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Danger Sense question



Hi Steve,


One of my players and I are having a debate about Danger Sense. He has it purchased as: Danger Sense (self only, any danger, Function as a Sense). The question is, if a villain attacks the group, intending to take down the group, but does not attack the player directly at first, does this trigger the DS? Or is he only warned when the player himself is directly threatened?



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Re: Danger Sense question


That's a GM's call based on what constitutes danger to "one's self." If the character's standing right next to his teammate when the attack occurs and the villain's likely to attack him next, I think most GMs would allow Danger Sense to activate in that situation. OTOH, if the two characters are in different parts of the city, I think most GMs wouldn't let Danger Sense activate. But ultimately it's up to you. ;)

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