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[Character] Gestalt of Brains Over Brawn/Self-Help

Dr Archeville

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Tentative name is Mentok, but that's mainly because I watched several eps of Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law recently ;)


In a nutshell: MODOK, moonlighting as a newspaper advice columnist.


[b]Gestalt of Brains Over Brawn[/b]
[b]Actual Name[/b]: William Victor Gall
[b]Date of Birth[/b]: February 15, 1972
[b]Occupation[/b]: Writer, Superhero, Advice Columnist
[b]Legal Status[/b]: American citizen with no criminal record
[b]Gestalt Type[/b]: Bonded (2001 wave)
[b]Goal[/b]: To Help Others Help Themselves
[b]Height[/b]: 5'5" (1.66 m)
[b]Weight[/b]: 130 pounds (59 kg)
[b]Hair Color[/b]: Dark Blonde/Light Brown
[b]Eye Color[/b]: Blue
[b]Birthplace[/b]: Buffalo, NY
[b]Current Residence[/b]: Orlampa, Florida
[b]Group Affiliation[/b]: Legends
[b]Known Relatives[/b]: Frank Gall (father), Estelle Gall (mother), Shelly (cousin, on mother's side), Rhisa (cousin, on father's side)

[b]Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
5	STR	-5	10-	Lift 50 kg; 1d6 [1]
15	DEX	15	12-	OCV: 5 /DCV: 5
8	CON	-4	11-
8	BODY	-4	11-
23	INT	13	14-	PER: Roll 14-
23	EGO	26	14-	ECV: 8
23	PRE	13	14-	PRE Attack: 4½d6
4	COM	-3	10-

1	PD	0		Total: 1 PD (11 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total: 2 ED (12 rED)
3	SPD	0		Phases: 6, 12
3	REC	0
16	END	0
15	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost: 41

Movement:	Running:	0”/0”
	Flight		6”/12”

[b]Cost	Powers									END[/b]
50	Vast Mental Powers: Multipower, 50-point reserve
1u	1) Psychometry: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight and Hearing 
Groups); Retrocognition Only (-1), No Range (-1/2), 
Psychometry (-1/2), Time modifiers (-1/2), Extra Time 
(Full Phase; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), 
Vague and Unclear 		(-1/2)										5
5u	2) Mental Assault: Ego Attack 5d6 (Human class of Minds)			5
3u	3) Telepathic Healing: Healing INT, EGO or PRE 4d6, any Mental 
Characteristic one at a time (+1/4); Extra Time (Full Phase; -1/2), 
	Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)						5
5u	4) Inflicted Hallucinations: Mental Illusions 10d6 (Human Class of 
	Minds)										5
2u	5) Psychic Domination: Mind Control 8d6 (Human Class of Minds), 
Telepathic (+1/4); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1)			15
5u	6) Psychokinesis: Telekinesis (10 STR), Fine Manipulation, Based 
On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense Applies)				5
4u	7) Telekinesis: Telekinesis (30 STR)						5
5u	8) Psychic Communication: Telepathy 10d6 (Human Class of Minds)	5

9	Psychokinetic Powers: Elemental Control, 18-point powers
9	1) Psychokinetic Flight: Flight 6”, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)	0
11	2) Psychokinetic Force Field: Force Field (10 PD/10 ED)			2

37	Mind Sense: Detect Minds 14- (Mental Group), Discriminatory, 
	Analyze, Increased Arc of Perception (360 Degrees), Sense, Targeting	0
0	Can Senses Gestalt Twin: Detect Similar Gestalt Archetype 14- 		(Mental Group), Discriminatory, Analyze					0
20	Mental Reserves: Endurance Reserve (100 END, 10 REC)			0
5	Powerful Mind: Mental Defense (10 points total)				0
20	Psychic Communication: Mind Link, Human class of minds, Specific 
	Group of Minds (teammates), Number of Minds (x4)			0
20	Psychic Searchwaves: Mind Scan 10d6 (Human Class of Minds); 
		Extra Time (1 Turn, Post-Segment 12; -1¼), Concentration 				(1/2 DCV; -1/4)								5
7	Mental Bastion: Power Defense (10 points); Only Works Against 	
Limited Type of Attack (attacks versus, or involving, mental/psionic 
	power; -1/2)									0

1	Reputation: Local Advice Columnist (a small to medium sized group) 		8-; +1/+1d6

5	Eidetic Memory
3	Lightning Calculator
17	Psychic Translator: Universal Translator 19-; Must Involve Minds (-½)

6	+2 with Vast Mental Powers
10	Precognitive Dodging: +2 DCV

Everyman Skills (Cost: 0 points)
0	1) Acting 8-
0	2) Area Knowledge: Buffalo, NY 11-
0	3) Climbing 8-
0	4) Computer Programming 8-
0	5) Concealment 8-
0	6) Conversation 8-
0	7) Deduction 8-
0	8) Language Skill: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
0	9) Paramedic 8-
0	10) Persuasion 8-
0	11) PS: Writer 13-
0	12) Shadowing 8-
0	13) Stealth 8-
0	14) Transport Familiarity: Small Ground Vehicles

1	Bribery 8-
1	Bugging 8-
3	Bureaucratics 14-
3	Conversation 14-
3	Deduction 14-
1	High Society 8-
3	Interrogation 14-
3	AK: Orlampa, Florida 14-
3	CK: Orlampa, Florida 14-
3	KS: Self-Help Books and Their Authors 14-
1	Language: Spanish (basic conversation)
1	Oratory 8-
3	Persuasion 14-
3	Power: Mentalism 14-
3	Power: Psychokinesis 14-
2	SS: Psychology 11-
2	SS: Sociology 11-
1	Streetwise 8-
1	Teamwork 8-

10	Distinctive Features: Gigantic Head, Spindly Body and Limbs (Concealable; 	Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Unusual Commonly-Used Senses)
5	Distinctive Features: Mentalist (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; 	Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
15	Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation: Gestalt Drive (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation: Psionic Arrogance (Very Common, Moderate)
15	Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major)
10	Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x Effect from Chemicals/Drugs/Gases/Poisons (Common)
15	Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN from Gestalts of Strength (Very Common)

Total Disadvantage Points: 0

Characteristics Cost:		041
Powers Cost:			218
Skills Cost:			057
Perks Cost:			001
Talents Cost:			025
Total Cost:			342

Base Points			250
Points from Disadvantages	100
Experience Spent		000
Total Points			350


[b]Background/History[/b]: William Victor Gall was born to an Italian father and a Jewish mother in Buffalo, NY.  An only child, William's mother neurotically obsessed over
him -- which pleased his father, since more time spent obsessing over their son meant less time arguing with him --  leading him to find solace in books and libraries.  This backfired somewhat when William's mother started using him to check out and return numerous books from the library, particularly self-help books (which ran the gamut from
painfully clichéd to genuinely insightful).  On a whim William skimmed through some of the books, and became somewhat hooked, too, particularly the ones promising to "unlock the power of the mind" and "realize a Gestalt bonding" or that would "give powers of mind over matter."
Good genes and long hours of study placed William (never "Billy") near the head of his class, and he struck upon the idea to write his own self-help book (which elated his mother and disappointed his father, who'd hoped he'd go into the family business of selling kitchen wares).  His plan was to read as many of them as he could, attend as many personal growth seminars and retreats as possible, and distill from them their commonalities, the purest essence of what all the best self-help books were trying to say (aside from "give me your money").  To pay the bills, though, he had to get a steady source of income.  For the first several years he worked a number of odd jobs -- assistant law clerk, medical record transcriber, assistant to a military historian, and other low-level jobs that allowed him to use his mind more than his muscles (but not so cerebral that his lack of a college degree would bar him).  After a year or two he would move on to something else, slowly moving down the Eastern seaboard.  After about a decade he eventually settled in Orlampa, Florida; something about it -- perhaps the high number of Gestalts -- just felt "right" to him.  He worked odd jobs around town for a few years, eventually landing an entry level position at the local newspaper, mainly serving as a copy-boy, fact-checked, and general go-fer.  Though it all he kept reading self-help books and working on his own volume, "borrowing" bits from stories about local Gestalt activity for his own use.
Every few months he'd go back up to New York to visit his parents, even though his father disapproved of everything he did and his mother's neurotic obsessive ness with him (and his book) grew deeper.  One September morning, the three went out for breakfast at a nice little place in Lower Manhattan...
... and that's when the planes his the Word Trade Center.
Heedless of his own safety, William ran towards the Towers, chanting mantra after mantra to himself.  Sadly, years of intellectual pursuits had left him flabby and weak, so by the time he ran those three blocks, he was nearly wiped out.  Still, he kept on, pulling untapped strength from within, urged on by all the noble and positive things he'd read about and studied for years but never seriously practiced until now.  He struggled on despite warnings from rescue workers to stay back, his chants drowning out their words.  He dove into the burning pit, and was not seen for some time; a few assembled onlookers assumed he'd been driven mad by the sight and committed suicide.
Some time later, a large section of rubble moved, and out stumbled several dazed people, followed by... a giant head.  The smoke in the immediately vicinity cleared just as Frank and Estelle arrived on the scene, and they could just make out that the giant head was that of their son.  While in the pit, William had become bonded to a Gestalt, which gave him the power to move debris with his mind, create images to show people the safest way out, and "convince" some people of the best course of action.  He's not certain why his body changed so drastically; his best guess is that his body was changed to match an image from one of the earliest self-help books he read.
Though the event was tragic, William did feel some pride in helping others, though his freakish appearance saw him in few interviews.  Feeling a pull back to Orlampa, he eventually made his way back there, and was greeted with a mix of fear and congratulations.  He was even given a small advice column in the paper, which he could write from home (and thus not be seen in the office); the column has been moderately successful, and ties well to William's renewed zeal in doing further research into self help and personal growth.  Eventually, William was contacted by the Legends team, which he happily joined -- what better way to help others?!	
[b]Personality/Motivation[/b]: Those who meet William – and get past the whole “gigantic head” thing – are struck by his energy, compassion, and drive.  He’s not quite consumed by his drive to help others help themselves, but it is definitely there, and woe to whoever brushes his advice off as “nonsense,” as that just makes him redouble his efforts.
William has no limits in his belief that all problems are solvable with the proper mindset, and that such mindsets are of penultimate importance.  Unfortunately, in his rush to help others (and help them help themselves), he sometimes doesn’t see certain aspects of the issue, leading him to make some foolish (and sometimes arrogant) decisions.
[b]Quote[/b]: "Behold the power of positive thinking!"
[b]Powers/Tactics[/b]: William possess vast mental abilities, the most obvious of which is telekinesis, which he uses – must use – to move around and manipulate objects from afar; he can also use telekinetic force as a protective screen.  In addition, he possess a wide array of telepathic powers, including basic telepathy (to communicate more efficiently than crude speech, and to find deep-rooted problems a person might have), telepathic language-sharing (to facilitate communication), projection of mental images (to help people visualize their goals, or confront their problems), mind control (to give a gentle yet forceful shove in the right direction), mental assaults (by either unleashing the full power of his mind, or dredging up a target’s most painful memories), and mentally searching areas for other minds.  He also possesses some minor pre- and postcognitive abilities, the latter of which e uses to check up on a target’s past.  William can also heal damage done to the mind, soothing the troubled and restoring the impaired; his own mind is incredibly difficult to damage through mental or psionic means.  His mind (and body) can be readily affected with drugs and poisons, though, since such substances tend to go directly to his brain.
[b]Appearance[/b]: Before becoming Bonded to a Gestalt, William was an average looking guy, a bit on the paunchy side, with flat dark blonde/light brown hair covering sharp blue eyes.  Once becoming a Bonded Gestalt, William's head swelled to many times normal size, while the rest of his body atrophied; cardiologists are baffled at how his shriveled heart and lungs can supply sufficient oxygenated blood to his enormous brain.  (A continuous low-level empathic field keeps people from reacting with the level of fear or revulsion towards his appearance most folks should show, though the effect is not powerful enough to fully quell the unease.)  When in public he either wears what appears to be futuristic armor (though it's really just cheap plastic), or nice suits tailored to his odd measurements.


Suggestions for a name, and for what those last 8 points could be spent on, are all appreciated.

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