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Spider Crabs!


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A hero is measured by the weight of his accomplishment; what would Teknoman be without giant space crabs to battle?


With that being said here is the first of several installments based on the Tekkaman-Bladerunner anime.


Spider Crab

55STR 45  20-  Damage: 11D6 Lift:50tons
15DEX 15  12-  CV:5, DCV: 3 OCV:5
14BODY 8  12-
30CON 40  15-
6INT -4  10-   PER: 10-/12- 
8EGO -2  11-  ECV: 3
15PRE 5  12- 
8COM -1  11-

16PD5    resistant PD:18 Total PD:34
11ED5    resistant ED:18 Total ED:29  
3SPD5   4,8,12 

Total characteristic points: 121

43 Armored Hide: Armor 18PD/18ED, visible (-1/4)
40 huge and tough: damage reduction 50%PD/ED, (normal damage) 
150 Piercing legs: HKA 61/2D6(8D6 with STR) armor piercing (+1/2)
19 Space Crabs: LS; Self contained breathing, safe environment all

6 Sharp Senses: Plus 2 with all sense groups
5 Infra red vision: enhanced senses: infra red 
50 Crabs can fly: flight 20'x8 NCM 
20 Big and fast: Running plus 10" (16" total)

50 Green acidic bug goo: 1 1/2D6 RKA penetrating x2 (+1), continuous 
(+1), 8 continuous charges per 12hr period (1 Turn) (+0) (removable by 
numerous means including shaking or flicking the goo off requires STR 30 
Plus or sufficient speed motion), no knockback (-1/4), reduced range 
(20", -1/4)

Total Power cost: 383

Total character cost: 404

Disadvantages: (Details pending; psychological: hive minded, animal 
intelligence, Physical: Huge 20-25 tons 12ft tall 16 feet wide, no 
manipulatory limbs)



This is the first draft for the Spider Crabs from the anime Teknoman, and there may be some discrepancies. Further adjustments to the acid spray may be in the works based on the way it effects objects and teknomen during the series. I believe they also had a bonding compound (entangle) in adition to the acid spray, but further observation is needed.


What are Spider Crabs:


Spider crabs (as there name sugests) bear similarities to there namesake. Capable of withstanding fire from heavy weapons, the body of a SpiderCrab is wide and flat (like a crab) with multiple crab/spider like apendages each ending in a weighted point. They are large, bulky creatures standing roughly 10 to 12 ft tall and 14-16 ft in diameter, aproximate weight would likely range from 20-25 tons (not official, but deduced from observation). In the Teknoman series they're shown surviving the rigors of space, and re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. It's unknown but unlikely that they need to breath oxygen. In addition, Spidercrabs are able to fly defying both gravity and logic.


Spidercrabs are hive minded. The queen produces eggs at an allarming rate. She seems to be

capable of commanding her offspring from vast distances (the moon) possibly through a psychic

link. It's just as likely they're programed genetically at birth for specific one shot tasks. This

was never fully explained in the 43 international episodes. These creatures are born warriors

capable of rudimentary pack/swarm tactics. Spider crabs can tear through tank armor and even

wound a teknoman. Though they're nary a match for Teknomen even in swarms of hundreds,

they would likely shred a group of 350pt PC's. You've been warned but feal free to use them if

you wish.

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Re: Spider Crabs!


it's fortunate that they can't hit the broad side of a barn reliably.


They'd cripple/kill most things in the CU in one shot.


In the final draft I may give them a small skill bonus to strike; a plus one perhaps. If you're familiar with the setting the SpiderCrab's were capable of taking out military vehicles and instillations rather rapidly. There pointed legs do damage on par with a tank from the Vehicles Unlimited source book. In other words they can dish out as well as take damage. Many anime characters are ridiculously powerful it's the culture. One lone warrior stands against the vast forces of evil. Usually in many of these anime the supporting cast is incapable of handling the situation on there own. Often they're useless outside of stall tactics. In the Dragon Ball Z world none of the Z warrior can hold a candle to Go-Ku. It's always up to him to save the day. Goku represents the lone samuri who must do battle one on one to preserve his honor. While Teknoman is not quite as extreme as the Z world he is a candidate for the above example, and the only one who can stop Darkons invasion.

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