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Power Frameworks and Instant Powers



If I have a power that is instant but has an ongoing effect, such as Flash, in a Power Framework, and I switch the Framework slot, does the effect of the power turn off?


Technically, Mind Control is in the same boat, as well as Drain.


Does the answer change in any of these cases?


Likewise, if I have a Constant Drain Power and I switch it, does all the drainage go away, or just the continually ticking Drain Effect?


Thank you for any answers!

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1 answer to this question

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In terms of attacks, like Flash and Drain, no, the effect doesn’t end when you switch slots — any more than it would with a Blast or Killing Attack. These are Instant Powers, and take effect instantly. That effect can’t be “erased,” as if the character had some form of instantaneous healing, just because the attacker switches the slots in his Power Framework. (Though of course he could Limit a slot to have such an effect, if desired.)


The same applies, more or less, to Mind Control and Telepathy — see 6E1 151 for specific rules.


Per 6E1 400, if a character switches a Power Framework away from a Constant Power slot that’s in use, the Constant Power immediately ceases to operate. In other words, it stops affecting/damaging the target. But that does not cause damage (or other effects) already accrued to “heal.”

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