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Breaking large volumes


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Re: Breaking large volumes


Forgive me if I have flashbacks to Hybrid.


EABA and TORG* also use the decibel scale.



* i'm not 100% sure about Torg, correct me if i'm wrong.



There are no upper limits in HERO. Nothing is infinite. It's just that rolling 1000d6 may get tedious. You may want to use Standard Effect after about 20 dice.


What results do you want the system to give you if I, a flabby computer programmer, go up against Odin in a fist fight? In HERO, if you give me an 8 STR and a 3 PD, and you give Odin a 300 STR and a 100 PD, HERO can support all those numbers just fine, but will it give you the results you want to get?


Similarly, what results do you want the system to give you if I go up against Odin in a riddle contest? Should I have a chance of beating him?


This is not a question of scale. This is a question of rolls amplitude.


With the same scale if you increase the roll amplitude (for instance from 3D6 to 5D6 in a "higher is better" system) some previously impossible tasks may become possible.

If this amplitude is big enough it may give you a chance to beat Odin.


HERO allows a big amplitude (from 3 to 18 while each 1 is X2 or /2 effectiveness*. You may equals a (2^8** =) 256X more powerfull guy (considering this guy only makes an average roll.) )

In HERO an amplitude increase may be, for instance, a 3d6-1d6 roll for actions instead of 3d6. (ugly but this is just an example.)


* i guess some of you will disagree with that point but it doesn't affect the fact that amplitude modifications are the same as potential capacity modifications.


** from 3 to 10.

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