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Everything is now FIRE


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I'm trying to get a power that while maintained makes all nearby allies' damage fire-based. Bullets become fire bullets, psychic probes become flaming psychic probes, even a punch to the face is now a flaming punch to the face. The character has some special interactions with fire, so this is a noteworthy bonus. My closest guess has been a VPP that can only buy a naked advantage of Variable Special Effect: Fire for each attack power used by nearby allies using some kind of Trigger. If a VPP is the route to go, how big does the VPP need to be? Big enough to cover all the powers used in a given phase by all allies, or does a Trigger allow me to get away with just enough to cover as many powers as are used in a single action (Multiple Attack/Combined Attack)?


A few notes on the power concept:

  • It is a Constant power that costs END to maintain.
  • It only applies to allies and the character themselves (although all her normal powers are fire-based already), never to enemies.
  • Only attack powers are affected. More accurately, the ultimate goal is to make all damage dealt into fire-damage. It doesn't need to affect Drains, Flashes and such, but should affect Damage Shields.
  • Ideally the SFX change is supposed to apply to the attack as it is made. So a Drain on Ice powers could still drain an Ice-themed blaster hero because his powers aren't shooting fire until the moment he uses them.
  • It is all or nothing. Either all allies and all attacks they make are made into fire, or none are (if the VPP size limits how many powers can be changed, the GM picks, not the players).
  • It doesn't change the defense an attack targets. Powers that act against PD still do so, even though they are fire-based.
  • There is a limited radius ideally around 25m that applies to the allies affected. The distance to the target of an ally's modified power isn't a factor

Any suggestions on Powers/Modifiers and such to consider in building this mess would be very helpful.

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Shouldn't need VPP for this.


If you are the GM, you can allow yourself to just add an Expanded Effect (All Attacks) modifier to a Variable SFX (FIRE) Naked Power Advantage, with the appropriate level of UBO applied to it. Flavor to taste / fine tune the exact set of features you are looking for.


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