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Ther Interview


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On the Champions Online forums, I suggested having a Mission which required you to answer five character defining questions from a member of the press. I thought I'd share them here and see I what you folks thought, whether I'm missing any major categories. I hope this is at least mildly interesting as a character definition tool.


1. What type of hero are you?

2. How long have you been active?

3. What is the source of your powers?

4. Why are you doing this?

5. What does the public think about you?

6. Do you have a message for Foxbat? (The interview takes place at the end of the mission where you beat Focbat, hence thus question.


Here are suggested options for the next level of the tree:


1. What kind of superhero are you?

* I'm a traditional superhero, like Defender and the Champions, and proud of it!

* Superhero? Are you nuts? I'm a vigilante. I just take out the trash.

* See this black costume? Anti-hero here! Grim and g****y and edgy and stuff.

* I'm no hero. I'm a monster!

* I'm no hero, I'm a soldier.

* I'm no hero, I just try to live a normal life, even though I have powers.

* Hero? I'm a practitioner of the arcane arts... anything else is just a sideline.

* Hero? I'm a scientist... anything else is just a sideline.

* Just between the two of us... I'm one of the bad guys. Would you like to be my hostage?

* You're mistaken. I'm no superhero (you have no public persona)

* I don't think traditional labels apply to me. (None of the above).


2. How long have you been active?

* I'm not really active yet, I'm still training to be a super.

* I have just started my career as a superhuman adventurer.

* I've done this a few years. Guess I'm not a rookie anymore.

* Let's see...five, ten years? Time sure flies, doesn't it? Just can call me a veteran.

* I was active before the Battle of Detroit, and that was in '92.

* I fought in the Second World War along with heroes like Captain Battle.

* The passing of centuries are meaningless to me, child.

* I can't really answer that question. (None of the above).


3. What is the source of your powers?

* I'm a mutant.

* I'm an extraterrestrial.

* I'm from another dimension.

* Let me tell you about that lab accident....

* Thanks to my genius, I gave myself superpowers!

* I thought it was an ordinary archeological artifact. Little did I know....

* I received them as a magical gift!

* I received them as a gift from a cosmic entity.

* Ever study mythology? The myths are real... and I'm one of them.

* Some would call me... a child of the supernatural. (vampire, werewolf, ghost, etc.)

* I am a player in the eternal struggle between good and evil. (angel, demon, etc.)

* I came from the Land of Legends into this mad world! (elf, orc, dragon, etc,)

* Stupid super-soldier experiment...

* Every time I mention I'm a time traveller, people get upset with me.

* Supervillains experimented on me!

* I was exposed to a mutagenic drug. Powers from a bottle.

* Ever hear about nanites? I learned a whole lot about them after my exposure.

* I meditated for years to learn the secret of expanding human consciousness.

* Powers? I wear my powers in this battlesuit.

* See these cyberlimbs? The power is in the metal.

* Who needs powers when you have Science! Behold my wonderful gadgets!

* Powers? I trained my body to the peak of human perfection.

* You call them powers. I call it magic.

* My origin is a mystery, even to me!

* My origin is unusual (none of the above).


4. Why are you doing this?

* There's a lot of injustice in the world. Someone has to take a stand.

* With great powers come even greater responsibiliies.

* Mom and dad raised me to respect truth, justice, and the American ideal.

* Someone has to stand up to bullies and protect the weak.

* I'm a patriot who loves his country. I champion the Dream.

* Revenge on one who wronged me!

* Because the streets are filled with cancers, and I'm the surgeon on call.

* I wanted a quiet life, butl the gangs and villains who invaded my neighborhood made that impossible.

* Bright lights! Adoring public! Headlines! I live for those!

* Look at me! You think I can live a normal life looking like this, you idiot?!

* For the adventure!

* The superhuman world offers many paths to the knowledge I seek.

* Chicks dig the suit!

* It beats having a real job!

* I come from a family of heroes. It's a lot to live up to, but I'm trying.

* I wasn't proud of what my family did. I decided to become the sort of person they could never be.

* I promised a dying friend that I would turn my life around.

* All my friends were doing the supers thing. I'm a joiner.

* I'm not trying to be doing anything, Stuff just happens to me! Make it stop!

* I'm atoning for a past sin.

* I used to be a bad guy. Now I'm looking for redemption.

* It wasn't my choice. I was forced into this!

* It was not a matter of choice, it is my destiny.

* I was born for combat, and this is the ultimate test of my fighting skills.

* I'm showing the idiots in tights how to really fight crime, one dead gang member and villain at a time.

* For the money. How much am I getting paid for this appearance?

* My motivations aren't easy to pidgeon hole. (None of the above)


5. What does the general public think of you?

* They know I exist, but just barely.

* They like me as much as a typical superhero. I get some ink in the press.

* They adore me! I'm a major celebrity.

* I'm controversial. Some people really like me, others really hate me.

* The public fears and loathes me. (People will shun you).

* Thanks to those "threat or menace" headlines the people hate me! Stupid Adair Media Group.... (People will hurl insults at you.)

* The public does not know I exist, and I'm going to keep it that way.


6. Do you have a message for Foxbat?

* Give up your evil ways, Foxbat. Turn your life around!

* I hope you get the professional help you need. If I can assist in your recovery in any way, just call.

* Not for him, but I have one for the kids. Folks, this is where a supervillain life style will lead you, Stay in school!

* Foxbat, I don't blame you for what you've done. I blame mommy and daddy Foxbat for being such lousy parents.

* Did we really have to fight? Couldn't we have just hugged?

* Delusions aside, you're technically gifted. Foxbat. Have you ever considered a more productive line of work?

* That was fun, Foxbat. Let's do this again soon!

* You were a worthy opponent. You fought with honor!

* Man, I enjoy beating on that clown. Never change, Foxxy! I love you!

* You know, you're rather handsome in that suit, Would you like to go out on a date?

* Anything I'd have to say to him wouldn't be fit for the airwaves.

* I don't talk with villains.

* Does he really call himself a villain? He seemed more like an annoyance than one who's truly evil.

* Grow the hell up, you pathetic man-child.

* You mean his quivering, unconscious body wasn't message enough?

* Please. If I send him a message, he might start *talking* again. Just let him rest.

* Loser!

* It'd be a waste of ammo to finish the job on this chump.

* Next time we meet will be much less pleasant for you. Stay out of my way.

* See that black eye, Foxbat? That's for vandalizing my house last April Fool's! Stil think it's funny?

* I don't think anything I'd have to say would do much good.

* No.

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