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STR Minimum





A question has arisen regarding STR Minimum.


According to FRED:

"Conversely, a character can add 1 Damage Class to a melee weapon's damage for every 5 full points by which his STR exceeds the STR Minimum (up to a maximum of twice the weapon's Damage Class)"


I have a character with a 1d6 HKA (a sword), with STR Min 10. The character has a STR 15. I would interpret this that he gets +1 DC to the sword, thus doing 1d6+1.


The other viewpoint, as per Dan Simon (this is to resolve a HD matter...) is:


Poorly phrased, since they can also add 1DC for every 5 STR up to the STR Minimum as well....otherwise there is no point in the additional "Adder" to the Limitation for "STR Minimum does not add to/subtract from damage.


The character has a 15 STR. The STR used to meet the STR Minimum still adds into damage, just like normal. STR Minimum just means that the character will suffer minuses to OCV/DCV if he doesn't have the requisite STR.


The character would be doing 2d6 killing damage (max) with the sword. Just like HD is telling you.


So, O Great Hero Guru...which is the case? :)

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The character in your hypothetical does HKA 1d6+1 with the sword -- he adds +1 DC for having a full +5 STR, per 5E 271 and 327. The text on bottom right p. 271 is particularly relevant to this issue, since, as it notes, in Heroic campaigns the STR Min rules replace the standard rule for adding damage with STR.


Just discussed this with Dan on the phone, so I'm sure HD'll be updated momentarily. ;)

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