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What happens to excess Absorption?



You have 10 points of Absorption -> Stun, with the limitation Only Restores To Starting Values, and are currently down 5 Stun. You get hit with an attack that did no stun (a 1x Stun Multiplier on a KA perhaps) and now have 10 points of Absorption ready to be applied. Assume you are not yet at your maximum Absorption capacity.


Do you:


a) Increase Stun by 5. The remaining 5 Absorption can be applied to the Stun from any subsequent attack this segment.


B) Increase Stun by 5. You have 5 remaining Absorption capacity this segment. This is not quite identical to (a). In (a), a subsequent NND or AVAD this segment will have its Stun reduced. In (B), it won't.


c) Increase Stun by 5. The remaining 5 Absorption is simply lost for want of a place to apply it, and you have no further Absorption capacity this segment.

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