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Champions 4th ed game for COVID Charity on Roll20!


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Greetings, heroes!


The world needs heroes! Ivan Snark, billionaire playboy philanthropist, has summoned costumed superheroes to join forces under the banner of Heroes Unlimited, an ad hoc group dedicated to Smashing Evil! Crushing Crime! and Speaking with Initial Caps and Exclamation Marks!


I am launching an episodic 4th edition Champions game for the benefit of COVID-19 research and prevention on Roll20 and Zoom, broadcast on Twitch. All are welcome; join for one session or the series.


Players must raise at least $50 for the CDC Foundation, an independent nonprofit authorized by Congress to support the Center for Disease Control's vital work (https://give.cdcfoundation.org/give/195963/#!/donation/checkout), or another worthy IRS-registered 501c3 tax-deductible charity providing COVID-19 relief. Details at GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/champions-smashing-covid19


Each session will begin in-game from the Heroes Unlimited mansion in New York and will aim in the real world to be a self-contained 4-hour event. Returning characters gain experience points to use to become even more mighty. Bring your own 4th edition Champions rules-compliant character (250 point build, 125 points base plus 125 disadvantages) or message me privately with your preferred hero profile and I will assign you a character from our stable of ready-made PCs. (Why 4th edition? Apart from the nostalgia--I still have the Big Blue Book and three-ring binder from my campaigns in the '80's and '90's!)


When the Danger Alert goes off in the Heroes Unlimited mansion, it's time for heroes to Assemble! Come join the fight! Smash Evil! Crush COVID! Game for Good! EXCELSIOR!


Roll20 listing here: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/225402/heroes-unlimited

GoFundMe page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/champions-smashing-covid19


Join in the heroic fight or help spread the word!


Steve "Koop" Kuperberg

Champions 4th Ed GM 1989-91 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, present-day Bethesda, MD

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@Panpiper It’s $50 for as long as the game lasts. The idea is for players to commit to raising the money for charity, not to discourage playing the game. It’s my hope that if people commit to raise $50, it won’t be hard to raise more than that—all for a good cause, y’know?

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Well, I'm a retiree shut in with little means to raise money. I can however afford to kick in $50. myself for an opportunity to play my favorite game again. I too played Champions back in the 80's, and those days remain some of my fondest memories.


What I would really like to do is to resurrect my character of old (starting points), faults and all, Ishtar. I do not remember how she developed spending XP, but somehow I remember her starting physical stats. I also remember, that when she started she had no skills purchased, which was an issue for more than a few, and a genuine failing on my part. I've been staring at hero designer having inputted those stats,  which came out to 'exactly' 250 points, with nothing left for skills, and then for inspiration turned to do disadvantages. (I failed to recall how hard it was to come up with 125 points of disads.) As I struggled, it occurred to me that frankly, coming out of a deep freeze, or whatever other thing caused her suspension for the better part of 40 years, might well have left her with brain damage and an amnesiac. That would account not only for a good few disad points, but also account for the fact that she starts with no skills!  😉


I actually have a tiny bit of experience playing on Roll20, (a few D&D sessions) and it is a darn sight easier to game with a map visible than to do so with theater of he mind.


Technically, very recently, I already started playing a version of my old character in a play by post game, but that version was created quite differently and with 6th edition rules. She looks similar and carries the same name, but mechanically she is 'very' different. The Ishtar of old, the one I would resurrect for your game, is essentially a high dex brick, bought 100% the hard way, no limitations of any sort on any power set or stats to reduce costs. She suffers two glaring weakness, one being not having any skills to start, and the other having all but 9" of running for movement. Her true super strength is not that she has the physical stats of a brick, but that she has the dex of a martial artist to go with it. The new Ishtar I am playing in the Play by Post game by contrast is 'not' particularly high dex, in fact she's a little on the low dex side, but she can fly at Mach 1.8! So yea, rather different.


I have played Hero System in many campaigns over the years, but only played supers in that very first campaign, all the others were different incarnations of Hero System. Despite that, Ishtar was a character always very dear to my heart. I hope you'll let me have her, faults and all.


I'm Peter Cohen by the way.

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Hi @BlueNimbus! Sure—I’ll be sure to post here when the game schedule is definite. Right now, we’re targeting Tuesday, May 19, at 8 pm ET on Roll20, Zoom, and Twitch. 

But even better, come join us! We currently have 4 players committed and there’s room for more. And the only entry fee is raising a little money for a worthy charity. Come on along!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We played our first game the other night and we had a grand old time. Roll20 worked just fine for us. The game continues next week, and I can hardly wait. Such a pleasure to revisit my favorite game in my favorite edition (I've also resurrected my favorite character, reincarnated from the 80's).

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Thanks, @Panpiper ! You were an invaluable addition to the game--and tonight should be fun, too! 


Even better--collectively, we raised over $700 for COVID-19 relief!


Anyone still interested in joining--we are planning to continue running this game as an episodic, "whoever's around the mansion this week"-style game. Players are welcome to join for one session or many. 


Roll20 listing here: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/225402/heroes-unlimited

GoFundMe page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/champions-smashing-covid19


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