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Recovering from being stunned



From p 105 of 6E2

"Recovering from being Stunned requires a Full Phase, and is the only thing the character can do during that Phase. A character can recover from being Stunned in the Segment in which he was Stunned if he had a Phase in that Segment and his Phase has not yet occurred (in that case his Constant Powers won’t turn off, since he won’t still be Stunned at the end of the Segment)."


"A character may be hit by an attack in the Phase in which he’ll recover from being Stunned before getting to do so (i.e.,by another character whose DEX is higher than his). If the character takes no damage from the attack after applying his defenses, he may still recover from being Stunned as normal. However, if the character takes any STUN or BODY damage from the attack, he cannot recover from being Stunned that Phase; he must try to do so on his next Phase instead."


The first rules excerpt allows the stunned character to recover in the same segment he is stunned. The second says that in a segment he takes damage, he can't recover. They seem to contradict each other.


Also, the second quote doesn't put a limit on the number of times this can happen. It appears that you could "stun lock" someone by attacking them in the phase they are due to recover and keep them stunned forever by pushing their recovery back a phase each time.


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