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Character Creation Polls for 'Around the World With A New Character Each Week'


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I've decided to put the rolling polls for characters from fictitious or unusual countries here rather than in the main Thread (which is here).


The premise of these Polls is that Uberworld has a handful of fictitious countries such as Azambia, Atlantis etc, and it would be a fun idea to have Polls to create the characters for these countries rather than approach them in the same way as the 'Around the World' project.


Hopefully that makes sense.


There were some great Polls here on the Boards a month or so ago and I was inspired to try and glean some of that creative energy.


The Polls on the blogsite are not as detailed as the ones here, but it's a start.


So far I have created a character for Azambia (a country in Africa similar to Dr Doom's Latveria where the people are ruled by Witch Doctor), and a character from Atlantis.


Avatar can be found here.

Siren can be found here.


If you could help by adding your vote to the Polls, that would be awesome. Thanks.

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Aq Jibuji is hidden in the Andes of South America. It is a fiercely matriarchal society. No men are allowed. The women travel out of Aq Jibuji to mate with men from surrounding areas and then travel back to their country to give birth. Boy children are either exposed to the elements beyond the border or are taken back to the lands of their fathers to be raised as orphans or in the families of the father.


There are currently two characters in Uberworld from Aq Jibuji. Suprema is a hero in the modern world and Princess Power is a hero from the Golden Age.


The following information somes from Suprema's background:


The Aqjibujan society withstood the Spanish Conquest of South America and remained secret up until the 1990s when the New Men accidentally 'discovered' it when their plane crashed into one of their hidden valleys. Located along a series of seemingly inhospitable valleys within the Andes mountain range, Aq Jibuji is a matriarchal society with a difference, having absolutely no males within its borders. For over a thousand years the women of Aq Jibuji have ventured secretly out into the world to couple with suitable mate, only to return to Aq Jibuji where they give birth to their children. In the past, male children were either killed at birth, returned to their fathers in secret, or exposed on the mountains. As the society progressed they have developed advanced medical technology which now allows for accurate gender identification early in the pregnancy (and even potential for directed gender 'modifications' which change a male embryo into a female embryo). Unlike some other 'secret kingdoms' Aq Jibuji has advanced technology, keeping up with the advancements of their neighbours and the international community. They have always believed in understanding and outsmarting their opponents, and so when the Spaniards came, they repelled them, but also took the technology and education offered by the missionaries.


Nakmihe Cotbaru was the first Aqjibujan to openly enter the outside world, or the land of the Sidfurus ('not woman'). Since the New Men's visit the secret world of Aq Jibuji ended, and although the country was welcomed by the international community, they refused to fully open their doors to the curious people who flocked to see the secret land. They allowed women tourists in to some areas, but men are still prohibited.


Nakmihe was sent to New York City as the country's ambassador to the United Nations, although Aq jibuji is not a member of the organisation (or any organisation for that matter). Her country proved itself to be at the forefront of medical research, especially in the areas of women's health. Nakmihe soon found herself targeted by all kinds of misogynistic threats and became a reluctant super hero, although it has been revealed by Saul Numen that the Aqjibujans are possibly the only humans on the planet to not have the ubergene.


Nakmihe became the symbol for feminists worldwide and became outspoken on women's rights, which led to even more attacks by super villains and disgruntled weirdos. She decided that she needed some kind of assistance and joined the Argonauts as a way to possibly deter some of the more unbalanced minds who hated her.


When not operating openly as Suprema, she is an assistant district attorney in Pittsburgh using the name Naomi Bridge.


If you would like to vote on what form this new character takes, please go to the blog site and vote. It can be located in the column on the right hand side of the screen when you click here.

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Poll: AQ JIBUJI Update


There are six days remaining in the Poll for Aq Jibuji.


So far the votes are as follows:


Single Character (5 votes)

Team of Four (1 vote)

Team of Five (1 vote)


Technology: Gadgeteer

Technology: Power Armour (2 votes)

Martial Artist (2 votes)

Weaponmaster (3 votes)



150 Points

250 Points (4 votes)

350 Points (3 votes)

400 Points


Golden Age (3 votes)

Silver Age (1 vote)

Modern Age (3 votes)



So the character would be a single character whow as a 250 Point Weaponmaster from the Golden Age and the Modern Age. Perhaps she begins in the Golden Age and is somehow transported to the Modern times. Or perhaps she will be created as a young woman in the Golden Age and a very old one in the Modern Age.


Perhaps your vote can change things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Poll: AQ JIBUJI Character


The Poll has closed.


The character is:


Single Character

Martial Artist / Weaponmaster

250 Points

Golden Age / Modern Era


I assume she will either be a Golden Age character who is now in the present or a Modern Era girl who has been thrust back in time.

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Re: Character Creation Polls for 'Around the World With A New Character Each Week'


Yeah, well it is a RIGGED vote so you have to vote 'correctly'.


But seriously, I'm not sure what is going wrong with it. I don't think you need to log on or anything. It should take them.


Has anyone else had trouble?






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Re: Character Creation Polls for 'Around the World With A New Character Each Week'


Nope' date=' does not work for me.[/quote']


Sorry about that. I've got no real idea how it works.




On the plus side there are now about nine votes in the poll.


And one day to vote.

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