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Object Changing Powers


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Let me be a little more specific about the powers that I'm looking to simulate. The player wants the ability to change the size of non-organic objects. Which is the easy part, but the way he wants to use in in combat made my head hurt trying to think what would be the best way to do it.


He wishes to me able to touch an object, shrink it to a size he can lift, then throw it. Right before it leaves his fingertips he will not just return it to the size it was before, but make it bigger without loosing the velocity of the throw.


I racked my brain on this for awhile and haven't really come up with anything I believe would be an effective representation of the ability.




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Re: Object Changing Powers


Let me be a little more specific about the powers that I'm looking to simulate. The player wants the ability to change the size of non-organic objects. Which is the easy part, but the way he wants to use in in combat made my head hurt trying to think what would be the best way to do it.


He wishes to me able to touch an object, shrink it to a size he can lift, then throw it. Right before it leaves his fingertips he will not just return it to the size it was before, but make it bigger without loosing the velocity of the throw.


I racked my brain on this for awhile and haven't really come up with anything I believe would be an effective representation of the ability.





Appropriate attack power (Energy Blast or Killing Attack) with Focus: Objects of Opportunity (-1/2) as a limitation.

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Re: Object Changing Powers


I was thinking something like that. Maybe with another limitation for different sizes, while the amount of dice would serve as a cap, however I was thinking that there might be a better way to do it.


Maybe extra str for throwing objects.

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Re: Object Changing Powers


I was thinking something like that. Maybe with another limitation for different sizes, while the amount of dice would serve as a cap, however I was thinking that there might be a better way to do it.


Maybe extra str for throwing objects.


Possibly another limitation that the damage is capped by how much damage could be done with the object in question. But since he can make the objects grow, that doesn't seem to be much of a limitation.


Breaking the power down in to what game effects it has, it doesn't really seem to be anything other than a ranged attack with interesting special effects.

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Re: Object Changing Powers


Extra Strength or TK to throw things with the special effect "shrinks things temporarily" would work, yeah. The combat effect is bashing people with big things, the special effect is making them teeny enough to lift and throw for a moment.


I have a spell built that works the way archermoo suggests, in reverse: you pick up an ordinary pebble, throw it, it gets huge, does physical damage, then shrinks. OIF local rocks, HTA vs PD, with range (so you add strength).

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