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First Time Rules Clarification Questions (Be Gentle)





Questions are actually threefold, they all relate to Stretching.


I've looked at Fifth Edition Revised pages 220 and 221, and also 388. I tried searching the FAQ for clarification, couldn't find this specific issue (and boy, is it specific). I don't have that Ultimate Martial Artist book, worried that the answer might be in there.


First Question: Is Grab-and-drag-to-myself mandatory for a Stretched Grab?

From 5ER page 221, left column, first paragraph

... If the target is a person or the like, the GM may rule that making the Grab ends the Stretching character's Phase. However, since characters can Grab and Squeeze, or Grab and Throw, most GMs allow characters with Stretching to Grab and Drag To Myself as part of one Attack Action. The GM may allow a Grabbed character to have an Action that takes no time to brace himself or use STR to resist being dragged.


So, for instance, a character wants to Stretch out, Grab another character, and have him be Grabbed in the Grabbed character's hex. This is going to happen in the short term regardless (if a character's phase can end when he makes a Stretched Grab, without doing the Drag to Myself portion, then obviously the Grabbed character would be Grabbed in the target hex, not in one adjacent to the Grabber). So, say we have a GM who didn't allow our Grabber to Drag as a part of the same attack action, would the Grabber's next action need to be, then, dragging him back?


Second Question: If Grab & Drag isn't mandatory, can a power with Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4) then Grab someone at a distance?


Also from Fifth Edition Revised p221, this time from right hand column, second paragraph.


... A character cannot use Stretching with this Limitation to reach out, Grab someone, and drag him to the character, nor to reach out and drag himself to a place, except with the GM's permission.


Since this doesn't cover Grabbing and holding in the Target Hex, it is, thus, somewhat open to interpretation.


Third Question: Semantics on the Power Advantage Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4)


Somewhat semantic, but because this is probably a question so specific, so far off the beaten path, I should ask: Is it possible that those prohibitions included in the power advantage Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4) are artifacts from some earlier edition (which I don't have. I'm a yung 'un... kind of...) where the power advantage was actually a power Limitation? The only reason I ask is because of the language:


... stretching with this Limitation ...


Though, this is somewhat important, as I think about it: in essence, if Grab & Drag is not mandatory and Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4) does prohibitGrabbing a character in the Grabbed Character's hex, then can a person with that power advantage use the same Stretching power, but just 'drop' that power advantage (thus making his stretched appendages vulnerable) for a time while he wants to grab?


Thanks very much for your time and consideration.

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Re: First Time Rules Clarification Questions (Be Gentle)


I'm not sure I understand the question(s) at all.


If the root question is, "Does a character with Stretching who Grabs someone at a distance *have* to drag him back to the character's hex?," then the answer is No, not for any form of Stretching. A character would remain Stretched and still Squeeze or Throw a Grabbed victim if he wanted to, unless the GM ruled otherwise for some reason.


The only other issue I can see here is about "dropping" an Advantage, which is specifically prohibited by the rules on 5ER 246. If there's something else I've overlooked here, please post a follow-up.

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