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What if there are no super-prisons?


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Re: What if there are no super-prisons?


What jurisdiction does the U.S. Government have over the bottom of the Marianas Trench?


In the DC Universe, I think the governments of the world would rather have Superman take care of super-powered villains. They trust Superman. He has access to superior technology. And he has the responsibility if the detainees escape or need recaptured.

The U.S. Government doesn't have any jurisdiction in the Marianas Trench, as near as I'm aware. As other people have pointed out the issue of exactly how to classify Valak is also very up in the air since he is an alien and not a human being.


Neither of which are going to have much at all to do with public opinion. People are going to scream that Valak has not even been charged and arraigned, much less stood trial. The fact that he's being detained by a private citizen rather than a branch of the Government is going to make things even worse. The idea that Supernal can just come down and pluck someone up and lock them away for the rest of their lives without due process is going to make lots of people really, really nervous. Sure, it was a super alien this time but what about the next time Supernal decides someone can't be locked up in a regular prison?


Likewise, the fact that the Government might not have jurisdiction (though actually I believe they would since the crime was committed on U.S. soil) won't enter all that much into the fact that the U.S. Government is going to want control of the situation. Take all the type A control freaks who tend to populate government as well as those people who will entertain unsavory ideas as to the use of Valak and add in those who are genuinely concerned about what happens if Supernal gets killed (how long before the technology breaks down and Valak gets freed? What if another alien shows up and Supernal is no longer around?) and you'll have an awful lot of government people trying to convince Supernal to turn Valak and the mirror cell technology over to them.


Now assuming that Supernal roughly fills the role of Superman in that world the government probably won't be bringing any real pressure to bear. They'll ask nicely and offer incentives and that's about it. Of course should Supernal not oblige them they will probably feel no reason to try to protect him from the public backlash.

In a Champions game, I would ask: Does the government really want these defeated supervillains inside the U.S.? When they don't even want to move non-powered terrorists from Guantanamo to the states? Do they trust Supernal the way DC earth trusts Superman?

The Government doesn't keep suspected terrorists in Guantanamo Bay because it doesn't want them in the states. It does it for legal reasons to try and get around certain aspects of law. It is similar to the reason they classify them as 'enemy combatants' (because then they can be detained without trial as prisoners of war).


Would the Government want Valak kept in the states? Probably, but even if you went to the extreme of deciding he was so dangerous that the U.S. Government decided it was better for him to be detained outside the states the Government would still want to be in charge. They would just set up their Stronghold or whatever they decide to call it in Guantanamo or Antarctica or on an specially designed ship that sails international waters or something else.

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Re: What if there are no super-prisons?


I'd think Supernal is in the clear as long as he is willing to turn his prisoner over to the authorities (US authorities, whether they have jurisdiction over the Marianas Trench or not) on demand. It sounds like everyone knows what they're getting into if they take responsibility for Valak's custody. There may be some attempts at negotiation for mirror-cell technology, but ultimately no one is going to take him if they know they can't contain him. It's not like Valak is a citizen of an earthly country.

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