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Visible power effects, concealment, and attacking followup



That did help considerably, but I just want to get your position clear on this:


If I'm understanding your take, its that the visibility of special effects is not assumed to automatically negate the usability of Stealth and other concealment methods to attack from suprise; what they do is provide some indications as to cause and approximate location after the occurred.


So for example, and Invisible attacker with a visible energy beam could still surprise someone; what would typically be the case is that after he did so, they'd know about where the attack came from and he'd have to move before firing again if he wanted to get much benefit, at least offensively.


(In the bow shot from the bushes case, they'd have some idea that the arrow came up from that direction, and might, say, get a bonus to try and pick out the Stealthed archer; if he wanted a secure shot again he'd probably have to drop back into more cover and move before trying it again).


Is this a fair summary of how you see it?

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