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Sidhe Invasion: Homonculi


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With the introduction of Fae magic to Earth, over the centuries since the war against the Dark Lord, sages and scholars began discovering (or rediscovering) different uses for this new resource. Homonculi were among the first widespread uses of Fae magic, which is considered nowadays to be an application of alchemy. Less scrupulous labs involved in the creation of such beings are commonly known as "Flesh Pits" due to the often unsavory creations made there. The original Homonculi were the goblin soldiers that served the Dark Sidhe that came over to Earth during the war. Twisted beings of evil aspect, their lifespans were very short (2-3 years) but they could be created quickly and cheaply in large numbers, decanting in large batches to loyally serve their masters. More powerful Homonculi were equivalent to Middle Earth's Uruk-Hai, muscular, hulking brutes as tall as men that served as shock troops for the Dark Lord and his followers. Since the end of the war, the method of creating such goblins was disseminated among sages interested in it for research purposes. With the loss of access to the Sidhe's home, it was believed that Earth's new magic could not support mass creations of Homonculi. So for centuries, they were considered novelty items, made individually or in small batches. Over time, more attractive forms of Homonculu were invented, some looking quite human, and they were often employed as servants or slaves. Their lifespan was extended to about ten years, and by the 1800s they had become a commodity, sold legally in many countries. Due to their dwindling cost to produce, by the late 1600s Homonculi began working in larger numbers in factories and farms, in the process practically eliminating the market for human slaves. Ways to mass produce them were eventually discovered, getting around the limitations of the original goblin formulations. Criminal organizations developed the first flesh pits, creating "Orcs" (my working title for this type) that were used as brutes and toughs, and female Homunculi for the sex trade. By the 1800s, Homonculi were a common sight in Europe and America. Comments and suggestions are welcomed.

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An interesting motivation for Homonculi as characters and antagonists could be the desire for a homeland of their own, kind of like Israel became for the Jewish people, but without any historical justification. Perhaps Haiti would be a better example, a place where slaves overthrew their masters and created their own nation. Would Homonculi seek to settle in inhospitable regions or try to take territory from a 'natural' people?

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