Mental Defense 9” of Effect: Transparent to Physical; Energy; Power; Flash +1/2; Reduced End +1/4; [Active 72]; No range -1/2, limited shape -1/2 [Real Cost 36]

  • Welcome to Hell, we’ve been waiting… Mental Illusions 6d6 Cumulative +1/2; 4x max Effect [144] +1/2; Set effect: Target is transported to the torments of Hell complete with demons ready to gnaw on his pathetic soul. -1/2; Set Effect Requires Ego +60 [target takes Stun & Body, no longer interacts with the real world +10 Target takes 12d6 normal damage from illusory attacks] -3/4. [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 27]

  • Welcome to my Mind, not such a pretty place: Psi’s mental avatar grabs the invading mind and dives into his most bitter memories, searing the invader with psychic backlash…2d6 Ego Attack; Damage Shield +1/2; Continuous +1; Reduced to 0 End +1/2: Active Points 60; real cost 60

  • Prescience: Psi turns his considerable psychic power towards predicting future events, including the attacks headed his way. + 5 DCV levels; costs endurance -1/2. [Active Cost 25; Real Cost 17]

  • Foolish mortal, did you really think you could run? 8d6 Mind Scan, + 18 to Mind Scan roll; Mandatory Effect Requires Ego +10 -1/4; Stops working if Mentalist is Knocked out -1/4: [Active Cost 76; Real Cost 51]

  • Telepathy: 12d6 Telepathy; [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

  • Psilence: By dominating the feeble minds around him, Psi prevents them from even taking notice of where he is or what he is doing. .. Invisibility Sight, Hearing, Groups [ targeting] no Fringe; Reduced Endurance +1/4; Trigger +1/4 [Active Cost 60]; Lim. Power. Only works on “biological sapients” -1/4; [Real Cost 45]

  • Psychic Awareness: Detect Minds, Sense, Targeting Sense, 360 degree perception, Range, Discriminatory, Analyze, (Active Cost 42; Real Cost 42)

  • Mental Defense: 14 pts [Active Cost 10; Real Cost 10]

  • Psychokinesis: 20 STR Telekinesis Based on Ego Combat Value [Active Cost 60; Real Cost 60]

  • Betrayal: Those whispers in your head, “Power Man is out to get you. You know he is. See!” 6d6 Mental Illusions, Cumulative +1/2 x4 Max Effect +1/2; Set effect “Friends attack target”; Mandatory Effect Illusion does Stun and Body Damage -1/2; Mandatory Effect Ego +10 -1/4.

  • Backoff: A psychokinetic explosion. 4” Teleport (+5 200kg, +5 position Shift) Usable as an attack +1 [defenses are flight, desolid, mass over 200kg]; AoE Radius 4” +1; Trigger +1/4 [Reflex action, reset is a half phase action], Reduced Endurance +1/4; Active Cost 63; Real cost 63


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Re: [Critique] Sample Mental Powers


Nice work Psylint (repped). I especially like:


“Mind” Control: Psi leans on the target’s will until it snaps and then imposes upon it a nigh irresistible “suggestion.” Mind Control Cumulative Effect +1/2; Double Max Effect +1/4 [84]; Set Effect: Must achieve Ego +30 or greater -3/4 [Active Cost 61; Real Cost 35]




Betrayal: Those whispers in your head, “Power Man is out to get you. You know he is. See!” 6d6 Mental Illusions, Cumulative +1/2 x4 Max Effect +1/2; Set effect “Friends attack target”; Mandatory Effect Illusion does Stun and Body Damage -1/2; Mandatory Effect Ego +10 -1/4.


Can't wait to make my next mentalist character!



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Re: [Critique] Sample Mental Powers


Judgment... 1d6 Mind Control, Cumulative +1/2, Continuous +1, Uncontrolled +1/2, limited effect "Kill yourself" -0 Charges 1 Continuing Charge, 1 day +1/4., 64 x Max effect +1 ½; Requires Ego + 60 Effect -3/4 [Active Cost 24; Real Cost 14]



Reminds me of a power is in Deadlands: Hell on Earth. If you held a certain relic (Templar sword, I think), you could state someone's full name, and start reading off their crimes. By the time you finished a recitation of their sins, they'd die. The trick is that, regardless of where you or they were, they'd know where you were and what you were doing. Of course, as a Templar relic, they actually had to be guilty of a crime worthy of death, so it was actually relatively safe to use. Except for the whole "they know where you are and are coming to get you" aspect of it...

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