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Movement Question



Ok. My combat move is 10, I use non-combat and move 10 (thats only a half phase) then I hold my other half phase. Someone comes up to attack me, I abort to dodge. My OCV and DCV goes back to normal (cause I declared a new action right?) and I get the +3 from dodge.


I can do this? Effectively moving my entire normal combat move in half a phase and keeping all my defense.


Some people have told me its an Accel/Deccel problem, others have said you cant do it for some other reason that was never clear to me.

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Re: Movement Question


Well, what any GM will allow is entirely up to him, but as a matter of “book legal rules” this is illegal. It’s true that a character can Abort a Held Half Phase to perform a defensive Action (5ER 361), but if he’s deliberately done something in the first Half Phase that exposes him to danger to take advantage of some useful rule then he’s got to abide by the consequences of his actions. I’m definitely not going to encourage this sort of behavior by declaring what you’re describing legal. In this case he could Abort to do something like, say, turning on his Force Field, but he’s stuck with the 1/2 DCV he voluntarily assumed by using Noncombat Movement.

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