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moving to fast


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OK so movement has always eluded me in hero it just never made any sense. So I bought 6th ed and the same problem remains the real worlds fastest athletes can be out run buy a small child hear ill show you let us assume that every one has just one action sense the small child only has one and is already runs a faster time than is humanly possible

Usain bolt of Jamaica holds the mens world recored in the 100m dash time 9.58 so in hero terms he moves about 1m every segment ill give him 2 more sec to give him a all out of 12 move 6 full 3 half move

the small child in hero has a all out 16 full 8 half 4 move



did I mis add this? I guess what id like to know is has any one made a fix for this in there games

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Re: moving to fast


OK so movement has always eluded me in hero it just never made any sense. So I bought 6th ed and the same problem remains the real worlds fastest athletes can be out run buy a small child hear ill show you let us assume that every one has just one action sense the small child only has one and is already runs a faster time than is humanly possible

Usain bolt of Jamaica holds the mens world recored in the 100m dash time 9.58 so in hero terms he moves about 1m every segment ill give him 2 more sec to give him a all out of 12 move 6 full 3 half move

the small child in hero has a all out 16 full 8 half 4 move



did I mis add this? I guess what id like to know is has any one made a fix for this in there games


Not sure where you are getting your data. A normal person has a 2 Speed and 12 meters of running. Full non-combat movement means that they move 24 meters on each of two Phases per 12 seconds. So after 24 seconds they have covered 96 meters. Hardly world record material.


Edit: In 6e, the average small child has a Speed of 1, and 8 meters of running. In 24 seconds at non-combat speed they will have covered 32 meters. 1/3 the distance that the normal, fit non-athlete would cover.


A competent normal has a 3 Speed and 14 meters of running. Meaning that in 12 seconds they can run a total of 84 meters. Still not quite world record level, but certainly getting closer.

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Re: moving to fast


I'm not really sure I got what you said ... But just giving everyone one action is the failure in your math. Give them a number of actions per turn equal to their Speed.


The other failure was assuming that moving at 1 meter per second would result in moving 100 meters in 10 seconds. Off by a minor factor of 10...

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