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Black Ops

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About Black Ops

  • Birthday 07/29/1964

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  • Biography
    long time Champions Fan, at one time Comic Book Collector
  • Occupation
    Clerk, Printer,

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  1. I knew him from Co and was a great fan of his gaming related work. R.I.P. Scott Bennie Thoughts and prayers
  2. The League of Champions book is a disgrace.

    Seriously ?

    SPD 2 for Goliath?

    Sparkplug has the disad: German Patriot twice, Icecicle is a skilled Lair


    The entire thing is slapdash badly updated from the statblocks they had in the old Heroic Publishing Books.

    (And no I am not going G-Girls backround because LBGT is en vogue)


    Seriously Man.

    Really lousy work.




    1. tiger


      I'll look at the errors and get them fixed. All the stats and powers were ran by Heroic Publishing and they approved it. G-Girl and Black Enchantress was added a the request of Heroic Publishing. Sparkplug was actually writen up by Dennis, although I added a couple powers

  3. The infamous Skitter a.k.a Taylor Herbert from the Webseries Worm springs to mind. (She had/has absolute control over every Insect within several blocks) In her Universe she was not allowed by Law to work on the private sector due to circumstances she became a feared crimminal.
  4. Quote Lord Liaden: FWIW I have it on good authority that Hero considers these sectional ebooks to not be finished products, and more will be done with them when they're collected in a single volume. But if they're going that route I believe that should be reflected in the price. That also convinced me that I should wait for the whole book rather than buy any more individual chapters. Which really bums me out, because I thought the sectional book concept had potential, but IMHO this approach will torpedo it before it gets a fair chance. I agree. I bought all four products and was severly disappointed. It read like some Baedecker in some parts and the Champions part was also rather thin. If they will make a collected book I will wait for the finished product, but I will not pay that amount of money for any further products of that line.
  5. IIRC there are/have been at least some germans active on these boards (aside of me). Since travel is our national pasttime I also guess we can help covering at least some parts of Europe from the Tourist perspective. (Not British Islands through. I think there are enough Forumites for that)
  6. Oh I agree. But would whoever "it" is think of it ? It will take time.
  7. i think whoever got Timewarped into the Valdorian Age would be bloody confused. Would he even realize that he was temporally displaced not dimensionally? After all it would be very hard to recognize one's surroundings as our old mother earth.
  8. Umh. Not new. The original Pulp stuff had the Adventurers Club as a Umberella Organisation for to get Pulp Heroes together.
  9. Personally I think the fixed timeline needs to go. It sort of killed the 5th for me
  10. Viper and Demon. But it was mostly combat stuff. There never any interesting effects unless I was the GM and then they never got how and why the stuff happened... *sadface*
  11. Black Ops


    Also: I do not think the costume is particular Dominatrix like. Yes its somewhat on the cheesy side, but which Superheroines is not? I have seen worse things in CO Bulga Lord Liaden.
  12. Black Ops


    Comments? Hmmm? Ok. PC or NPC? And how close to the original Fantasia do you want to play her? If PC she needs either Access or Dimensional Travel to that Fantasy Realm she is from. Some Languages could also help. That aside she is deffinitley playable in my book
  13. Black Ops


    *cough* With that name I imediately thought of a certain Secret Agent assosiated with a certain big franchise, assosicated with a certain extended cinematic universe.
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