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Pottymouth powers

Doc Quantum

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I'm watching A Christmas Story and it got me to thinking about building powers with the limitation Must Curse a Blue Streak.


Obviously, the Old Man's Everyman home repair skills are boosted by steady profanity.


What about a self-healing power in which your character has to swear loudly while dancing in place and shaking the injured body part?


What if the Old Man's "Tapestry of Profanity" was a literal flight power like a magic carpet? (Still hovers over Lake Michigan)


Clairsentience ("Where the !@#$ is he/she/it?")


Defensive Powers ("You ain't hittin' me with that !@#$!")


Please add your suggestions.

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Re: Pottymouth powers


Not quite potty mouth, but I once had an urban mage with magic duct tape. It can heal anything (healing for PCs and inanimate objects) it takes one turn to apply but he has to talk like Red Green while doing it.


I'm also working on an evolved gorillia who's as strong and smart as 50 gym teachers who has combat levels in throwing his own "special ammunition" and hitting people in the face.

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Re: Pottymouth powers


This reminds me of a story a buddy of mine told me. He played a character in a high humor campaign, and the GM had ruled that if any character ever used profanity,agents of the Comic Authority would appear from nowhere and beat the offender into unconsciousness (the agents were invulnerable and inescapable).


My buddy's character found himself outnumbered, outmatched, and about to perish. He had, however, a super-ventriloquism power...


His enemies never stood a chance.


I could see this in HERO as Summon with Requires A Ventriloquism Roll and Incantations. Of course, the summoned agents with this power would not be invulnerable or inescapable.


Incidentally, the GM only let him get away with this once.

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