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Alternate Henchwomen for Hermit's Adonis


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I posted variations of these on a different thread. Actually, I pretty much hijacked Hermit's thread about a master villain called Adonis who's gimmick was a cadre of sexy superwomen and agent babes he'd improved with technology. I reckon I ought to put them all in one place. Besides, I've changed some of them a bit.


If you didn't want to have them hanging on Master villain Adonis' arm you could add skills, followers, agents, and various other extras onto Talion and alter her background and psych limits a bit so she's a radical feminist.


But I like Adonis a lot more. He's just got more class, well you know... sort of...


I've attached a zip of the hdc files for Hero Designer 3.0 to this post. It also includes my own build of Adonis, because I'm a perfectionist freak. He's not posted because to my mind that'd make me feel like even more of a jerk about this than I do already. I just can't resist making those superbabes, and once made I HAD to share them.




Val Char Cost

15/25 STR 5

14/24 DEX 12

13/23 CON 6

10 BODY 0

23 INT 13

10 EGO 0

18 PRE 8

28 COM 9

5/27 PD 2

5/27 ED 2

3/5 SPD 6

6/10 REC 0

40/60 END 0

30/40 STUN 5

Characteristics Cost: 68


Cost Power

47 Suit Weapons Systems: Multipower, 70-point reserve, (70 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)

3u 1) Servo Boost: +45 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

5u 2) Sonic Blasts: EB 11d6 (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (69 Active Points)

3u 3) Tazer Gauntlet: EB 7d6 (vs. ED), NND (ED Force Field; +1) (70 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)

5u 4) Laser: RKA 3d6-1 (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (70 Active Points)


15 Flight Jets: Flight 11" (22 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

20 Sexy Battle Armor: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

11 Sexy Battle Armor: LS (Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing) (16 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

7 Sight Group Flash Defense (11 points) (11 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

7 Hearing Group Flash Defense (11 points) (11 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

8 HRRP (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

10 Radar (Radio Group) (15 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

3 IR Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

2 Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group) (3 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


Characteristic Increases

7 1) +10 STR (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

20 2) +10 DEX (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

13 3) +10 CON (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

7 4) +10 PD (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

7 5) +10 ED (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

7 6) +1 SPD (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

5 7) +14 END (7 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

Powers Cost: 212


Cost Skill

9 +3 with Armor MPP

3 Armorsmith 12- (14-)

3 Computer Programming 14-

3 Cryptography 14-

3 Electronics 14-

3 Inventor 14-

3 KS: Power Armor Technology (INT-based) 14-

3 KS: Weapons Technology (INT-based) 14-

3 KS: The Superhuman World (INT-based) 14-

0 Language: Hindi (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

4 Language: English (completely fluent; literate)

3 Mechanics 14-

3 PS: Engineer (INT-based) 14-

3 PS: Research Scientist (INT-based) 14-

3 SS: Chemistry (INT-based) 14-

3 SS: Neurochemistry (INT-based) 14-

3 SS: High Energy Physics (INT-based) 14-

3 Security Systems 14-

3 Systems Operation 14-

3 Weaponsmith 14-

6 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Small Arms

Skills Cost: 70


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Distinctive Features: Drop Dead Gorgeous (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: UNTIL 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Various power armor or super scientist criminals she's attacked 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

15 Psychological Limitation: Hates other power armor users (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Adonis and the other girls (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Meticulous and Careful Planner, gets upset and retreats if plans go awry. (Very Common, Strong)

15 Reputation: Dangerous Vigilante, among power armor users, 14- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group)

15 Unluck: 3d6

20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Electrical or Magnetic Attacks (Common)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Sonic Attacks (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Total Character Cost: 350


BACKGROUND: Talion is the first woman that Adonis has ever changed, and the first woman to notice the inital stages of his own transformation. They both worked at the same UNTIL research facility, when he was just Doctor Dennis Meager and she was just Professor Parvani Asthana, or the accursed one as she'd come to be known in the power armor reasearch community.


Parvani was, and still is, one of the foremost power armor researchers in the world. Something that few people could recognize, because her involvement in any project was like a black curse. It's fair to say that until she met Dennis Meager she'd gotten the worst end of just about every power armor villain and gadgeteer for over a decade. It started with Armadillo; she was one of the leads on that project, and it was her first. But then it went on from employer to employer and project to project. If she was involved in power armor research then someone would steal it and start knocking over banks and hurting people. If someone in a power suit has stolen, vandalized, killed, or if a research project gets raided then Professor Parvani Asthana was involved at least half of the time. By the time Dennis Meager met her she had a chip on her shoulder a mile high, and burn scars and a missing hand from that time the Ultimates raided her lab.


It was on one of their first (and awkward) dates that Parvani and Dennis ended up as bystanders to a battle between the Champions and GRAB. Parvani was fatally wounded by stray fire from Bluejay and Defender (an accident of course) right in front of Dennis Meager just as he had made his final breakthrough in his Chrysalis treatment.


Her last word was, or would have been, "Typical..."


Without thinking through the consequences Dennis Meager rushed his dying date to his labs and regenerated her wounds. Better, he grew her back her arm, healed her scars, made her beautiful, and altered her brain chemistry so she would no longer seeth quietly away in obscurity. She was Talion now, vengeance made flesh, and my goodness quite attractive too.


Together, the two of them forged new identities, stole equipment, and built the start of a criminal organization. If, in the meantime, Parvani could get a bit of justly earned retribution so much the better!


PERSONALITY/MOTIVATION: Talion still has a chip on her shoulder a mile high, but she's more open and direct in confronting her hatred. In fact, she's something of an unholy terror among power armor users and super scientists. Her primary motivation is in protecting Adonis and the other girls. She remembers Dennis Meager as he was, and she knows that he needs her help and protection. More so than anyone else Talion is the mother hen of Adonis' little enterprise.


Talion wants revenge against everyone who's ever hurt her. That means just about any power armor user who's stolen their equipment, or any villain that makes a habit of attacking high tech research projects. When she's not developing weapons to attack people of that type, she's collecting information about them, or actively hunting them down. So far, she's only knocked them out, torn apart their armor, and left them badly mauled but alive for the police to collect.


POWERS/TACTICS: Most of Talion's powers derive from her suit of high tech power armor that she's built for herself, but her body has been enhanced by Adonis' Chrysalis Treatment so she's got the physique of a dedicated athlete. She could make the suit even more powerful by adding to its bulk, but she quite enjoys showing off her new figure, so the suit is as form fitting as possible. With Adonis' help Talion has made a novel breakthrough. Her nervous system plugs into the suit in a more intimate way than these devices normally do. The suit becomes an extension of her own body, so she gets figured ability scores, and the suit's weapon systems draw from her personal END reserve. In the suit she can fly, has a few different weapon systems to draw on, and has enhanced defenses and senses.


In combat she prefers to attack power armor users and gadgeteers. She's convinced that those people have wronged her at some time in the past. Her weapon systems have been specifically designed to attack these foes, since most of them are vulnerable to sonic or electrical attacks like she is. She fights conservatively and carefully. She knows that anything she does may go horribly wrong at any moment, so she plans for it.


CAMPAIGN USE: Talion is intended to be the "smart one" in any operation involving Adonis and his ladies. If you also add Cyberia and Amazon to a particular enterprise and leave out more erratic members like Naiad it will be difficult for heroes to get the drop on them. She will protect the group's other members and team up on single heroes with one or more of the other super babes.


To make her more powerful (and if you enhance any super babe it should be Talion first) enhance her ability scores both in and out of the armor, and increase the size of her Multipower and the number of weapons in it. If any heros have Vulnerabilities or Susceptibilities that Talion could find out about at some point she'll build a weapon to counteract it. If that's still not enough buy off her vulnerabilities.


To make Talion less powerful make her armor work more like "traditional" power armor with an endurance reserve and no figured stats on STR, DEX, and CON. This will force you to reduce her ability scores, and you should also drop the STR boost from her MPP.


APPEARANCE: In her secret ID Parvani is the living embodiment of the sexy scientist/librarian stereotype. She even wears reading glasses that she doesn't actually need and dresses that should be conservative, but are somehow even saucier than the raciest lingerie. She's also got that accent... As Talion she wears a form fitting suit of power armor. The only bulk to the suit is at the gloves and bracers, and with the jet pack. Even though the suit covers almost everything there's not denying that there's one VERY attractive woman wearing it.

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Re: Alternate Henchwomen for Hermit's Adonis




Val Char Cost

40 STR 30

26 DEX 48

23 CON 26

14 BODY 8

13 INT 3

8 EGO -4

20 PRE 10

26 COM 8

10/18 PD 2

10/18 ED 5

6 SPD 24

13 REC 0

46 END 0

46 STUN 0


11" RUN 10

2" SWIM 0

12" LEAP 4

Characteristics Cost: 174


Cost Power

Precognative Powers + High Tech Shield

25 1) Sixth Sense: Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional) 15-

15 2) A step ahead: +3 with DCV

13 3) Predictive Shield Block: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); OIF - Shield (-1/2)

12 4) Shield is always there: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); OIF - Shield (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2)

11 5) Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group, Normal Hearing And Danger Sense) (50 Active Points); NCC - Power works at random (-2), Precognition Only (-1), Vague and Unclear (-1/2)


22 High Tech Spears: Multipower, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)

2u 1) HKA 2d6 (4d6 w/STR) (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points)

2u 2) HA +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); HA (-1/2)

1u 3) RKA 3d6 (vs. ED) (45 Active Points); 4 Recoverable Charges (-1/2), Lockout (Other slots in MPP unusable if all charges used; -1/2)

Powers Cost: 103


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

4 Jab: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 10d6 Strike

5 Roundhouse: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 12d6 Strike

4 Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

3 Clench/Limb Lock: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR for holding on

3 Judo Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 +v/5, Target Falls

Martial Arts Cost: 19


Cost Skill

15 +3 with HTH Combat

3 Breakfall 14-

3 Climbing 14-

3 Hoist 12-

5 KS: Athletics, Sports, and Atheletes 14-

3 KS: The Martial World 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 PS: Athelete (DEX-based) 14-

3 PS: Physical Therapist (INT-based) 12-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Teamwork 14-

4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons

Skills Cost: 54


Pts. Disadvantage

15 DF: Seven Foot Tall African Amazon Queen (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Enraged: If beaten, humiliated, or disrespected (Common), go 8-, recover 14-

15 Hunted: PSI 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

15 Hunted: Any one martial artist or brick she's recently defeated 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

5 Phys. Lim.: Unusually tall, has trouble using items scaled for normal people (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

15 Phys. Lim.: Requires specialized medical care and maintenance (Infrequently, Fully Impairing)

20 Psych. Lim.: Super Competitive (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psych. Lim.: Arrogant (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Psych. Lim.: Absolutely Controlled by Premonitions (Uncommon, Total)

10 Reputation: Violent Drug Abusing Meta Gladiator, 8- (Extreme)

15 Soc. Lim.: Public ID (Frequently, Major)

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Total Character Cost: 350

BACKGROUND: Mary Jackson was a former college room mate of Parvani Asthana (who became Talion), and a superlative athlete. She tried to champion women's boxing and ultimate fighting leagues, but was never able to make much headway in the male dominated sports world. Bitter and angry, she turned to using steroids and other enhancements to compete directly against men, and was caught. Disgraced, and abandoned by her sponsors, she got swept up into illegal street fighting, and then metahuman pit fighting as her martial skills proved up to the challenge.


However, Mary's competitive personality was always against her. As soon as she went up the ladder at metahuman and no rules pit fighting she ended up meeting her match. Then it was impossible for her not to use metagene therapy and meta street drugs to make herself even stronger. The final solution was to seek out PSI, or at least get a batch of PSI serum to see if that would give her the edge she needed.


The PSI serum did work, but to a point, but Mary suffered a horrible reaction due to her previous use of a performance enhancing metadrugs. PSI abandoned her despite evidence of a mild precognative ability. Talion (Parvani Asthana) had found out what happened to her old friend, and was able to persuade Adonis to invest a lot of resources and effort into fixing Mary's problems. Mary assumed that she'd be able to carry on afterwards like before, but she's now Adonis' African Amazon Queen. In large part because her precognitive visions force her to believe it's where she's needed to help save the world.


PERSONALITY/MOTIVATION: Mary's primary motivation is to show up other people, mostly other athletes and martial artists, but if someone else in combat shows her up she won't rest until she's proven herself the winner. Were it not for Adonis' hold over her, Mary would be back to working as a metahuman gladiator full time instead of as a side job. Mary is still aggressive and assertive, but her powers of precognition have had an unexpected side effect. Mary can see the consequences of her actions (in an unreliable and unclear way) mapped out before her, and for some reason she's certain that she has to protect and aid Adonis.


POWERS/TACTICS: Even before she subjected herself to damaging treatments like steroids, growth hormones, stimulants, and metahuman derived drugs Mary was a superlative athlete and martial artist. Years of fighting as a metahuman gladiator only honed and increased those powers. Right up until she crippled herself by stacking the PSI serum on top of all that. Adonis has fixed the damage to Mary's body, and she's now superhumanly strong and tough. In addition, she has precognitive powers that make her difficult to hit or sneak up on. It can even be difficult to bait her into a trap, because her precognition may alert her to the danger.


Amazon is a careful and methodical opponent, and knows how to camp her levels on DCV, choose opponents, and hold actions. She prefers to coordinate attacks with allies and bait opponents into rash attacks she can block and then retaliate against. Note that she does not have a weapon element with her spear, so she can elect to do a 14d6 HA with the spear haft or 4d6 RKA with the blade, or use normal martial arts moves.


CAMPAIGN USE: Amazon shows that there may be some good to Adonis. He's deranged, but at heart a decent person. Amazon's insistence that he must survive for the good of everyone might give people pause if they realize the nature of her powers. Apart from that she's also one of the most independent of his girls, and might turn up anywhere. From participating in illegal metahuman cage fights to helping Captain Chronos on his odd quests.


If a PC humiliates Amazon in combat she'll hunt that hero until she in turn wins against that person. She'll hunt any martial artist or weapon master that's famous or brags a lot.


To increase Amazon's power give her weapon element martial arts with her spear. She'll do a TREMENDOUS amount of damage if that option is allowed to her. If she needs more power still give her more combat levels and add to her suite of precognitive powers. You could also add more slots to the spear MPP to create "trick" spears that have Entangles, AOES, and Flashes built into them. To decrease her power reduce her primary stats (STR, DEX, CON) and remove the PER bonus on her Danger Sense.


APPEARANCE: Mary is a very muscular, yet still womanly, seven foot tall black woman. She's the visual stereotype of the African warrior queen. Like most of the super babes, she wears scanty costumes. Usually something like a gymnast's leotard with tribal elaborations. She carries a shield and spears that look like high tech Zulu weapons. They are too heavy for anyone weaker than herself to use in combat.

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Re: Alternate Henchwomen for Hermit's Adonis


This one I've altered the most from my initial posts. I've added a Blaster rifle and trimmed away some other things to make her more the sexy super agent.




Val Char Cost

25 STR 15

27 DEX 51

23 CON 26

10 BODY 0

18 INT 8

10 EGO 0

23 PRE 13

26 COM 8

12/22 PD 7

12/22 ED 7

6 SPD 23

10 REC 0

46 END 0

35 STUN 0


9" RUN 0

0" SWIM -2

8" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 156


Cost Power

37 Blaster Rifle: Multipower, 60-point reserve, 32 Charges (+1/4) (75 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)

3u 1) EB 12d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points)

3u 2) EB 8d6 (vs. ED), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (60 Active Points)

25 Palm Knives and Built in Stilletto Heels: HKA 2d6-1 (3d6+1 w/STR) (vs. PD)

20 Sexy Body Armor: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

6 Running +3" (9" total)

3 Leaping +3" (8" forward, 4" upward)

6 +2 PER with all Sense Groups

5 IR Perception (Sight Group)

5 Nightvision

3 Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group)

1 LS (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn)

Powers Cost: 117


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

Generic Martial Arts

4 1) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 9d6 Strike

4 2) Evade: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 3) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

3 4) Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 7d6 +v/5, Target Falls

8 5) +2 HTH Damage Class(es)

Martial Arts Cost: 23


Cost Skill

16 +2 with All Combat

3 Acting 14-

3 Bugging 13-

3 Concealment 13-

3 Conversation 14-

3 Disguise 13-

3 Forgery 13-

2 KS: The Espionage World 11-

3 Language: Russian (fluent conversation; literate)

3 Language: Ukrainian (fluent conversation; literate)

3 PS: Intelligence Agent (INT-based) 13-

3 Persuasion 14-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Stealth 14-

Skills Cost: 54


Pts. Disadvantage

15 Distinctive Features: Cyborg (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Simple Tests)

10 Distinctive Features: Drop Dead Gorgeous (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: CIA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: Adonis 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Physical Limitation: Can't Swim, body not bouyant (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

20 Psychological Limitation: Hates Governments and Symbols of Patriotism (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Friends and Team Mates (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Fanatic Devotion to Adonis (Uncommon, Total)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID - Cynthia Reynolds (Frequently, Major)

10 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Electrical or Magnetic Attacks (Common)

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Total Character Cost: 350



Appearance: Cynthia's appearance changes with her use of her disguise skill, and given time she can literally replace her hair and eyes with a visit to Adonis' labs. She's a little on the tall side, and has unusually long and slender arms and legs. Someone who really knows their anatomy (artists or medical professionals) will notice there's something odd about her muscles and skeleton. Anyone with the ability to see under her skin will be in for the shock of a lifetime.


Personality: Cynthia is completely devoted to Adonis. He's saved her from a life of crippling disablility, and has treated her with more decency than the United States Government ever has. That he treats her like a sex object is no problem to her, at least she CAN be a sex object.


Cynthia has no respect or love for governments or bureaucracies, and has embraced an idealistic idea of anarchism. She particularly hates the spy agencies of the United States, but her ire extends to all large governments. At any opportunity she'll take shots at representative icons of government. She especially has no love for patriotic heroes, and will target them over anyone else. She can't understand how anyone with superpowers would willingly become tools of organizational oppression and brutality.


Quote:"You defend this system? Then fall with it!"


Background: Cynthia Reynolds had been a field agent for the CIA for several years, and a pretty good one at that, but something went wrong during her investigation of VIPER and a cabal of Russian Mafia. She'd blown her cover through a careless slip up, and she got caught. When the VIPER crime syndicate got done with her there wasn't much left of Cynthia. She was barely alive when they packed what was left of her in a small box and sent it to CIA headquarters in Langley. That she was alive when she got there shows the level of stubborn determination she's capable of.


Even though she was alive, Cynthia would have been crippled for the rest of a very short life, but she met the physical and mental requirements for an experimental cybernetics program. The CIA replaced her arms, legs, eyes, and ears, and they did as much reconstructive surgery as they could, but that wasn't much. At the end of it all Cythia only just barely passed for human. Cynthia turned out to be useless as a field agent, even as a black ops agent she was a bit too unhinged, and the all male atmosphere of that division didn't want her. With regret, they stripped back her modifications to barely more than completely crippled and cut her loose.


That would have been the end for Cynthia, and she might have done all right in the private sector with her knowledge and skills, plus the generous pension she'd been handed. However, Adonis had gotten his hands on some interesting biotech and had some ideas for how to integrate it with some healing experiments he was working on. The experiments were potentially lethal or crippling, but Cynthia was already crippled, and didn't much care whether she lived or died. Besides, Adonis was VERY persurasive.


What followed was months of painful experiments with biogenetic grafts, cloned tissue replacement, and drug therapies. At the end of it all Adonis had delivered on his promise. Cynthia had been transformed from a bitter, half-crippled, and badly scarred woman into a sexy secret agent cyborg. Not just that, but the crude looking prosthetics the CIA had left her with were replaced with parts that were enhanced living flesh grown over an indestructible endoskeleton. OK, so she wasn't human any more, but she hasn't looked back on her old life with any regret.

Powers/Tactics: Cynthia was at one time an experienced CIA field agent. This is a lot less glamorous than you'd think. A lot of it just involved maintaining a cover identity while working as a temp and rooting around in dumpsters. She had a lot of skills, but until she was cybernetically enhanced did little in the way of real combat. Since becoming an enhanced human Cynthia has gotten a lot more serious about her weapons and martial arts training. She's a dangerous opponent because her nervous system and a chunk of her brain have been replaced with something that works a LOT faster than normal human nuerons. Her senses are far better than a normal, and since most of her modifications are "under the skin" she doesn't look inhuman except upon very close examination.


Cyberia, so long as she's not distracted by her hatred of symbols of patriotism, is a methodical and careful combatant. She stays focussed on whatever mission she's been assigned to, and is the mother hen to Adonis and the other girls. She's the first one in and last one out. She attacks targets she assumes she can take down rapidly while the others tangle up more dangerous opponents. She is not above putting some extra shots into downed opponents to make sure that they STAY down. Her goal is to methodically work through the enemy from weakest to strongest, taking each down in turn.


Campaign Use: Cyberia, like Naiad, shows both the best and worst of Adonis' experiments. He's saved Cynthia from a life as a bitter, scarred, and half crippled wreck. Now that she's a super sexy secret agent cyborg she's also expected to be a sex object. All the cybernetic and chemical enhancements have unhinged her a bit, but some of that can also be laid at the feet of the United States Government and VIPER.


Cyberia will hunt patriot heroes, and will attack them from ambush after using her skills to find out as much about them as possible. She'll also dig up dirt on patriotic heroes in order to show them for the tarnished icons she knows they are.


To make her more powerful increase the power of her weapons, and increase her stats, but most of all give her more combat levels and more weapons. To make her less powerful reduce her STR, DEX, CON, and SPD.

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Re: Alternate Henchwomen for Hermit's Adonis


Omoi (Heavy Serious) /Kenran (Gorgeous Brilliant)


Val Char Cost

30/70 STR 20

20 DEX 30

28 CON 36

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

14 EGO 8

10/30 PRE 0

24 COM 7

10/30 PD 4

10/30 ED 4

5 SPD 20

15 REC 6

56 END 0

63 STUN 24


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

6"/14" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 162


Cost Power

17 Efficient Muscles: Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) for up to 70 Active Points of STR:70 (17 Active Points)

60 Density Increase (12,800 kg mass, +40 STR, +8 PD/ED, -8" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points)

8 +12 PD (12 Active Points); Linked (Density Increase; -1/2)

8 +12 ED (12 Active Points); Linked (Density Increase; -1/2)

16 Damage Resistance (24 PD/24 ED) (24 Active Points); Linked (Density Increase; -1/2)

5 Extra Solid Mass: Knockback Resistance -4" (8 Active Points); Linked (Density Increase; -1/2) [Notes: Total is actually -11" due to "Small and Slight" Phys Limit]

2 LS (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (3 Active Points); Linked (Density Increase; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4)

15 Bio Stabilizer Implants: Power Defense (15 points)

5 Strong Will: Mental Defense (8 points total)

10 Strong Will: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Limited Power Defense Only (-1)

Powers Cost: 146


Cost Skill

15 +3 with DCV

15 +3 with HTH Combat

4 KS: The Superhuman World 13-

2 KS: Video Games 11-

2 PS: Costume Designer 11-

4 Language: English (completely fluent; literate)

Skills Cost: 42


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Accidental Change: Turns on DI when angry or upset 11- (Uncommon)

10 Distinctive Features: Petite and Gorgeous Japanese Schoolgirl (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)

15 Enraged: by Brutal, Murderous, and Cruel Behavior (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-

15 Hunted: The hero group she used to belong to 8- (Mo Pow, Capture)

20 Hunted: Adonis 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Hunted: Any one brick she's recently humiliated 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Physical Limitation: Tiny and Slight; can't drive most cars or reach top shelf, +1" KB against (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)

20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Relentlessly Perky and Cheerful (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Hates Bullies, Thugs, and men who throw their wieght around (Common, Strong)

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Total Character Cost: 350


BACKGROUND: Suki Makada is a mutant. She was born with mass control powers that allowed her to grow, shrink, increase her mass so much she could stop a tank, or lower it so much she could float on clouds. She became a superhero, and eventually moved on to the United States and joined a prominant superhero group there. While there she at first maintained a Secret ID, and was known as Omoi (Means someting like heavy and serious in Japanese).


That would be all there is to say, except that there was a terrible curse associated with her powers. They warped and distorted her bones and skin until she became monstrous looking, and though she was only eighteen years old she looked like an old crone with bulging muscles and lank hair. She concealed it as best she could, and tried to be a normal girl, but it was a horrible strain on her and everyone around her. Eventually, she was only a superhero because there was nothing else she COULD do with herself.


It was at this point that Adonis and his girls captured Suki when she and the other heroes she was teamed with tried to foil one of Adonis' robberies of a high tech genetics installation. Suki was certain that her team mates would rescue her, but rescue didn't materialize for some days. Eventually, Adonis and Cyberia wheeled in a TV and showed her footage captured from the security cameras of the base where her "friends" debated whether it was worth rescuing her. It proved to Omai that her teammates were uncomfortable with her appearance, and didn't like her very much. They thought she was a freak for trying to act like the teenager she was when she looked like "a zombie with rickets" to directly quote one of them.


Suki was shown what Adonis had done for the other members of his team. If Suki wanted a similar reward all Adonis needed were some vital materials, and some items from the base of the hero group Suki belonged to. She stole what Adonis needed with little hesitation, and counted herself lucky to have been given the opportunity. Ever since Adonis repaired the damage to her body Suki has served him faithfully as Kenran (Gorgeous Brilliant).


Suki has a new face and name, but doesn't try very hard to be private or public about her new identity.


PERSONALITY/MOTIVATION: In some respects Kenran is still a hero, and now she gets to be a bubbly teenager like she'd never could before. She has a deep distate for brutal men who use violence as a tool to get their way. Adonis and his harem have never done anything to cause her to have a conflict with this, and she'd rather be a sex object than a monster secretly mocked by two-faced allies. In many cases, she's the voice of concience in the harem, but when she gets her back up look out! There was one occasion when she put Bulldozer in traction for a month. Suki sometimes misses her old powers, she's much less powerful now than she used to be, but she LOVES being kawaii!


Given the right circumstances, like if Adonis is captured and Kenran is left at loose ends or given an opportunity to repay her debt, she might become a hero again. It's just that the scars of her past betrayal run deep. If PC heroes try to pull her into the light and then offend or assault her sensibilities in any way she'll be driven fully into the world of villainy. For now, like most of the harem, Suki does whatever she can to make Adonis happy and keep herself and her new family comfortable.


POWERS/TACTICS: Before, when she was Omoi, Suki had a vast arsenel of density and size control powers. But those same powers shredded her muscles and skin, and distorted her bones. After one battle in which her team mates compelled her to stress her powers to the limit she became monstrous. The one thing that has carried over from those experiences is an exceptionally strong will.


Adonis had to replace most of Suki's bones with synthetics, and rebuild her skin and muscle with special vat grown replacement tissue that would adapt more efficently to her powers. She lost the ability to go desolid or grow and shrink, but is much stronger and can still increase her mass to several tons. Kenran's gone toe to toe with several bricks, and even now Adonis' enemies are only just coming to terms with the fact that a four foot tall Japanese schoolgirl can throw a tank at them.


In battle Suki will act like a lost schoolgirl if she thinks anyone will fall for it. If some hero tries to swoop in and carry her away she'll turn on her density increase and start pounding on him, though she does try to avoid causing people any perminant damage. If any member of the opposition acts mean, thuggish, or cruel she'll fall on him like a ton of bricks; ten tons actually. She likes to lead by throwing something big, and then try for a move through or just set her feet and start sparring with another brick. Unless she's enraged she'll put all her levels in DCV and try to wear an opponent down.


CAMPAIGN USE: Suki is a tragic figure, and any superhero detective should be able to find out her past. A little more digging will show that the hero group she used to be a part of were a bunch of jerks. PC's should have a great deal more sympathy for Suki than any of the other harem members, and might be confused by the way she stands beside a supervillain like Adonis.


Suki doesn't hunt anyone unless they're infamously cruel and mean spirited bricks. As a hunter Suki just tries to arrange missions so that she has an opportunity to pound on the person she's hunting. To increase Kenran's power increase her dexterity, speed, and levels. If that's still not enough harden her defenses and increase her strength. To lower her power reduce her damage resistance and remove all of the other extra powers that are linked to her density increase.


APPEARANCEFor her size Kenran is obviously well muscled, but not out of proportion, and she looks much younger than she actually is. Nothing about her appearance would lead people to belive that she'd knocked Bulldozer through a building and then beat him into a pulp for molesting some of Adonis' non-superpowered ladies during a job. That is unless they happen to notice the cracks in the pavement forming at her feet.


Normally she dresses like a Japanese schoolgirl, but will change her clothing to suit her current tastes. She's a cosplay and video games fanatic, and has dressed as anything from catgirl, to gothic lolita, to video game characters, or even a blend of all of the above.

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Re: Alternate Henchwomen for Hermit's Adonis




Val Char Cost

40 STR 30

23 DEX 39

23 CON 26

13 BODY 6

8 INT -2

8 EGO -4

18 PRE 8

26 COM 8

16 PD 8

16 ED 11

5 SPD 17

13 REC 0

60 END 7

45 STUN 0


9" RUN 0

20" SWIM 0

8" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 154


Cost Power

90 Hydrokinetic: Multipower, 90-point reserve

4u 1) Hydrokinetic: Telekinesis (40 STR), Affects Porous, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (87 Active Points); Only Works On Water or Ice, or against things fully submerged in water. (-1), Affects Whole Object (-1/4)

7u 2) Water Blast: EB 8d6 (vs. PD), Indirect (Either from near Naiad, or from a mass of water; +1/2), Double Knockback (+3/4) (90 Active Points); Limited Power Will not work in dry conditions (-1/4)

6u 3) Dessicate: EB 6d6, NND (Not being a water based creature or LS: Sealed Breathing and Pressure; +1), Does BODY (+1) (90 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)

7u 4) Water Wall: FW (14 ED; 5" long and 2" tall), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Transparent to PD Attacks (+1/2) (90 Active Points); Limited Power Will not work in dry conditions (-1/4)


22 Swimming +18" (20" total), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (22 Active Points)

6 Long Legs: Running +3" (9" total)

11 Underwater Adaptations: LS (Expanded Breathing; Immunity: Venom from sea creatures; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold)

7 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance (7 PD/7 ED)

16 Water Sense: Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range (32 Active Points); Limited Power Only to detect objects in water (-1)

Powers Cost: 176


Cost Skill

9 +3 with Hydrokinetic MPP

2 KS: Sports 11-

3 Persuasion 13-

3 PS: Athelete 12-

3 Seduction 13-

Skills Cost: 20


Pts. Disadvantage

5 Dependence: Immersion in Water Takes 3d6 Damage (Very Common, 1 Day)

10 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)

5 Distinctive Features: Odd Skin and Eyes, Very Sexy (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Enraged: when people mock her or question her intellect (Common), go 11-, recover 14-

20 Hunted: Ultrasonique 8- (Mo Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

25 Hunted: UNTIL 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: Adonis 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

20 Psychological Limitation: Low Impluse Control (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Common, Strong)

15 Social Limitation: Public ID (Very Frequently, Minor)

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Total Character Cost: 350


BACKGROUND: Samamtha "Sam" Wynne was always a plain slender girl except for hair which was a tangled mess of russet curls and freckles that were out of control. She was a champion swimmer in school, but it wasn't rare for her to hear comments like "She looks like a toilet brush in a speedo." After graduating high school she tried to get into the Olympic Swim Team, but routine Olympic entrance tests showed she was a mutant. She had a very minor hydrokinetic ability, just enough to give her an edge over normal swimmers, and just enough to take away from her the one thing that made her special.


When Adonis made his offer of beauty and power to the despondent young woman she leapt at the chance. She saw what he'd done for his other girls, and if she couldn't turn her love of swimming to success, maybe she could just take what she needed from the world. That he was offering to change her awkward angular and plain body to something like his other girl's had was even better still.


Adonis' procedures worked on Samantha far beyond his or her expectations. Her figure filled out, and a body already strong and tough from years of competitive swimming became even stronger, defined, and lithe. Her skin cleared as it changed in texture to something smooth and satin like a sea creature's. Unfortunately, she also lost some element of humanity in the process. Samantha's personality changed, and she went on a spree of vengeance against as many of the people who'd hurt her in the past as possible before Adonis could reel her in and get her under control.


Now she lives for Adonis. He's given her everything she's ever wanted, and giving him what he wants in return is no great burden at all. For some reason, the super villain Ultrasonique has become obsessed with Naiad since a brief encounter shortly after she started working for Adonis. She thinks he's creepy. The job that brought her together with Ultrasonique also brought Naiad to the attention of UNTIL. It was just a few cargo ships. Jeez....


PERSONALITY/MOTIVATION: Since becoming Naiad Samantha isn't quite human any more. Her mutation used to give her a greater degree of comfort in the water. Now she can't go a day without being immersed in it. She's also become more primitive in her outlook. If something threatens her or her friends she attacks it or flees from it. If she wants something she goes after it with whatever tools are at her disposal. She's got almost no impulse control at all. Adonis might be able to fix this, but so far hasn't found a reason why he'd want to. Much to the annoyance of the rest of his harem.


Naiad's only ambition is to have fun, and get some bit of petty vengance against people who've caused her pain, either before or after her transformation. She's not really a killer, but is careless with her powers, and is willing to hurt people who upset her.


POWERS/TACTICS: When she was just Samantha, Naiad could move about in the water more easily than other people, and even shape and move small amounts of it by will alone. Since Adonis amplified her abilities she's able to shift several tons of water all at once, can extract the oxygen from water as easily as a fish, and control the water in other people's bodies. She can pull water from the air and create blasts of liquid more powerful than any fire hose, create walls of water, and is deadly powerful in an aquatic setting. Her body has been altered so that she's incredibly strong, fast, and tough. Naiad is as at home in the water as on dry land, and like a sea creature she'll dry out and start to die if she can't be in the water often enough.


Naiad has the attention span of a small boy with ADD who's eaten ten Pixie Sticks. She hits things until they stop bothering her. If she's really upset or hurt she'll try for her more lethal "extract water" attack. This isn't to say she can't be a canny opponent. She's not dumb, she just doesn't have much of an attention span. She'll use her levels defensively as much as possible, and can work cooperatively with the other members of the team so long as one of them prompts her to.


QUOTE: "Oooh, you're almost as pretty as my Adonis! Wanna have some fun?"


CAMPAIGN USE: Naiad is an example of the best and worst that Adonis will do to any woman who subjects herself to his whims. On the one hand she's changed from a self-concious awkward and unhappy girl with no prospects and little power into a gorgeous, powerful, and self-confident creature of the water. On the other hand she's also got no self-control, a limited attention span, and uses violence and sex as tools to get her way.


Naiad will hunt anyone who tormented her as a child, and will hunt anyone who makes special efforts to insult or deride her. She's not stupid, and she knows it, so anyone who makes a lot of comments about her lacking intelligence will be in for a world of hurt at some future date. As a hunter she'll try to sneak up on someone and attack them. At her most subtle, she'll lure someone close to the water where she can drag them in where her powers are most potent.


To increase her power give her more levels, increase the active points of her powers, and raise her STR, CON, or SPD. To lower Naiad's power do the opposite. If any PC's underestimate Naiad and make a point of mocking her see to it that she gets a chance to ambush that PC while she's in her home element. In the water she's ten times more dangerous because most of her character points are bound up in aquatic adaptations.


APPEARANCE: Since her transformation Naiad has become a statuesque six foot tall woman with the muscle tone of a fanatic athelete, while also being as curvaceous as any swimsuit model. She has long straight red hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Close examination will reveal that there's someting a little "off" about the color of her skin, and it's texture is silky smooth in a way not usual to human skin. Her eyes have too much iris and pupil to them, and she has gill structures at her neck and torso.


Naiad doesn't have a costume because she can't pass for human any more anyway, she just wears bathing suits. The skimpier the better. She'd go naked all the time if the rest of the harem didn't force her to at cover up a little bit, and of course if Adonis didn't like the swimsuit model look so much...

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Re: Alternate Henchwomen for Hermit's Adonis


The Mistress


Val Char Cost

13 STR 3

17 DEX 21

30 CON 40

23 BODY 26

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

30 PRE 20

24 COM 7


12/20 PD 9

12/20 ED 6

4 SPD 13

15 REC 12

60 END 0

45 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

2 1/2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 162


Cost Power

24 Instant Regeneration: Armor (8 PD/8 ED)

7 Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Always On (-1/2)


75 Biokinetics: Multipower, 75-point reserve

7u 1) Boosting: Aid 5d6, any physical characteristic one at a time (+1/4), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4) (75 Active Points)

7u 2) Breath of Life: Healing 3d6, any physical characteristic one at a time (+1/4), Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Minute; +1 1/4) (75 Active Points)

7u 3) Weaken: Drain REC 5d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 5 Minutes; +1/2) (75 Active Points)

6u 4) Inflict Pain: EB 4d6 (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), NND (Power Defense, or immunity to pain; +1), Continuous (+1) (65 Active Points)

7u 5) Shut Down the Senses: Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups Flash 4d6, NND (Mental Defense; +1) (70 Active Points)

3u 6) Bioscan: Detect Biological Systems, including health and Vulnerabilities or Susceptabilities of living things 18- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Rapid: x10, Sense, Telescopic: +15 (44 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

Powers Cost: 143


Cost Skill

9 +3 with MPP

3 Acting 15-

3 Interrogation 15-

3 Oratory 15-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Persuasion 15-

3 PS: Dominatrix (PRE-based) 15-

3 Seduction 15-

Skills Cost: 30


Cost Perk

15 Various Contacts and Favors from clients

Perks Cost: 15


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)

10 Distinctive Features: Distinctive Style of Dress and Behaviour, requires an EGO roll to suppress. (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

10 Hunted: VIPER 8- (Mo Pow, Mildly Punish)

10 Hunted: ARGENT 8- (As Pow, NCI, Mildly Punish)

20 Hunted: Various Socially Conservative Heroes, Villains, and Organizations (includes Genocide) 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

10 Psychological Limitation: "Deviant" Tastes in Clothing, Entertainment, and Recreation (Common, Moderate)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Must help and protect bystanders (Very Common, Strong)

20 Susceptibility: When hit by EGO based attacks 3d6 damage Instant (Group of uncommons)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Drains and Transfers (Common)

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Total Character Cost: 350


BACKGROUND: Size and pain. No matter how good she was at her job it always came down to size and pain, and Julie Morse was a big woman in a lot of pain. It wouldn't have been so bad if she had a different job; maybe. When she set up her dungeon in a trendy part of the city and became a professional dominatrix she was only ample, and her migraines and joint pain were manageable. The stress of running the business, her inability to delegate, that uncontrollable hunger. No matter how energetically she applied the whip the pounds piled on and her pain and health problems increased.


The tragedy of it all was that she was GOOD at her job. She knew just what her clients wanted, and how to apply to them just the level of hurt they craved. Call her a depraved sex worker if you like, but Julie was in demand by a broad segment of the population for a long time. Sadly, most of her best clients wanted a dom who could cinch a corset down to an eighteen inch waist, and the joint pain and migraines made her unable to keep appointments. It was a never-ending loop of failing to live up to her own expectations, eating, suffering for it, and failing again. Then salvation came through the door as she was about to lose everything.


A client came, a client so gorgeous she should be paying him. He was a poor submissive, and he tried to sweet talk her, but the pain in her joints and head let Julie muscle past Adonis' charms. She did for him things he never imagined, and he made her an offer she never thought was possible. Not freedom from pain exactly, but control over it, and power and wealth and the body of a goddess. Julie discovered what Adonis already knew, that she was a low level biokinetic, but her own lack of control over that power played havoc with her own body. He fixed that, and so much more.


Since then she's worked alongside the other girls on various jobs, but her powers are very useful in other contexts, and Adonis has often found himself "renting out" the Mistress to various organizations. Both ARGENT and VIPER want her to work for them instead, and have been a low grade irritation in her life, since she's only willing to work for them under certain limited conditions. A number of socially conservative heroes and organizations have some serious problems with a woman showing up in public dressed in black leather corsets, thigh high boots, and g-strings. Especially when she's able to heal people as only angels should be able to.


PERSONALITY/MOTIVATION: In her previous life the Mistress was a professional dominatrix, and is not a sadomasochist. She knows how to inflict and sustain pain and humiliation for the purposes of entertainment. However, she avoids causing permanent harm, nor does she inflict excess pain or humiliation on others unless they want her to, or they REALLY deserve it. If she wasn't using her newfound powers to help Adonis steal things a more enlightened person would have to admit she's as good or better than many superheroes. On more than a few occasions she's gone out of her way to heal innocent bystanders injured during a fight. However, she is a bit of a ham, and she enjoys her new looks. As Mistress Julie will play up the stereotype of the leather clad dominatrix.


Unlike many of Adonis' other ladies the Mistress is not devoted to Adonis. She sees her life as one of his girls as a business arrangement. She gives him pleasure and uses her powers on his behalf, and he makes sure that she stays beautiful and that her powers don't go haywire again. That doesn't mean she's not absolutely loyal to him. At the time he entered her life she was well over a hundred pounds over weight, suffering numerous health problems, and facing bankruptcy and possibly a life on the streets. Since then she's become powerful, gorgeous, and able to use her biokinetic powers at will. What Adonis wants, the Mistress wants, and you wouldn't deny your mistress would you?


QUOTE: "Beg before your mistress you WORM!"


POWERS/TACTICS: Mistress is a biokinetic, she can control biological systems in other beings. She can heal or assist the abilities of her allies, and she can shut down the senses of or inflict pain on her enemies. If she can get close enough, she can even ruin the efficiency of biological systems, so the healthiest person will collapse in exhaustion if they try to stress themselves too much. Thanks to Adonis' help, Mistress can regenerate, and she can sustain a remarkable amount of physical abuse. So long as she doesn't take too much damage all at once she'll heal quickly from any injury. The only exception is that her nervous system is wired up to be sensitive to mental assault, and powers like her own have a far stronger effect on her than normal.


Mistress acts in a support role to the others. She'll do things like Aid Kenran's STR or Cyberia's DEX, and heal injured team mates and innocent bystanders. If the opportunity presents itself, she'll use her Shut Down Senses, Inflict Pain, or Weaken powers on the enemy. She also sometimes makes use of her presence and skills of intimidation to take charge of bystanders and get them out of the way, or make them open the door to the vault or whatever. At the start of any combat she'll use bioscan and alert her team mates to the vulnerabilities and susceptibilities possessed by the opposition.


CAMPAIGN USE: Mistress can be played as a cartoony stereotype, but there's a lot of options for depth of character and role playing with her as well. With her Code vs. Killing and Protectiveness of Innocents psych limits she's potentially heroic as any PC. Except that she steals things, and the odds of her getting along in the mainstream society are slim to none. Because of everything he's done for her, there's little that would give Mistress reason to betray Adonis. She'd have to catch him at doing something really vile to innocent bystanders. She's meant to be used in support of others, and can show up working for a variety of organizations from GRAB to VIPER so long as she's not teamed with anyone particularly vile.


To increase her power raise Mistress' PRE, DEX, SPD, and add more powers to her MPP. If you need to make her more able to take damage give her 50% resistant damage reduction to Physical and Energy attacks to represent pain tolerance. To decrease her power lower the active points of her MPP and lower her defenses.


APPEARANCE: Mistress looks the stereotype of the dominatrix. She has thigh high boots with almost too much heel to be useful in combat. She wears a corset and G-string, long leather gloves, and a full leather face mask with a heavy collar. She's covered spikes, chains, and sharp hooks. Often these accessories bite into her own body, but she's not bothered with such minor pains.

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Re: Alternate Henchwomen for Hermit's Adonis






Talion manages to get her hands on some really sophisticated tech for her battle suit. Now she's three times as powerful as she was before, and decides to celebrate by going through high tech villains and heroes like a vengeful hurricane. Where did she get this technology from? Is the original owner of that tech someone like Dr. Destroyer or Warlord, and if so are they going to be be pursuing her, or using her as a means to an ends?


Some badly wounded petty power armor villains (Armadillo and Anklyosaur as examples) run to the PCs begging for protection. Talion is after them, and they're convinced that she's going to kill them. Why is she suddenly elevating her crusade like this?




Amazon and Captain Chronos go on a mad spree of truely insane crimes (it helps if the PCs don't yet know what Chronos' deal is) What are they up to, and what do the PC's do when Adonis and the other girls come after his "wayward child".


PSI decides that maybe it wasn't such a great idea to give up on Amazon. Once they get into her mind they discover that few of Adonis' ladies have any resistance to their powers. PSI dominates the team and sends them off on a mission; what do the PC's do when Adonis comes to them begging for their help in recovering his lost little lambs?




A rogue element within the CIA decides that Cyberia needs to be eliminated. Probably because she's got some damaging dirt on some very important people. They hire a team of super powered mercenaries (Lazer, Mechassassin, and Steel Commando for example) to take her out. She's staying a step ahead of them, but they're blowing up big parts of the city in the process.




Kenran decides that she's sick of being a super villain. She flees from Adonis and his girls, but Adonis isn't quite as willing to let go as he'd claim. Can the PC's intervene and convince Adonis to let her go in peace, or will he keep pursing and pestering her for the rest of her life?


A famously mean and relatively low powered brick is found brutally murdered. Kenran insists that she didn't do it, but forensic evidence seems to point to her. There are few four foot tall ten ton people in the world. Did she do it? If not, who? And can the PC's clear her name?




Against the wishes of his people an Atlantean prince has fallen for Naiad, and fallen hard. He's willing to do anything for her if she'll be his wife, and at her behest has already committed several crimes to get "pretties" for his bride to be. The prince's mother and advisers come to the PC's begging that they break the couple up. If they fail, what will the berserk and humiliated prince do when Naiad jilts him?


The Mistress


A wealthy dying eccentric has heard of the Mistress' healing powers, and is determined that she be his full time nurse. Adonis is only willing to rent her out, so the old man gets together a group of mercenaries to kidnap her for him.

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