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Grave Robber Mk2


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here is Mk 2 of Grave Robber

built on 300 points for a game that works on 50 active(1 power might be over by 1 point)


any comments welcomed(and yes this is a Villian)


Grave Robber


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [3]

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

15 CON 10 12-

10 BODY 0 11-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 5

18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 ½d6

8 COM -1 11-


3+10 PD 0 Total: 3/13 PD (0/10 rPD)

3+10 ED 0 Total: 3/13 ED (0/10 rED)

4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

6 REC 0

30 END 0

30 STUN 4 Total Characteristic Cost: 82


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 3"/33"/24"/264"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

18 Alter physology: Elemental Control, 44-point powers, (22 Active Points); all slots OIHID (-¼)

18 1) will sapping toxin: Drain EGO 1d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Damage Shield (Offensive; +¾), Continuous (+1), NND ([standard]LS vs all toxins; +1) (45 Active Points) 0

10 2) Telepathy 5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (50 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1), Always On (-½) 0

12 3) Mind Control 3 ½d6, Telepathic (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Continuous (+1) (49 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1) 0

12 4) Shrinking (0.5 m tall, 1.5625 kg mass, -4 PER Rolls to perceive character, +4 DCV, takes +6" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (40 Active Points); Always On (-½) 0

10 5) Major Transform 1d6-1 (host body for grave robber, rec per month(so long as to have no contact physiscal contact with Grave Robber), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Damage Shield (Offensive; +¾), Continuous (+1), NND ([standard]LS vs all toxins; +1) (42 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (needs skin to skin contact; -1) 0

18 6) Shape Shift (Sight Group, any shape), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points) 0

17 7) (Total: 45 Active Cost, 32 Real Cost) Clinging (46 STR) (20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼) (Real Cost: 13) plus Stretching 4" (20 Active Points) (Real Cost: 16) plus Extra Limbs (10) (5 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼) (Real Cost: 3) 5

18 8) Leaping +30" (3"/33" forward, 1 ½"/16 ½" upward) (Accurate, x8 Noncombat) (45 Active Points) 4

15 9) (Total: 45 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼) (Real Cost: 20) plus Armor (10 PD/0 ED) (15 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼) (Real Cost: 10) 4

15 10) (Total: 45 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼) (Real Cost: 20) plus Armor (0 PD/10 ED) (15 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼) (Real Cost: 10) 4

4 Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND

5 Flying Grab -2 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 25 STR for holding on; FMove

3 Legsweep +2 -1 4d6 Strike, Target Falls

5 Passing Strike +1 +0 3d6 +v/5; FMove



5 Ill gotten gains: Money: Well Off



3 Stealth 13-

Notes: 17- in villan form

3 Tracking 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Criminology 13-

4 Flying grab: +4 with any single attack

3 who's who: Research 13-

3 Concealment 13-

Notes: 17- when hidding

3 Contortionist 13-

5 Power 12-

3 Disguise 13-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 218

Total Cost: 300


150+ Disadvantages

20 Distinctive Features: a puddle of black slime in villian form (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: His creators(an evil bio engineering company 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)

20 Enraged: if one that he is controling is taken away (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 11-

20 Hunted: Primus 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Psychological Limitation: Wants control (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: cares nothing for others unless it benifits him (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Hatered of bioengineers (Uncommon, Total)

20 Reputation: killer, 14- (Extreme)


Total Disadvantage Points: 300


Background/History: Somebody wanted to create a zombie apocalyse

the only problem was that the base person they used could not seperate the slime he had become to infect others


Personality/Motivation: wants to control it all


Quote: you will be one with us


Powers/Tactics: attacks from surprise(leaps or drops on targets)

reduces ego to negative numbers so telepathy and mind control will work easilly

second toxin makes them host bodies that are easilly stored when not needed

will go after normals with money take control move money out of their control to his and asume victimes life till money is all gone

then have the victim kill themselves to cover his trail


Campaign Use: body snacher for putting DNPC in danger or have them go missing or to get at a hero that normally could not be gotten(has a power suit


Appearance: villian form is a small puddle of slime

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