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Would you allow a player to run this character in your game: Psylock


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I've built a character that has a vehicle, an AI to operate it, and 2 robot followers. The main idea is for the PC to stay in the hovercraft and use his powers against his foes (he's an egoist), while the AI drives the hovercraft and attacks with its machine gun. The robots are dropped from the underside of the vehicle and slow/stop mooks and potentially help with villians.


The question is, what would you do if you were his GM.

1) Forbid him

2) Require a % of adventures to be sans robots & vehicles

3) Allow him


Now, while the character is weak, he was built to be able to function on his own. I fully expect the vehicle and or robots to get blown away sometimes. Given that...



Oh, and the character is 5th edition.[ATTACH]39696[/ATTACH]

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Re: Would you allow a player to run this character in your game: Psylock


I dislike the characters build for several reasons, but don't know what is normal in your game and so cannot really comment there.


I will point out the characters Mind Control slots may not be that useful, since they lack the Telepathic advantage, he can't use Telepathy at the same time as MC and he's constantly flying above the field of battle so giving voice commands does not seem to be an option.


I'm actually mostly ok with the mentalist sniper aspect. Character doesn't have Mind Scan, so he at least needs to be on the battlefield to establish LOS instead of sitting on a beach somewhere. I would just have to plan around the characters particular tactics a bit to make sure he isn't attacking with impunity.


Also, how many other players are in this game? That would determine if I would allow the AI pilot or the robots. I also don't see the robots on the sheet...?

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Re: Would you allow a player to run this character in your game: Psylock


This character existed in 4th edition as a egoist who fed/drained intellectuals and occasionally got discoveries/inventions. His science skills came as a result of this. When I went to re-write him, it coincided with the thought that I hadn't done a character with a vehicle, so I married the two ideas. In retrospect, I thought that it might have made him too tough.


I completely forgot he'd need the telepath option for his MC, I'll have to add that.


If he is seen as playable, I'll keep him as a character (perhaps for Convention games). If he is too powerful, he'll become a villian. To be honest, he was always a bit of a bastard, being a psychic vampire who frequented colleges and tech company sectors for feeding - yum!

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Re: Would you allow a player to run this character in your game: Psylock


I play a range of personalities, including anti-heroes. While he is a bastard, he was also firmly in the hero side of the campaign, he was, I suppose, similar to the vampire in being human - need to feed, but otherwise ok. Difference is when he feeds, people do not fall over dead.

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