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aborting, 1/2 DCV, 1/2 phases



1] If I take a full action in a phase, and then someone fires at me, can I still abort to a defensive action - (using up my *next* phase), or do I need to wait until the next segment to abort?


2] Under what circumstances can you be considered flanking someone, such that they are at 1/2 DCV? Specifically, if you are standing behind them, or move behind them, are they 1/2 DCV? What if there is more than one opponent, so they can't simply turn to face you?


3] Does it take any time to turn around? eg. I leap over someone's head, using my full movement, am I left facing away from them?


4] Are there any rules for handling Dex initiative for 1/2 phase actions? eg. after two characters make half moves, are they considered at the top of a 1/2 phase?


5] Does a high dex full phase move happen before a low dex 1/2 move? eg. A 23 Dex character makes a 6" run at a 20 Dex opponent, about to do a 3" half move. Is the 20 Dex still there when 23 Dex arrives?

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1 answer to this question

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1. See 5E 236.


2. It’s up to the GM to determine whether a character is attacking “from behind,” and therefore entitled to the standard bonus for that action.


3. The only specific rules in the system for changing facing pertain to Teleportation (5E 150). As a default, changing facing should be a Zero-Phase Action in most circumstances, meaning a character can’t do it after performing a Full Phase Action, but the GM can change that based on the situation, the abilities involved, common and dramatic sense, and other relevant factors.


4. If two characters are Holding Half Phase Actions, the standard rules for that apply (5E 235-36). Initiative isn’t broken down by Half Phases or the like, as your question seems to suggest.


5. Actions take place in normal DEX order within a Segment. It makes no difference whether a person acting later only performs a Zero/Half/no time Action; the character with the higher DEX gets to perform his entire Phase’s worth of actions first.

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